
Goliath - 9

As tension and World War 3 rises, The United states has no choice but to attack once they have been hit first. All the nations in the world are fighting against each other with no allies. Shaw, a notorious Russian terrorist, proceeds to kill millions in order to acquire world domination. 19 year old Jasiah King, a kid who grew up into trouble, a super soldier who was trained to kill at a young age, decides to fight alongside the United States army rangers. On his journey, he finds love, blood, and brutality. Warning : My book contains scenes of brutal and graphic war violence, some language, some sensuality, thematic elements, crude humor, and scenes of bloody torture.

Joshua_Linton · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Unknown Location

Hours later

10:14 am 

Samantha King, Jasiah's mother, whom he has never met, sat in a chair on the roof of her 100 foot wide safehouse/base. The sky was bright and the sun shined brightly, and she had dozens upon dozens of armed guards surrounding and occupying the base. Samantha had reddish orange hair and green eyes. She was drinking orange juice in a fancy wine glass, until her assistant attended to the side of her chair.

Her assistant said to Samantha, "Um sorry to bother you but Levine is here to see you."

Samantha replied, "Marcus Levine?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Send him up."

"Yes ma'am."

"And stop saying yes ma'am. Making me feel old."

Samantha took another sip of her orange juice. And seconds later Marcus Levine walked up on the roof. He had slick dark grayish black hair, and some wrinkles on his face, brown eyes, and glasses.

He spoke to Samantha saying, "Samantha?"

She replied with, "Marcus."

"Did you get what I sent?"

"Yep. Seems like Shaw wants you dead."

"Did you even read what I sent?"

"Yes. And it looks like Shaw wants you dead. I know you were using Chris Toma to distribute weapons to some underground rebels. Little did you know Toma was only supposed to deliver to Shaw."

"Toma had a run in with cops yesterday. Many of his men were killed."

"Okay so what does that have to do with me?"

"Meaning he's made. The U.S has a one up and more info on us."

"Us? What do you mean?"

"I have guys on the inside. Your name was brought up in the pentagon. And your son was in there."

Samantha quickly looked at Marcus. 

She said, "Impossible. He's dead. Anyway did you move your men into taking down Haines?"

"We've been trying. He moves locations every 10 hours to avoid detection. Figured if we can take him down, we can find the blueprints for the techs that he got from Volk."


"Machines. Like these nine feet battle bots made of metal and steel."

"Where's Volk?"

"We heard he'll be in New York in a few hours. But we'll get him after we take down Haines."

"Okay. Because I have some men of mine trying to recover the device that controls the sky missiles. I wanna use it on theWhite House. I can't risk sending my men down there and manually killing President Mason."

"My men could get it done quickly."

"Oh please you and you steroid junkie brainwashed assassins?"

"Don't underestimate them."

"I'm not, I seen what your men could do. But it's not the right time to hit the President."

"Well what's the moves now?"

"We wait. Well that's what I'm doing. I suggest you figure out what you're gonna say to Shaw. I know you saw what he did in Texas. He's practically untouchable."

"Trust me he has some weak points"

"With the nation's fighting against each other it's gonna be hard to make a move. But our most important task is to capture Volk."

"I'll send some of my men to New York. It's peaceful there for right now we won't have to worry about any men dying on entry."

"Precisely. Take some of mine with you."

"I didn't ask but okay. I'll be in contact if something new comes about," Marcus said, walking away as his guards followed him.

Samantha kept thinking about the name "Jasiah", convincing herself that her son was dead. Trying to forget about all the hell she put him through just when he was young at age to teach him how to survive in the world. And how she sent Jasiah to a program called "IVY", which was a program designed to make young kids less than the age of eleven elite marksmans, hitmen/assassins, and highly trained close combat fighters. Jasiah joined the program when he was 7 and escaped when he was 10 along with other children who escaped with him. Jasiah then was found by his own father, who took him in and raised him. Even though Jasiah would do terrible in school and always get in trouble with the law. But overall, Jasiah is a good kid, goes to church, and is pretty intelligent. But most people don't know how dangerous Jasiah really is. His abilities and skill can take down a whole army by itself, but the passion and love in his heart goes all the way for someone. So the feelings he has for Leah are real. He never thought he would actually fall in love with someone until he saw Leah for the first time. But Jasiah swore to himself the day his dad died that he would do whatever it takes to kill Shaw.


Russian forces invading Germany

"Slay Day"

Berlin was a firehouse, flames and dead bodies presumed to ignite the city. Russian forces dropping in from parachutes, and the space missiles that were used in Texas were smacking down onto buildings and homes. Germans 22nd infantry troops were holding a building and defending it against Russian troops. Soldiers from both sides were getting shot down and killed every second. Grenades were being thrown, and gore scattered through the field. Some soldiers throughout Berlin were helping families escape, some families were shot at, and fire chased them. Shaw was a good distance away from the battle but saw everything from the top of the building he was standing on. Shaw lowered his binoculars and looked at Haines, who was standing right beside him.

Shaw asked Haines, "What's the status of the German president?"

"Shaihya is here."


"Oh sorry um, our satellites from the missiles have eyes on him." 

Haines was holding a device that controlled the missiles from the sky. He zoomed into the screen pinching his fingers on it and saw German soldiers escorting President Shaihya into a bunker. Haines leaned the device towards Shaw, and Shaw looked at it. 

Shaw said, "Is that his daughter running with him?"

"I think so, yeah it is."

Shaw grinned, "Oh how she's grown up. Have some men take her alive and brought to me as a trophy of victory. And then when we have the chance, we'll have President Mason's daughter as a trophy as well."

"And what about Shaihya?"

"Kill him."

Down in the battle, German president Shaihya and his 22 year old daughter Summer ran through destroyed houses and fire walls, while being escorted by troops. More houses were blowing up around them, and they were jumping over dead bodies. Shaihya tripped and fell down, the soldiers around him and Summer stopped running to help him off the bloody ground. 

One of the soldiers yelled to him, "Are you alright sir?!!!"

Shaihya yelled back in German, "Yes now keep going! The bunker isn't very far!"

Soldiers were shooting each other down and taking cover in the process. Shaihya and his daughter were keeping their heads down as they were outside in the middle of gunfire and tormented souls. Shaihya was shot through the back, but he kept running as no one noticed. 3 Russian tanks started approaching them from the front, and Russian planes were in the sky fighting the German planes. One of the soldiers yelled, "Tanks up ahead, go right!!"

