
Second kick

we have gone to the place where the sound is raising ,nothing is there just some drunkyards are playing casino for betting. I have seen into hope's face. is very hungry ,but I want to play casino for bet, I asked him for playing casino, ignored and shouted no. and again here reply what will be our position if the $1 went off. I realised but still I want to play for bet. I pushed hope and kept the Dollar on the table drunkyard seen me and asked will you play for bet?? even to He did not like this I I replied yes I will play. we have played for 15 minutes and my dollar was gone!!! I have lost the bat hope is very anger with me and kick the woods at the place. then a tall dunkard with so much beard call me back and given me a Dollar to play again. I was amazed and played again. this time I have got 16 dollars. I am so happy now and hopes face gets glow. I gave a $1 to the drunkyard back and we went off from there. we enjoyed $5 for dinner and hope said the $10 for tomorrow but I have not listened and drinked for the $10. after drinking we slept there. in the middle of the sleep hope is murmuring something that I can't listen. I had got up and sat there. he is he is feeling very bad about our life situation is talking about our daily life no food no shelter no clothes we want to live like a rich man. but we can't is murmuring again and again a robbery makes our life fulfill. I amazed at the idea. under thought came to me to rob the bank but it's a routine Idea and I realised that it's not so easy as the thieves from the bank as shown in movies. that's it I think the all night about a wonderful robbery which make our lives super successful. the next day morning we are so hungry and hope is still feeling bad about our life and murmuring something and something in his mouth then a strong wind started and all the papers and dust started flying. pamplate hit my head and flying away I have I have got it and start reading, it's all about party in coming in two days and given a warning to do not enter the area around half kilometre square from the party house. it's so rich party and he is an official businessman in the City. I kept it was I and again started thinking about hope .after reading this article I am very excited to robber something and my mind got working very fast and some exciting feeling in my body I can't stop my anxiety. assorted hard yeah!!! I got a plan, I got a plan!!! and then hope hold my mouth and push me down. he question me what are you doing are you gone mad. I replied sorry I have got a plan which fulfills our life. the hope face blown and ask me what's the plan. that is I started saying then the ganga skies started sounding and rain started suddenly we run from there for the shelter.....

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