
Good or Bad, Does it matter? (Harry Potter Fanfic)[TN]

(THIS FANFIC IS STILL BEING CONTINUED, I HAVE JUST SHIFTED IT TO A NEW BOOK, ITS TITLE IS : GOOD OR BAD, DOES IT MATTER?(YEAH, SAME TITLE) SO IF YOU WANT TO READ IT, YOU CAN CONTINUE THERE, I AM WRITING THIS ON 19 SEPTEMBER 2024, AND IT CURRENT HAS 149 CHAPTERS) Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon: patreon.com/lucifer09. I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. It is a translation, it belongs to Soma, and I have his permission.

Lucifer09 · 書籍·文学
120 Chs

Chapter 88

" ... Therefore, I think that this subject should be included in the school curriculum. I have said everything, thank you for your attention, I hope you make the right decision," Severus finished calmly, looking at the silent listeners, and then, looking at the three old people, he nodded and returned to his place. 

After Severus, the previous speaker returned to the "stage". "We thank Mr. Prince for such an interesting speech," the man looked in his direction with a reassuring smile. "Voting is carried out as usual: one vote of each of the three chief judges is equal to ten, the votes of the members of the "Board of Trustees" - two, and the rest - one. You have half an hour to think it over." An hourglass appeared next to him and turned over. "Time is running out, if you have any further questions, you can ask Mr. Prince," he added calmly,

At the same time, the wizards began to whisper among themselves, while no one was in a hurry to ask questions, because Snape had already told everything in too much detail, and in the hands of each lay a stack of papers with all the graphs, calculations and a brief retelling of the entire "presentation". 

And if someone really asked a question, he would look like a fool in the eyes of others. Therefore, for the next half hour, apart from whispering and rustling clothes, nothing was heard in the hall, and Severus himself looked completely calm, which caused respect among the wizards watching him, because not everyone at his age, even among the children of purebloods, could withstand this pressure. 

Although there were those who looked at him with irritation. But they were in a vast minority. 

"Damn poseur…" Crouch thought contemptuously, watching the "bored" wizard, who seemed not to care about today's decision. The man simply did not believe that a boy could come up with this before even finishing his school. 

Of course, many others had similar thoughts, but no one began to focus on this, because it was no longer their problem, but the "Department of Magical Law Enforcement", if someone suddenly appears who tries to claim "laurels" from the promotion of this project . 

Thirty minutes passed completely unnoticed, and when the last grain of sand fell, the sound of "popping" attracted the attention of the wizards gathered in the hall. 

"We ask you to start voting," the man who appeared on the "stage" removed the hourglass and looked up at the row with the "ordinary" members of the "Department of Magical Education". 

"Raise your hands, those who are in favor of introducing this subject into the school curriculum," most of them raised their hands, but, of course, there were those who abstained. 

"Thank you, please vote," the orator turned to the twelve wizards, among whom was Abraxas Malfoy, who almost immediately raised their hands in unanimity. "Thank you," nodding to them, he finally focused his attention on the three old men, but did not say anything, but only waited for their decision. "I support Mr. Prince," Dumbledore said with a good-natured smile. 

"I also agree with Albus, the young man has done a great job, and it would be a sin to reject his proposal, which will only serve the benefit of the future generation of wizards in our country," the elderly man chuckled, stroking his long beard, looking at Snapewith interest. "My decision won't solve much, but I have a question for you, young man. 

"Please ask," Severus calmly nodded as he stood up from his seat and looked into the eyes of the "Peak Master," who appeared to be the oldest of the three chief judges. 

"Was it your idea?" 

"No, I took it from the Muggle world and completely redesigned it for the magical world. The textbooks and all the other additional material was written by me personally and checked by Headmaster Dumbledore before getting to you." Severus didn't really want to hide this fact, because sooner or later it would have surfaced anyway, and now, when most of the votes were on his side, it no longer mattered, and seeing the sour faces of Malfoy and the rest of the purebloods wizards was worth it. "I see, then answer me one more question," the old man continued, as if not surprised by his answer. "Why do you need this?" 

"For the sake of future generations and the country as a whole," the Slytherin lied without blinking an eye. Do not tell him that this is for the sake of fame and the largest library in the world, to which only outstanding personalities could get a pass, who made a great contribution to education, but, of course, this "glory" had other uses. 

"I see... I also vote yes." 

Bowing to the old man, the man at the stage smiled brightly. "Due to the fact that most of the wizards gathered here voted for the inclusion of "Safety of life and health" in the school curriculum, it was decided to comply with the proposal of Severus Prince. At this, the meeting is declared closed." 