Everyone ran to the right, as the tanks shot and missed, hitting a nearby building, destroying it into little pieces. Summer, Shaihya and the other soldiers got inside a partly destroyed building. Summer and Shaihya sat on the floor in front of a large concrete block. 

One of Shaihya's troops said to Summer and Shaihya, "Look, theres enemy infantry near the evac. We're gonna have to sit here for a bit until our men clear it out."

Shaihya just nodded and his troops started to post up at different windows. Gunfire and explosions still made a racket outside, dead bodies covered the ground in pools of blood. Shaihya grabbed his daughters arm, she looked at him with fear. Shaihya stared at her until she noticed the blood flowing from his back. She screamed and clutched her dad's shoulder, then flipped him to his stomach. 

"No, no, no, no," she repeated.

Shaihya said,"Listen to me. You need to get to the evac helicopter. It's the only way. If you stay, you die. I love you."

"I'm not leaving you."

Suddenly, a hail of bullets started blasting through the windows and ended up killing Shaihya and his soldiers. Summer quickly laid down on the floor covering her head. Bullets smacked everything in the house, even Shaihya'a body. Window were shattering and the wall was getting torn apart. A few seconds later the shooting ceased, and Summer peeked her head up, and then sat up. There was smoke filling the room, and there was glass stuck in Summers hand. She panicked as dust blocked her vision. She slammed her back against the wall as she stared at the glass inside her hand. She breathed heavily with a tear running down her eye. She used her right hand to get a grip on the glass, and as soon as she touched it, a sharp pain streamed through her arm. 

"Ahh!" She yelled. She took a few more deep breaths, then went ahead and ripped it out. She screamed to the top of her lungs, then covered her mouth. More tears ran down her face, and blood leaked from her hand. She knew she couldn't stay long. She waved her hand through the dust trying to find a back door. She walked and walked, then opened a door to the outside. She saw planes fighting in the sky, tanks shooting shells at each other, barbed wire and trenches in the ground with soldiers occupying. Summer shook her head, she didn't want to run past them. But if she stayed, she would die from either suffocation or the enemy troops that shot inside the building, they knew she was in there. Summer stood there taking cover at the door trying to figure out what she was going to do. She suddenly heard Russians entering the house she was in. She hurried up and ripped a piece of her jacket off and wrapped it around her bloody hand. She ran out the door and was headed straight for the evac chopper. Bullets flew past her and grenades were thrown at her.  She jumped out the way and landed into a trench. About ten grenades were going off rapidly around the trenches. She continued to run and run while the Germans and Russians fought each other off. She kept her head down as she climbed out trench. She ran through the battlefield, and as she ran, a smoking plane was falling towards her. Seconds later, a man tackled her out the way and the plane missed them by an inch. The plane blew up on the ground, and the man was laying beside Summer.  He stood up quick and helped up Summer and said, "You headed to the evac chopper?!"

Summer replied, "Yeah!"

"Follow me!"

The man looked like a German soldier but his face was covered in a black mask. They both ran through the warzone, as tanks rolled past them. The man pulled out a pistol and started shooting and killing nearby Russian soldiers. 

The man yelled "Get down!" Summer and the man dropped down and a tank blew up near them.

The man said, "Okay, let's go it's just up here!" They both got up from the ground, and they kept running. They were a few feet away from the evac helicopter, and Summer was out of breath. Berlin was almost in ashes as the war continued to go on. Summer and the man was at the helicopter, and a sigh of relief and pain came out of her. The helicopter doors opened, and Haines was sitting in it holding a pistol, smiling. 

Summer yelled, "You!" Then she turned around and looked at the German man. The man slowly took his mask off and it was Shaw. 

Summer said, :Shaw.."

Summer was hit in the back of the head by Haines, and she fell to the ground unconscious.

Shaw looked at Haines and said, "Why didn't you use the chloroform rag?"

"I thought it was quicker."

"We don't hit females. Now get her on there."


3-F7 Safehouse in Atlanta 

3 hours later

Jasiah, Leah, Kelsan, Rachelle, and Jack Morrissey were still sitting in the chopper while it lowered onto the helipad. The safehouse was at last 47 feet wide and 80 feet tall.

Jasiah said, "Oh yeah this is serious."

Rachelle replied, "Aw you're gonna cry?"

"No are you?"

"No are you?"

"I swear.."

Jack said, "Alright so the rest of the team is already inside on the 2nd floor."

The chopper legs touched safely on the helipad, while the wing blades were shutting down. Jasiah was about to get up, until Keslan grabbed Jasiah's arm and yanked him back in the seat. Jasiah looked at Kelsan oddly, then Keslan said, "Help Leah out the chopper."

Jasiah said, "Why? She can walk. I'm no simp either."

"It's polite bro. Just do it, trust me."

Jasiah shook his head and moved from beside Keslan and stepped in front of Leah before she got off the chopper, and got off. Jasiah reached his hand out to Leah and said to Leah, "Here I got you."

Leah looked at Jasiah, laughed, and said, "Haha I got it. Thank you though." Leah stepped off the chopper and walked past Jasiah. Rachelle and Jack then stepped off and started walking towards the entrance. Keslan got off last and Jasiah was sitting there with his hand still in the same "let me help you" position.

Jasiah made eye contact with Keslan and said, "That was embarrassing Keslan."

Keslan replied, "It's the thought that counts. At least you offered, right?"

"Still embarrassing, I don't care. She doesn't like me."

"Jasiah, you don't know that."


3 minutes later, Jasiah, Leah, Keslan, Rachelle, and Jack were walking through the safehouse escorted by Sgt. Brandon. Jasiah looked around in amazement, along with the rest of the group. The inside was bigger than it looked from the outside; way bigger.

Sgt Brandon started to say,"So you know everything thats going on so I don't need to explain myself."

Keslan asked Brandon, "Who are you?"

Brandon looked at Rachelle and said, "Colonel, tell this kid who I am."

Rachelle just looked at Brandon, not saying a word. Brandon rolled his eyes and stopped walking, and faced the group. 

Brandon sighed and said, "My name is Sgt. Brandon. I'll be fighting alongside you during this war. Any questions? Good. Now i'm gonna let you meet the team. We don't have a lot of time before we have to move out to New York. But we'll talk more about that later. Follow me."

The group followed Brandon through the safehouse, headed towards "F" building. The safehouse had at least a thousand soldiers and a few nurses and doctors; it was heavily occupied and also noisey. Minutes later, the group entered a giant black room with only a few orange lights in there, and four fighter jets. They started walking in it and saw a table in the middle of the room. With a team standing near it talking. The team at the table turned around and looked at Jasiah and his team. The team was Tank, Mitchell, Triston, Kayla, and Donnie. Brandon led Jasiah and his group to meet the team. Keslan looked straight at Kayla and was in love. Kayla just looked at him and rolled her eyes. 

