

"So, have you heard anything from Albert?"

"not yet"

The dining train car was almost empty, since breakfast time is already over. other than Richard and Cardis, there is only a few people scattered across the room.

" So, Cardis." after chewing his last piece of spaghetti, Albert changed to a serious tone. He put his fork on the now empty plate.

"The next stop is City of Limbda, a city on the edge of Warthonia. What are you going to do this time?"

Cardis didn't really care and keep on chewing.

"mmmph mmph mph"

"swallow it first."

"I said, just the usual. Hunting some treasure then relaxing until we strarted moving again."

Richard just giving him a tired expression.

"No, i mean like, you're not going to do some royalty stuff? like maybe greet some noble in place of your father? or maybe finally start studying spells?" Richard sips on his beer.

"Jeez, this again?"

"I know you left the crown to your brother, but still.."

"My father already approved my decision, Richard. I have no interest in politics."

"What about magic then? i know how smart you are. And with your mother's gene, i'm sure you can study atleast two spells."

In this world, even for those who invested their whole life for magic can only use one spell. Those who is lucky enough to born with both magic compability and knowledge can maybe learn two spells, and those who is both lucky and invest their life can barely use three.

"studying spells huh?" Cardis averted his eyes.

" I don't think magic is useful enough for me anyway. It's too limited. I'm better of studying science and technology than wasting my life trying to throw fire from my palm."

"hmmm, but even your father had one spell that helped him on ending the world war." Richard is still persistent.

" That's because he used everything he can to achieve his goal. And besides, his comerades and other countries also take major part in it, isn't it?"

"*sigh* fine then, smart ass. I won't force you doing what you don't want to do. But personally, i think it's just a waste." Richard drink his last drop of beer.

"what waste?" Cardis averted back his eyes towards him.

"Those purple eyes of yours. You know what that means, do you?" hr pointed Cardis's eyes.

"That i'm one of the one in one hundred million people thingy?"

"so you do aware."

"Yeah, i just don't really care. For me, these eyes are just eyes. Even Albert says so." Cardis stands from his seat.

"Well then, i think it's enough morning chat. I'm going back to my room. Anything else you want to ask, Richard?"

"hmmmmmmmm" Richard thinks hard.

he then looked Cardis in the eye

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Screw you." Cardis is annoyed. He leaves Richard without looking back.

"Well, would've been nice if there is one isn't it, prince?" Richard opened his notebook inside his pocket.