Although some of those gathered in the hall looked very unhappy that they were not warned that this item was only an analogue of the Muggle, but at the same time, the majority was convinced by the Archmage's arguments and the need for this subject for the younger generation of young wizards. 

"Mr. Prince, I ask you to stay for additional questions." Severus already expected something like this, so he was in no hurry to leave the hall, but merely nodded. 

"Congratulations, Mr. Prince," a smiling Albus approached him. 

"Thank you, and thank you for agreeing to help me in this difficult task. If not for your signature, perhaps I would not have reached this "stage"."

"Don't be modest, you would have succeeded even without me," and, noticing the approaching leader, the old man patted Severus on the shoulder. "Good luck, young man, don't expect to go home early today."

"It's understandable, thank you Headmaster, and have a good day…" After the old man left the hall, that man immediately approached him. 

"Come on, Mr. Prince, we won't take you more than half an hour," but, catching the Slytherin's mocking glance, he coughed awkwardly and smiled. 

"Maybe a couple of hours, but you will definitely be back home before twelve," he added cheerfully. 

"Let's go, I'll take your word for it…" 


 And, as Dumbledore said, Severus really had to stay that day for a long time, almost until midnight, solving additional questions, but still, in addition to this, he was also able to get to know and establish good relations with the head of the "Department of Magical Education" - that the old man who voted last, as well as his deputy, who voted second. 

Although they were both Pureblood wizards, like most of the department, they were not fools, obsessed with purity of blood and disdain for Muggles, which is why Snapewas able to establish a common language with them. 

As for the subject, it will be introduced this year, because it was not so difficult. Almost anyone could reach it, especially using the manuals for teachers from the first to the seventh year, which were written by "Severus". 

After all, even three months is enough for the preparation of a teacher, which will come from the Ministry of Magic to increase control. 

Although the subject was easy, it was quite important in the development of young wizards. 

Of course, this wasn't the only day Snape spent within the walls of the Department of Magical Education, as he also had to deal with some smaller issues related to books. 

The book, in order to become part of the school curriculum, passed through a huge number of hands of censors who studied every word, checked literacy, looked at the style of the book and demanded an explanation of any incomprehensible or ambiguous points. It was a very long and painstaking work, at times Severus even wanted to rip out the beards of some of them, requiring explanations and so understandable things, specifically trying to piss him off. Although not without "accidents":

 After these incidents, many of the old men moderated their ardour and no longer pulled him out of his thoughts over trifles. Although they were not sure that it was he who had done all these atrocities, just in case, the censors decided to suspend the "persecution" organised by one particular person, because after all, one's own skin is more valuable than a couple of hundred Galleons. 

There were a lot of books, so they had to tinker with them for almost three weeks. But Severus, of course, didn't just "rest", but started researching the available library in the Ministry of Magic, although he had no doubt that a larger one was hidden somewhere, only he didn't have time to look for it, and how to look, when you're being watched all day? 

It wasn't until the fourth week that Snape was done with all the BJ&Z(the subject's short form) business, and even met a future teacher of this subject- a middle-aged man, as well as a retired Auror, who has a very good memory and has long been looking for a job, because after a leg injury he could no longer fulfil his duty sufficiently. 

And, having convinced himself of the correct choice of the teacher, the Slytherin could finally calmly entrust the rest to the ministry, but still he was going to double-check everything just in case two weeks before the start of studies. 

After all, he didn't really want all sorts of crooked-armed idiots who imagined themselves to be clever men to try to spoil something with their stupid advice and amendments, without his knowledge, because there were already precedents that Snapestopped in the bud, because if he ever gives in to them , then such a young man will only show his weakness, and then they will begin to get him worse than before. 

And finally, exactly one month later, he left the walls of the Ministry of Magic, which in this short time managed to make him so sick of it, and for moments he just wanted to burn one particular group of old people. And only the fact that they calmed down at the end of the second week, as if sensing danger, saved their lives, and there were almost no normal books there, because most of them were veiled propaganda nonsense. 

In general, he had to deal with those books that Madam Pomfrey gave him. So a third of his vacation passed.






I have seen the comments demanding earlier chapters, I don't know what's the deal about them but they won't be uploaded for now since Lucifer has not been discharged yet and it may not be possible for him to write again so quickly. He may need some rest after discharge so yeah, the starting chapter Will not be uploaded for now.


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