Keslan said to himself quietly, "Yep. She likes me."

Sgt.Brandon stood in the middle of both groups and started to say, "Okay. I'm pretty sure you guys already know each other. So let's go head and get this out the way. We leave in 3 hours. We just got word Volk will be in New York around that time, and that he's bringing an army with him."

Rachelle then said, "We also know that he will also be taking down communication satellites in the area so our comms would be jammed. Guess someone tipped them off that we were having Jasiah broadcast. They'll be using ear contracted comms. So, our whole team right here will have ear comms directly to and from each other."

Tank asked Rachelle, "Wait hold up girl, what if we ever need to give a location for the fighter jets? You know to like, blow some bodies up?"

"That's why we got smoke signals."

"What if we run out?"

"We won't."

Jack asked Rachelle, "So whats the first move when they get there?"

Rachelle got up close to the square table and pointed at the piece of paper with the locations and stores throughout New York on it.

She then said, "To let you guys know, we are Delta squad. We'll have three groups of you guys entering through different parts of downtown. The first group is Jasiah, Triston, Leah, Keslan, and myself. The second team will be Kayla, Sgt. Brandon, and Tank. The third team will be Mitchell and Donnie, who'll be given certain rooftop locations providing cover for us."

Mitchell replied, "Sounds good."

"So my team will be moving through the restaurants over here. And we'll be cutting through the stock exchange and thrift store to get to the American Stave Assembly. But first, we'll head to the News station for Jasiah to broadcast. And team two will drop from the sky and into the mall, making their way to the Assembly as well, meeting us; along with Mitchell and Donnie. Then after we complete our first mission, then Jasiah and Keslan will sabotage then subs underwater, while the rest of us are eliminating enemy forces in the harbor. Oh yeah and Jasiah, Cindy will get you patched into the broadcast feed so we wont have to worry about bad guys blocking you out of the stations system."

Brandon said, "Sounds good. Now, this room is where our team is gonna gear up and all that extra stuff. Thats why theres vests and guns everywhere. So, let's gear up." Everyone spreaded out and started to grab equipment and uniforms. Jasiah walked to a table with a green and brown bullet proof vest and some assault rifles. Triston walked up beside Jasiah and said, "Jasiah."

Jasiah looked at him and said, "Triston?"

"Thought you were dead after we escaped IVY?"

"No, I thought you were dead. Barely any of us made it out alive there and we were only kids."

"Koleji is still alive."

"What? How?"

"I don't even know man. I don't know. That means she's associated with Shaw still, meaning a whole new era of hell will start again."

"It already has."

"Not yet it hasn't. Something bigger than this is gonna happen. Remember what we saw when we were younger? Remember what they were trying to experiment on us?"

Keslan suddenly walks up to Jasiah and Triston and said, "You guys know each other?"

Jasiah said to Triston, "Triston this is a good friend and brother of mine. Triston, Keslan, Keslan, Triston."

Triston reaches his hand over to Keslan and said, "Wassup."

Keslan shakes hands with Triston and replies, "Wassup brodie."

Over at a different table, Rachelle, Brandon and Jack were talking.

Rachelle asked Jack, "So when will the reporter girl be here?"

Jack replied, "She's four minutes out. She has connections inside of the Chris Toma and Marcus Levine party. She was at the white house and her sidekick should be on the way with her."

"Cage is his name right?"


Brandon looked at Jack and said, "I know you brought Triston here on purpose."

"Listen, him and Jasiah were in that IVY program together, they know more than we know about Shaw and Koleji."

Rachelle said, "But what about Samantha? And where was Jasiah's dad when he was in that program?"

Jack replied, "He was forced into going back on a mission after just coming home. Meaning Samantha was watching over Jasiah while the dad was gone. But no one knows how Jasiah got there and where Samantha ended up."

"So what, are we gonna sit Jasiah and Triston in an interrogation room and...interrogate them?"

Brandon replied, "Pretty much. But we'll do that after the invasion."

Leah and Kayla were over at the outfits table, gossiping about everyone in the room.

Kayla pointed at Jasiah and asked Leah, "What about him over there?"

"Oh that's Jasiah, I met him at basic training and he was with me during the Texas invasion. He saved my life."

"He's pretty hot," Kayla said smiling.

Leah chuckled a little bit, then made an annoyed face. 

Mitchell, Donnie, and Tank were at another weapons table showing off their guns, and putting magazines in them. 

Donnie said to Mitchell and Tank, "Triston must know that Jasiah kid."

Mitchell replied, "I don't trust him or Triston. I know you guys heard about the IVY league rumors. Jasiah and Triston were both in it. I'd keep my distance if I were you guys."

Tank said, "Keep your voice down, you know how IVY children's hearing is."

"Yeah whatever. They better not talk to me."

Donnie said, "They did nothing to you. Loosen up."

Tank said, "Just keep focused on tryna kill evil niggas."

A few minutes later, Cindy and Cage walked in the room, amazed. Rachelle, Brandon, and Jack turned his attention to them and started walking towards them. Cindy and Cage stuck their hands out to meet them and they all shook hands. 

Rachelle asked Cage, "Cage I thought you were staying at the Pentagon?"

Cage replied, "New plans from the President and The General: Me and Cindy tag along, but were kinda like the techno professor X hacker people."


Cindy said, "Our informant is in Cuba working with the resistance to figure out the whereabouts of Chris Toma, Haines, and Shaw. But we'll send word for them to arrive."

Jack said, "No that's a bad idea. We don't want to mess up their operation. Just have them fill us in on whatever they find out. In the meantime, I'm sending some of my guys out to Calabasas. Heard they have an underground operation under there for Toma. Toma has been an aid for Shaw and Haines delivering high powered weapons and silent assassins. We kill him, then that's one less loose end."

Jasiah walked up to Leah's table, all geared up and had his weapons ready. 

Jasiah said, "Leah."

Kayla and Leah turned around looking at Jasiah. 

Kayla reached her hand out to Jasiah and said, "Hi I'm Kayla."

Jasiah shook her hand and said, "Jasiah."

Kayla then looked at Leah, then back at Jasiah, then back at Leah and said, "I see. So I'm gonna go over there now. Catch you guys on the plane." 

Kayla started walking away and Leah started laughing. 

Jasiah said to her, "I see you made friends already."

"I see you made friends too. So how you like them so far?"

"I haven't met them all. Kayla just seems like a stan - girl."

