
Wish you the best

As Yu Yan walked through the crowd in a busy Shanghai street, she was excited to see her boyfriend. She cannot wait to tell him the good news that she got a job at a famous hotel, Shanghai Central Hotel and she can work after summer vacation is over. As she smiled happily, she stopped by a bakery shop. They have lots of mouth-watering desserts and bread. Yu Yan decided to get some for her boyfriend, Wang AnRong. After leaving the bakery shop, there it is... the Love Cafe where AnRong met Yu Yan for the first time and it is where he confessed to her.

Yu Yan waited anxiously for her boyfriend. After thirty minutes, AnRong didn't come. So she decided to wait for another minute or so.

Then, her phone rang.

"Anrong? I am waiting for you at the cafe right now. Where are you?" Yu Yan asked.

"I'm outside. I need to tell you something." Anrong replied.

I wonder what it is, thought Yu Yan

When Yu Yan went outside, she saw another beautiful girl.

"Yu Yan, I would like to introduce Lena to you. She's my girlfriend now. She and I met few days ago at work and I want to tell you today." Anrong said while holding Lena's slender hand.

"Nice to meet you, Yu Yan. I'm Lena." Lena said.

I felt like crying but I held it in. I tell myself, don't cry. He's not worth keeping.

"Hi... nice meeting you. I wish you two the best. Sorry I have to go." I felt my heart shattered. Why me? Why? Anrong, I've trusted you and I loved you. Why are you going out with her? Is it because she's prettier than me? I wiped my tears away as I ran... I ran as fast as I can... far away as I could.

I didn't know where I was so I wandered around. Coincidentally, my best friend came out of the shop and saw me.

"Yu Yan! Yu Yan!" She called me.

"Chun Hua!" I cried as I ran to her.

"What happened?" She asked.

I said, "Anrong cheated on me, she's going out with Lena."

"Lena? I know her. She's a bitch. Sigh... it's okay, it's okay, Yu Yan. There are plenty of fishes in the sea. You will find your own soon." Chun Hua comforted me as I cried on her shoulder.

As we headed home, I didn't want to talk. She dropped me off by my house, we hugged and said our goodbye.

"Yu Yan, I'm going to call you tonight. Okay?"

"Hm." I replied.

I waved her good-bye as I went home.

I ran to my room crying again.

"Yu Yan, Yu Yan! Are you okay? Are you crying?" my mom knocked on my door.

"I'm okay, Mom. I just saw a sad movie with my friend. I feel bad." I said.

"Yu Yan, are you sure? Is it about Anrong?" My mom said.

"No, I'm fine, Mom. I'm really fine." I replied.

As my mom headed back to the living room, she told my father about it.

"She's probably on her monthly thing. Don't worry. All girls are like that." My dad said.

"But, I really think it's about Anrong." my mom said.

"Don't worry, if it's Anrong who hurt my daughter. I'll slap him until his nose bleed." my dad said defensively.

That night, Chun Hua called me.

"Yu Yan, do you want to come to Japan with me? Take it as a vacation. You will feel better."

"Alright." I agreed.

*Yu Yan- Beautiful smile

*Chun Hua- Spring flower

*An Rong- Tranquil