Leah laughed and said, "Stop being mean. Or I'll shoot you."

"Pretty sure your aim isn't as good as mine."

"Bet you $100 it is."

"Okay, after the invasion we'll go through the target course. The winner is the one who finishes with the best time. Hitting every target. All for $100."

"Deal," Leah shook Jasiahs hand.

Mitchell from a distance made disgusting looks towards Jasiah and then shook his hand.

Fifteen minutes later, Sgt. Brandon walked in the middle of the room and said, "Alright guys. We're moving out."

Jasiah and his team all looked at each other and nodded. Leah squeezes Jasiahs hand, and Jasiah takes deep breaths. Everyone started to walk out the room, with their gear on and their guns in their hands. Outside, helicopters, tanks, and soldiers were making a racket, all moving rapidly. Jasiah, Leah, Triston, Keslan, and Rachelle had an assigned helicopter to them, as well as the other team members did cause they were gonna be landing in different areas of the battlefield. 

The team got in a huddle and Sgt. Brandon said, "Okay, we all know what we're supposed to do right?"

Everyone nodded, and Brandon continued, "Good. Watch each other out there, always find cover, watch out for strays. God keep us. Let's move out!"

Everyone split apart and started jogging to their assigned choppers. Jasiah hopped in first and then helped Leah inside. Then helped Rachelle inside. Triston and Keslan hopped in on their own. 

Rachelle yelled to the pilot, "Take us up!" 

The chopper started rising, got higher and higher along with other choppers, then started to drift away into the distance, heading to the warzone in New York.

Keslan said, "Guys. I'm gonna throw 


Jasiah replied, "Please don't."

"I don't know man."

Triston said to Keslan, "Just think about something positive."

"I'll just put myself to sleep."

Jasiah looked to his left, where Leah was sitting beside him. Everyone was talking to each other already, so Jasiah said to Leah, "Hey, you okay?"

Leah responded, "Sucks when you know you're getting ready to get shot at, right?"

"When you put it like that then yeah."

"You know what else? There's plenty more to come after this."

"Well, we joined. We just have to accept reality. No matter what, war is always around the corner. And plus we got each other's backs out there."

"I like that, where did you get that from?"

"Oh my mother. She had written that quote on some pillow she left for me."

"Samantha, right?"


"Hope to reconnect with her during the war?"

"Time will tell. But if I do, then I just wanna know why she left."

A couple hours later, hundreds of choppers, planes, and jets were in the sky, including Jasiah's team. New York was crawling with Russian and American soldiers, including Samantha's soldiers; buildings were smoking up to the sky as well. 

Rachelle got on the radio and said, "Okay, we're almost to our drop, is everyone at theirs yet?"

Sgt.Brandon responded on comms, "Yeah we're dropping now, what about Mitchell and Donnie?"

Mitchell responded, "We're already on the roof, there's a lot of hostiles around us fighting allies; we'll do what we can from up here!"

Triston opened the chopper door and looked down at the destruction and screams of warfare. 

He yelled, "Almost there!"

Rachelle responded, "Roger!"

Rockets flew past their chopper, but it still stayed stable gliding through the sky. Jasiah and everyone else gripped their rifles firmly, not ready to get out of the chopper. Keslan and Jasiah nodded at each other, a few seconds later, the back of the chopper was hit by a speeding missile. The chopper started spinning rapidly, as everyone was struggling to hang on to their seats. 

Leah yelled, "We can't stay in here! Jump!!"

Triston yelled, "Go! Go! Go!"

Leah jumped out the spinning chopper, falling through the sky; Jasiah jumped next, then Kelsan, then Rachelle and Triston. The pilot was shot through the glass, and was instantly killed. The team was gliding and falling down to the ground, as missiles and bullets and falling helicopters surrounded them. They were getting closer to the ground, then Leah pulled her parachute first, floating down fast, Jasiah did the same, and so did everyone else. Leah landed hard on top of a car, smashing every window in it. Leah ripped her parachute away from her, and rolled of the car onto the ground. There was ally soldiers in front of her, in a gunfight with Russian soldiers. Jasiah landed behind Leah, smacking a building on the way down. He hit the ground in pain, and moved the parachute away from him. Leah saw him, and ran to him while she was getting shot at. She kept her head down, as she approached Jasiah, grabbed his hand and helped him up. Jasiah rose back up and they both got into cover behind a destroyed car. Jasiah sat up and started shooting at the Russians, killing one of them, before another one shot near Jasiah's face, bullets smacked the car as he got into cover. 

Rachelle was landing, and she crashed through a building window on the tenth floor. She laid on the floor as glass shattered around her. She grunted, grabbed her rifle which was beside her, and used it to help herself up. She hurried to the window, and looked down at the destruction and warfare. She looked around at her surroundings, and looked for a way down back to her team. She was in too high of a floor to jump down; she got on the radio and said, "Jasiah!"

Jasiah got to cover behind a 5 foot brickpile, got on his radio, and responded, "Rachelle where are you?"

"I don't see you guys, I landed through an office building, approximately forty floors. Did the rest of us land with you?"

"Yeah their accounted for, Leah, Triston, and Keslan. We landed right in the middle of a firefight."

"Okay, I still have the city map. I'm heading towards the communication towers. I'll meet you guys there, remember its on top of the exchange. Main mission: head to the assembly, that's where we believe Volk is hiding. But that works out for us because theres a broadcast station in the assembly. And If he's not there, then we attack the subs in the harbor, thats also where we think Volk will be if he's not in the Assembly."

"Got it. Jasiah out."

Rachelle checked her rifle, nodded her head, then turned around to find a way out the building. Planes and fighter jets in the sky were battling, shooting each other down and firing missiles towards one another. Jets were crashing into buildings, and tall buildings were falling to the ground.

Leah was hit on the side of the face by an incoming fist, she staggered back as the nearby enemy pulled up his gun to try and shoot her. Leah immediately reacted, whipping out her knife and jabbing the soldier through the chest, ripped it out, then stabbed him in the heart. He fell to the ground, and Leah picked her gun back up and started to run behind a pile of rocks. She started shooting bad guys on the way there, and they shot back at her. Bullets penetrated everything, Kelsan kicked a bad guy through a window, shot many bullets inside of him, then kept moving forward. Triston was reloading his gun while he was behind a truck getting shot at. He peeked his head, then quickly put his head back. Jasiah and Keslan both jumped on top of the same car and started releasing a hail of bullets at the Russians across, killing them one by one. Two enemy soldiers took cover, then sat up and shot at Leah. Leah ducked down into cover behind a blue car, waiting for a good opportunity to fire back. She looked down at her hip and saw a grenade, she pulled it out, pulled the pin, popped the ring off, held it for a couple seconds, then tossed it over across her head. The grenade landed near three enemies, blew up, and killed them all. An enemy soldier was in the building beside Leah ready to shoot her, Jasiah noticed and shot down the enemy. Leah, Triston, Jasiah, and Keslan started moving forward with their allies, pushing the Russians. Russians soldiers shot at them, they all got to cover, avoiding the gunfire. Triston turned around and looked up and saw a plane on fire landing towards them. 

Triston yelled to the team, "Get down!!!"

The team put themselves on the ground, the plane literally almost touched them, as it crashed into the building in front of them. The Russians were taking cover as well.

Jasiah yelled, "Let's go!"

They all stood up and started moving forward, shooting down enemy after enemy. A Russian was shooting at Leah, Leah dropped down and shot him multiple times in the stomach. Jasiah shot a nearby Russian down and stomped on his head. Triston and Kelsan were shooting rounds into the enemy infested buildings.

Leah yelled, "All clear!"

Jasiah replied, "Good, we have to take a right here. Then cut through some of these buildings. Let's move."

Jasiah and the team started running to the right, onto the next road.  

Triston said to the team, "Watch your heads!"

They kept running down the street, then out of nowhere four enemy jeeps with turret guns on top.

Jasiah said, "You gotta be kidding."

The turrets started shooting, and Jasiah and his team all got behind a large tipped over truck. Enemy soldiers started coming out buildings and shooting as well. 

Keslan yelled, "Guys, were outnumbered."

Triston replied, "We can see that Keslan."

Jasiah said, "Well, their blocking off the building we were gonna go in. We have to at least clear half of them out the way, pop smoke, then make our way to the building."

Jasiah stood up and moved behind a cop car to the left of the truck. Bullets clanged everywhere, Jasiah was shooting back. Triston sat up, and started shooting, killing one of the bad guys. A Russian soldier took cover behind a wall, and began shooting at Leah's position. She stopped shooting and ducked into cover. Leah moved away from the truck and quickly ran behind a giant building block. Bullets hit it, and she stayed behind cover while gunshots sped past her. Keslan and Triston were shooting at the same time at the turret jeeps, the soldiers on the gun installed jeeps were shooting wildly everywhere. Suddenly, one of the gunners was shot and killed instantly. He fell back down inside the jeep. Then the second one got killed. Leah and Jasiah looked around, and they eventually saw Rachelle in the building shooting down at the enemies, helping Jasiah's team. Enemies started shooting near Rachelle, she moved away from the area quickly. One of the enemy soldiers on the ground ordered a couple of men to raid the building and kill Rachelle. They nodded and rushed inside the building. 

Jasiah yelled, "Pop smoke! Go! Go!"

Leah replied, "Roger that!"

Leah stopped shooting, got down behind cover, pulled out a smoke grenade, then tossed it in the middle of the fight; seconds later the smoke was filling up the battle, and Jasiah started running through it first. Leah got up and started running through it, then Keslan and Triston. The enemy couldn't see them, so they just started shooting into the smoke.

The enemies kept shooting into the smoke wildly, thinking they were actually doing something. The smoke cleared, and they didn't see Jasiah's team. The enemies were looking confused, looking around. Jasiah, Leah,Triston, and Keslan stood in the middle of the building, trying to catch their breath.

Triston asked everyone as he breathed heavily, "Everyone okay?"

Jasiah said, "I'm fine."

Leah responded, "We're good."

Suddenly, blocks and bricks and boulders crashed onto the front of the entrance, blocking the front way. Jasiah and his team fell to the floor, all they could hear was ringing in their ears, and the crumbling of rocks. Jasiah was rubbing his ears, as his body was in pain. Keslan suddenly helped Jasiah off the ground, and Jasiah brushed himself off. Jasiah said to everyone, "Let's go, we gotta get to the station."

In the other building, Rachelle was keeping her cool as she ran through it. Suddenly enemy soldiers busted through a door and started shooting at her. Rachelle ran and jumped over a desk and fell on her back. Bullets were flinging her way as she kept her body out the way of them. Rachelle pulled out smoke, popped the cap off, then tossed it near the enemy. The dark gray smoke started to rise, and Leah made her move, sat up, and started shooting a hail of bullets inside the smoke while yelling. The smoke cleared a few seconds later, and the soldiers were dead. Rachelle wiped her nose, then continued to run out the office building. Buildings were crashing down to the ground, as it started to look abandoned there. 

Kayla, Sgt. Brandon, and Tank were in a building, holding off enemy soldiers that kept trying to get in. Kayla was shooting through the window, killing enemy soldiers. Tank slammed an enemy soldiers head into the ground, stepped on it, looked forward, and shot down more enemies. 

Sgt. Brandon yelled, "Were trapped! Only way through is through the front!"

Kayla yelled back, "Call Valkyrie to get these bastards out the way!"

Tank replied, "She's right. This building will topple down on us if we stay here any longer. Plus we have to get to the Assembly."

Brandon got on comms and said, "Valkyrie! Valkyrie you inbound?"

A grenade landed beside Brandon, Tank yelled, "Grenade!" 

Kayla looked at Brandon, jumped to him, and jumped kicked him in the arm, pushing him far out the way. Kayla landed on her back, and quickly kicked the grenade back out the window. The grenade blew up and killed a few enemy soldiers. 

Brandon sat up and yelled to Kayla, "Um, Ow!"

Kayla replied, still shooting at the bad guys outside the building, "Shut up."

Valkyrie got on comms and said, "Zero Nine Five this is Valkyrie, ready for marked targets over."

Brandon stopped shooting, kneeled down in cover and replied on comms saying, "Yes! Popping smoke across the Garena First Diner!"

Valkyrie responded, "Roger that. On the way."

Brandon sat up, pulled red target smoke from his hip pocket, then threw it out the window near the enemies. Targets were trying to push the building, but Kayla and Tank shot them down.

A grenade blew up blew up behind them, and dust and pebbles flew everywhere. 

Tank started coughing heavily, and yelled, "Guys! I uh, think I just ate a pebble!"

Kayla yelled back at him while reloading her gun saying, "Aww, I'll stop by the store and get you sum water!"

"That'll do nicely thank you!"

Valkyrie got on the comms and said, "Sargent I'm inbound with heat missiles, stay clear of fire range."

Brandon yelled to Kayla and Tank, "Valkyrie inbound!! Get back! Get back!"

Valkyrie and her fighter jet swooped in and started shooting a hell of missiles in front of the buildings, hitting targets directly. Kayla, Tank, and Brandon jumped back and hit the ground covering their heads. More jet missiles penetrated the ground, killing everything, and shredding buildings apart. 

On top of a building across from the assembly, Mitchell and Donnie were holding off soldiers, even enemy soldiers that were trying to climb up. Donnie kicked a bad guy in the face and he landed straight to the ground off the roof. An enemy came parachuting in on top of them, Mitchell turned around and shot him down. A plane on fire flew over Mitchell and Donnies head, then crashed inside a building.

Donnie yelled, "Mitchell we gotta move!"

Mitchell yelled back, "Then move! This building is gonna collapse at any moment!"

Donnie and Mitchell started to run off the edge of the building while it began to collapse. They jumped, and they began falling, the building was crashing to the ground, and out of nowhere, Rachelle appeared inna chopper, under Mitchell and Donnie, turned it side ways, and Mitchell and Donnie fell straight in. Mitchell held onto a bar, and Donnie was gripping a seatbelt. The building almost crashed on them, as Rachelle got back in her seat and started flying off, turning the chopper upright.

Mitchell asked, "Rachelle….where did u even get this?"

"Mm I stole it. We gotta get to the Assembly."

Donnie commented, "Of course she stole it."

Jasiah, Leah, Keslan, and Triston were running up stairs in a office building.

Keslan asked, "Does anyone know where were going?!"

Jasiah said, "We just gotta get out of this building, and we'll be around the corner of the t.v station." 

Triston replied, "I feel like I've been here before."

Jasiah said, "Me too. Let's just keep moving."

They all ran to a door, Jasiah looked at everyone, then kicked the door open. The door flung open, and it was a back alley way, with another building diagonal from it.

Jasiah said, "This way!"

They all hurried to move to the other building door, while blood and mayhem flooded New York. Jasiah knocked the other door down, and fell inside. The rest of the team just started at him, Keslan gave out a smirk, Jasiah looked at him and smirked, then they both started laughing. The building they were in was a big diamond shop, with a large hole at the front of it, leading outside. The team was walking inside the store, and Jasiah was getting to his feet. Keslan and the rest of the team was walking around the store, checking out the jewelry.

Keslan looked inside a case and glazed at diamond rings, saying, "Hey are we allowed to -,"

Leah said, "No. Bad luck."

"Um okay."

Jasiah walked through the shop and said, "We gotta keep moving. This seems hella sketchy."

Triston replied, "This place...this place is too familiar. Like I've been here before."

The building started to rumble as small pebbles and dust fell from the ceiling. Before they could run out the building, there stood Koleji, in front of the hole in the entrance that was blown away. Jasiah and the rest of the team just started at Koleji's smiling face. 

Triston said, "Koleji."

She replied, "Well well well. Didn't expect you to survive to this age."

"Where's volk?"

Koleji ignored him and looked at Jasiah, Keslan began to grip his gun, tensing up.

Koleji said, "Keslan, calm yourself before you get everyone killed. Jasiah, your the boy I'm looking for."

Jasiah replied, "What do you want? Still...still haven't forgot about IVY."

"Look at you. Blood and dirt all over your face and hands, for what? Shaw didn't kill you or Triston for a reason, when he could've buried you a hundred times over."

"If you're thinking about taking us in, your dead wrong."

"You have no choice. If you don't,  Shaw will make sure you have a price on your head. Oh and your little friend Leah, will belong to the cartel. Your choice."

"My only problem is with you, Shaw, Haines, and Volk. And if you tell US where they are, we won't kill you."

"I pity you Jasiah."

Leah lifted her gun and shot at Koleji, the bullet went through Koleji, a hologram. 

Leah said, "What?"

Koleji said, "You see I'm not even there. But someone will meet you. Sorry Jasiah."

The hologram vanished and the team looked at each other.

Keslan commented, "Should we be scared right now?"

Leah looked at Jasiah and Triston and said, "What's the deal with her?

Jasiah replied, "We'll explain it later. I don't wanna sit in here any longer."

The team starts moving out of the building, as the war in the sky and on the ground intensified. Jasiah and his team were in front of a large white building with pillars. To the left of them, there was enemy trucks and destroyed objects on the ground. A missile was heading straight for Jasiah's team; Jasiah yelled, "Incoming missile!!" Everyone jumped out the way as the missile flew near them and blew up a few cars.

Triston got off the ground and helped Keslan up, enemy soldiers near the news station across the street started to engage. Jasiah and Leah, got to cover as bullets smacked all around them.

Jasiah yelled to Triston, "You and Keslan take the right side, me and Leah will take the left!"

Keslan and Triston started to move to the right, shooting at the same time, Jasiah and Leah started running forward, keeping their heads down, getting to cover while the enemy shot at them. Triston tossed a grenade, then got back down into cover. The grenade blew up and destroyed a truck along with 2 enemy soldiers. 

Jasiah yelled, "Push to the news station! Pop smoke!"

Leah pulled out a smoke grenade and tossed it in the middle of the battlefield. The smoke started to fog the area, and the enemy soldiers started to rush into the smoke. Keslan threw more smoke, it landed, and more smoke started to fill the area. Jasiah and his team got our of cover and ran into the thick smoke. Keslan slid, and kicked an enemy in the knee, and shot him down. Leah smacked an enemy soldiers in the face with her gun, turned around, and shot down 2 bad guys. They could barely see each other, pushing through the smoke. Jasiah headbutted someone, spun, and spray multiple bullets at a charging enemy. Triston had a hostile in a chokehold, using him as a shield as he shot the other enemies. 

Suddenly, the enemies were getting shot left from right from snipers. One by one they were getting killed, Jasiah and his team kept moving through the smoke and were a little confused. Kayla, Tank, and Brandon were in different buildings, sniping the bad guys that were jumping Jasiah's team. Jasiah made it to the t.v station doors first, then Keslan, then Triston, then Leah. The smoke cleared, and all the enemies were dead or dying. Jasiah looked around, got on his earpiece and said, "Thanks guys."

Kayla responded back on comms, "Don't mention it. Now let's finish what we came here to do. We'll escort you guys in. We'll watch the perimeter and the inside of the building; providing sniper cover."

"Roger that. You'll know when to move out."

"Evac will be waiting for us behind the Assembly."


Jasiah and his team, started to cautiously enter the T.V station. They approached a escalator that wasn't working, they ran up it anyway.

Leah said quietly, "I don't like this."

Keslan responded, "Me either."

They reached the top of the escalator, and there was a big room with small monitors, cameras, and big wall screens. 

Jasiah got on comms and said, "Cindy, patch me in."

Cindy replied, "I'm on it. Now I need you to do exactly what I say and we can be up and running in about a minute."

"Got it."

At the safehouse, Cindy was sitting in a chair, Jack was standing over her, and General Dudnean was on the other side of Cindy. 

Jack pulled Dudnean to the side and said, "Any word on Kersey?"

"I thought you knew?"

"No what happened?"

"He was found dead."


"Suicide. Man was hanged by his hotel ceiling."

"Sounds like a homicide to me, the man was tryna help us."

"Possible suspect is Toma. We know that Kersey had started digging into the Toma case after he had gotten Intel on Volk."

"Did he leave anything for us?"

"There was spit on the floor, indicating that he had swallowed something before he died. We're having his body taken to the morgue, and having them see what they find for us."

"Okay. Now what?"

"Well if the team is successful in catching Volk, then we'll question him. And if he doesn't cooperate, we'll hit him where its hurts."

Cindy told Jasiah while typing on her computer,gaining access into the cameras of the news station "Okay, now plug the red cord into the router and your good to go. And read everything I'm about to put on screen. Its going on all televisions and devices in the world."

In the news station, Jasiah finishes hooking up the system and pulls a chair up in front of the cameras, and sat down. Keslan moved the camera so it could focus on Jasiah. Words started to appear on the screen, and Keslan turned the live cameras on. The whole word was watching. Triston, Leah, and Keslan stood on the side, watching Jasiah read the words out loud to the entire planet.

Jasiah said, "Austin Shaw. Located at 700 B Suite Canvas Alley. Yeah you think you have the upper hand. But this is just the beginning. Your terror will come to an end. Maybe not now or tomorrow, but it will. We know what you are planning to do, and wherever your headed to next, guarantee you we'll find you again and again…"

Out of nowhere, Shaw appeared on screen.

Shaw said, "Jasiah. We know those aren't your words. I'm highly impressed with your team, finding me. We know you guys are there looking for Volk. And we also know what you guys are planning."

Jasiah responded, "You know nothing."

"I know more than you do. Look at you. A mess because you wanna be a freedom fighter. I know who you really are inside. Don't forget who made you and your friend."

"I made myself. And I'm going to kill you. No more hurting the nations, and no more destroying the innocent."

"Don't the innocent destroy each other?"

"Your not innocent."

"And you are?"

Jasiah said, "Who I was doesn't matter. This isn't about me."

"Eighteen Sound Tango."

After Shaw said that, Jasiah and Triston's ears and head started ringing, in pain they put their hands on their head and dropped to the floor. The whole world who was watching was devastated and some closed their eyes or moved their children away from the screen. Samantha, who was also watching, lowered her phone down and sat it in her lap. She stared off into space, and her fist started to tremble. She grabbed a vase, stood up out her chair and smashed it to the ground. 

"It can't be true he's still alive," Samantha said to herself.

On the television, Shaw continued to speak saying, "See? Do your friends know who you really are? Out there in New York while everyone is out there killing each other? The war out there hasn't stopped yet. What are you waiting on?"

Cindy got on comms and said, "Leah, Keslan! Jasiah and Triston has chips implanted in them, that caused the meltdown. You have to deactivate them."

Leah said, "How?!"

"Stand over them, and hit them as hard as you can in the chest. If you guys make it back then we have to get those chips out of them."

"Okay we're on it."

Leah ran to Jasiah, and Keslan ran to Triston. Jasiah and Triston were unconscious, as Leah and Keslan looked at each other to punch them at the exact time.

Keslan said, "I'm gonna feel bad."

Leah responded, "Same. Not really. Let's go."

Leah slammed her knuckles into Jasiah's chest, and Jasiah's eyes popped open, and he sat up fast, breathing in and out. Keslan punched Triston in the chest, Triston sat up quickly gasping for air. 

Leah looked at Jasiah' and said, "You okay?"

Jasiah looked into her eyes and said, "Yeah."

Leah gazed back at him and whispered, "I dont care." 

Keslan and Triston stared at them smiling. 

Jasiah looked over at them and said, "Shut up."

Triston said, "I thought that wouldnt work on us when we got older."

Jasiah responded, "I hate when he does that."

Leah asked Jasiah, "What is that?"

"A trigger. Theres a chip in us that was supposed to expire when we turned 18. But me and some other kids had escaped before we turned 18. So I guess they decided not to disarm ours."

Outside the news station, the gunshots and explosions and crashes got louder. The war outside intensified.

Jasiah got to his feet, and grabbed his gun off the floor.

Keslan said, "To the Stave Assembly right?"

Jasiah responded, "Its a trap. They must've been moved him. And the only place to move him away is - ."

Keslan interrupted and said, "The harbor."

Jasiah got on comms and said, "Cindy, it's a trap. Tell the target units not to go to the Assembly. Based on what Shaw was saying, he knows what were planning to do. We think Volk is already in the subs in the harbor."

Cindy responded, "Way ahead of you. Dudnean has just confirmed all units to push towards the harbor. Where you and Keslan will infiltrate the target sub, while the rest of the squads will hold off any forces in the waters. Theres a chopper headed to you right now to take you to the bay; you'll suit up, and capture Volk. Theres still engagement all throughout the city and in the sky, it's gotten worse. Stay safe. Once you capture Volk then head to the surface of the sub. And you'll be picked up.

"Roger that. We'll be here."

At the safehouse, Cage walked up to Cindy with papers, and sat them on the keyboard in front of her.

Cindy asked, "What's this?"

"A transmission. A friend of mine sent me these from Russia. He works on a sea oil rig out there."

"So what's these about?" Cindy said reading over the papers.

"He said some of his workmates are about to cause mutiny within the rig. Said he saw some people throwing crates out into the waters leaving a trail, he believes he's in trouble."

"So he believes they're working with shaw? And who is he really?"

"He's a L.A detective. He's undercover. Goes by the name of Holland. And he agreed to help us with the investigation."

"It says here, he's been following the bread crumbs, and it led him to the oil rig."

"He's gonna fill us in on what he see's and hears."

"Better hope so."

In New York, Jasiah, Leah, Keslan, and Triston were in the chopper, flying through the battle. Jasiah and Keslan were finished suiting up, they were wearing tight black swim suits, and heavy black vest, and leg holsters for their guns.

Keslan looked at Jasiah and said, "You know I can"t swim. Why they ask me to go?"

Jasiah responded, "Haha. You know ima still make fun of you right? Just hold on to me it's not gonna be a long swim. Were dropping near it."

Leah got on comms contacting Kayla and said, "Hey Kayla where are you guys?"

Kayla replied, "Were in the harbor and we're getting chased by angry Russians on speedboats! Mitchell, Donnie, and Rachelle are here too but their in the sky shooting down at enemy boats and planes."

"Good good. Thank you."

Jasiahs chopper started to hover over the harbor, and the doors flew open. Jasiah and Keslan stood up, and walked to the doors ready to jump.

Triston said, "Good luck. We'll try to provide as much cover as we can from the speedboats. 

Jasiah and Keslan put on underwater breathing masks and said, "Thanks. Hopefully he's in there. Keslan you ready?"

Keslan replied, "Nope."


"Okay on three."




They still didnt jump.

Jasiah said, "Okay give me a minute."

"Yeah give us a minute," Keslan added.

Leah laughed, stood up, and pushed them out the chopper saying, "We don't have a minute!"

Keslan and Jasiah fell through the sky headed down towards the water. Subs and speedboats were shooting and exploding, and planes were falling out the sky. Seconds later they crashed into the water. Jasiah tried not to panick, while Keslan was holding onto a destroyed plane piece over the water. Jasiah swam upwards, and stuck his head out over the water and said, "Here take my hand."

Keslan said, "I have trust issues you know this."

"I won't let you go until were in the sub. We gotta find this guy."

"Fine," Keslan reached his hand to grab Jasiahs hand. They locked hands, and Jasiah dragged Keslan into the water. 

They started to swim through the water, while dead bodies floated down to the bottom. 

Jasiah got on comms contacting Cindy and said, "Okay were in the bay, which sub we lookin for?"

Cage ended up replying saying, "Hey Jasiah this is Cage, Cindy's partner. She's tied up right now but your gonna be looking for the sub with the number 8 on it. It's in big print on the back. Should be the one heading away from the city."

Jasiah looked deeper into the depth of the water, and saw the target sub. 

Jasiah said, "Okay, we got it. It's not far. Thanks."

On top of a sub on the surface of the water, Kayla, Tank, and Brandon were shooting at nearby enemies, knocking them off their boats. Tank was shot in the shoulder, he staggered back, then kept shooting. Kayla slid to the end of the sub, and started shooting at enemies who were trying to climb on top of the sub.

Rachelle was still flying a chopper, while Mitchell and Donnie were using the mounted guns to shoot at bad guys in the water. 

In the sub, Volk was yelling at his crewmates saying, "Send more men out there now! I honestly don't care how many dies cause this about me. Okay? I'm the HVT."

Jasiah and Keslan were already at Volks sub, Keslan held onto Jasiah's vest while Jasiah started to open the sub door. It opened and he let the hatch down, he got inside, climbed up a ladder, and Keslan followed, closing the hatch behind him. The subs alarm was going off, flashing red lights started to spam. Jasiah and Keslan reached the inside of the middle of the sub. There was a bunch of disarmed missiles around, placed neatly in high rows.

Keslan asked Jasiah, "You got left I go right?"

"You sure you can handle it?"


"Okay. Bet I could get to Volk first," Jasiah said moving to the left side of the sub, heading towards the commander's post. 

Keslan drifted to the right headed to Volk as well.

Jasiah moved down the sub hallway, he attached his rifle to him, and pulled out his pistol. He picked up the pace as he heard yelling and gunfire. Jasiah kept moving, then suddenly he was tackled. An enemy was trying to stab Jasiah, Jasiah quickly shot him in the chest twice. Jasiah shook his head, got to his feet and kept moving.  Keslan on the other side, had a bad guy in a chokehold, while shooting down enemies. Jasiah entered through another door, and there was two big enemy soldiers guarding the captain's deck. Keslan kept moving down the hallway, shooting down each person he saw. Jasiah still stood in front of the guards, just staring at them.

Jasiah said, "Just a few more seconds."

Keslan appeared, and walked up beside Jasiah. They looked at each other and attacked the 300 pound muscular guards. Volk was hiding in the room, holding a rifle, scared. Keslan was picked up and thrown across the floor. Jasiah was punching the other guard in the face and the stomach, grabbed his head and pushed it back to the wall.

Keslan was wiping his mouth for no reason, and said "Okay big guy. You wanna fight?"

The guard charged at Keslan, Keslan kicked the guard in the leg, the guard fell on one knee, Keslan rolled over, and kicked the guard in the face. Keslan got on top of him and started punching. Jasiah picked the other guard up and slammed him on his back, then stepped on his chest. The guard gasped for air continuously, as Jasiah just looked away at Keslan fighting the other guard. Keslan kept punching, until Jasiah walked over to him and said, "I'm pretty sure he's unconscious Keslan."

Keslan responded, "Sorry sorry I uh, got carried away."

Jasiah and Keslan both walked up to the captain's deck door; Keslan was about to pull out his gun, but Jasiah stopped him.

"We wont need it."

Jasiah kicked the door open, and started walking toward Volk, who was pinning himself against the wall, his gun aiming at Jasiah.

Volk said, "Jasiah stay back. I don't wanna have to kill you."

Jasiah kept walking towards him, he got closer, Volk still didn't shoot, so Jasiah raised his foot and kicked Volk in his knee. Volk screamed in pain, as Jasiah grabbed Volks hair and started dragging him out the room. Keslan was on his phone, leaning against the wall, playing games and such.

Jasiah got on comms and said, "Everyone, we got Volk. His legs a little broken though."

Jack responded, "Nice work you guys. Now get outta there our mission is done. You'll see a Black Hawk chopper out there ready for you. It's picking your team up now."

Rachelle said on comms, "Nice work you guys!"

Jasiah walked up to Keslan and said, "This guy is stubborn."

Keslan replied, "You know, we could kill him and say he killed himself."

"I wish I could. We just need answers."

Volk replied, "You won't get nothing from me!"


"Geez calm down kid, can you let go of my hair at least?"

Jasiah smiled and said, "Nope. Were outta here."

Four minutes later, Jasiah was helping Keslan and Volk out the top of the sub, and there was still warfare going on outside as some subs began to explode and everyone was out there shooting each other. The black Hawk chopper started descending, down upon them, and Jasiah was waving. Then back of the chopper opened, and Rachelle, Leah, Triston, Donnie, Mitchell, Tank, Brandon, and Kayla were waiting in it. Jasiah tossed Volk in the chopper, and the rest of the team helped Jasiah and Keslan get inside. Step One : Complete.