
Golden hearts: CEO loves the rival bird...

'' We will work together. '', a man said. '' Yeah, together we can change the history of the world.. '', a person standing besides the person said. They both were standing on a hill top and looking at the vast landscape which was lightly sinking in the bright rays of the sun as it was rising high from the hills. As it is said that with the time passing and surrounding changing, our friends and relatives also changes and show their ugly sides. 'How dare you betray me?'', said the man in his late fifties. '' Why are you shouting on me? It's you who betrayed me. '', roared the second man of the same age. '' We will have worked together and stayed with each other more than our family members did, but you .. Nothing is more important than money for you. '' '' It'd you who is always running for money.... '' They both fought. They both separated their families. They stopped contacting each other. Seeing each other feel happy without their buddy, they were sad so tried to create problems for each other. Just on a single thing, once childhood friends had become rivals. The friends who could give their lives was now thirsty for each other's blood.. Why does human has such a big ego? Their families started to hate each other from their core of the heart. YEARS PASSED AND THIS HATE HAD DEEPENED. While working in the business, they found new rivals and the government. To protect their business and status, they were forced to work together again but the trust, that was lost could not be get so easily. So to build this trust, a marriage was planned. ------------------------------------------------------------- " I love you.. '' said Jiang Suchen as he hold Xun May's wrist. '' I hate you.. '', Xun May replied with no emotion in her eyes as she tried to pull her hand away. '' Hate comes when their is love, so that means you also love me.. '', he pulled Xun May in his embrace. '' You... Big gorilla!'', she steps her heel hard on his foot. ''Ahh. You.'' He cries in pain. '' What? Do you think I am an easy person? Mr. Jiang, I know very well that you are trying to get me late at the board meeting, so that my company may not get this project. So lame trick. '', she said coldly and left. Behind, the man smirked. '' This rival bird has to long feathers, I have to cut it down. '' ------------------------------------------------------------- Jiang Suchen is the cold and aloof CEO of JI. He had a past which he could not forget and tried to rectify his mistake. Xun May is the anonymous heir of the Xun Corp., rival company of the JI. She had to live duel identities due to her past. Her second identity is that of Amm, who is socially funded scholar in the beast University 'The Gate' and had some more in her store. Follow the story Of Suchen and May to face their future and lighten or deepen the rivality and hatred that their families had shared for so long. Will their pasts eat both of them? Will they be a boon or curse couple? Will their future be their fate or made by them, themselves? Let's find out it in this novel..... Please share, support, vote and send reviews........

Wandering_Wizard · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Expressionless.... ( edited )

"Amm the first time, I saw you , my whole world stopped only you were the one whom I saw was moving with the most bright colors. everything was dull.

That moment was just black and white text with myself being like a statue that yearned for your touch for life.

Indigo will be the sun if I can spend my entire life with you." a man was now in front of Amm confessing his love.

Sitting on his knees, he had flowers of white Lily in his hands, he was handsome and sexy and with those beautiful pair of eyes and saying these heart soothing words anyone can get seduced by him.

But Amm was shocked.She didn't show any expression, nor seduced neither her heart get pulled.

" Yoko what the hell is this!! " Shi after getting consciousnesses and struggling and hitting the person who pulled her came out with a bolt and said with utter disgust.

But inside her, there were feelings of happiness finally someone proposed her friend. Now her friend will have a man in her life except those old teachers and professors and talked about him. It will be so exciting but why is that man Jiang Yoko!!!! This will not be right in any way.

" Why are you disturbing me little punk! Get out from my confession scene. You are her best friend but this is my confession " Yoko said with a little angry and daring voice.

This almost choked her. "All the Jiang men has such choking auras, see his brother and father. Whereas all Xun females are cold and aggressive with auras that freeze people just see her friend. " Shi thought in her mind. Her friend she completely forgot about her. She turned towards her friend .

Amm did not show any sign of anger or love or sadness or happiness. There was a long silence. Yoko with flowers on his knees waited for her reaction to accept it and be bewitched, unlike Shi who wanted her to show her anger and reject his love keeping in mind their family problems.

Finally, the silence was broken by the angry and irritated Tiang Rachel Ge. Rachel had been standing for two minutes and after seeing the wealthy, Second Master confessing to that low class girl with no sense of dressing like women to look beautiful or whose face was covered by a large glasses.

She felt jealous and stormed inside. She stood in front of Yoko.

" Senapie, this little bitch is no your match. You are so wealthy and handsome with such a fame. Why are you dropping your standards to get this chick.

These type of social climbing girls are money minded and gold diggers. Please don't be blinded by her innocence that is fake and she just uses it to lure men. "

Rachel started opposing it and also describing Amm's ungrateful thoughts for her classmates.

Other children came out from under the tables and started to watch this show which had turned more interesting than before.

Rachel's friend also started to support her and tell Yoko the places and time where Amm had been cold to them and rude to there sweet gestures .

" Look at her she has no expression " one of them said pointing towards Amm.

" She is such a wench that is not even denying or accepting his confession. " other one said.

Such gossips started in the lecture room. "Oh Mr. Genius this girl has no emotions and only hurt people" Rachel said with a coaxing voice that brought many men's heart out from their chest.

"Stop bad mouthing my friend " Shi roared in anger after listening to the people's views about Amm.

" Amm say something, why are standing like this. " Shi pulled Amm's arm towards herself.

There was no response.

" What the hell is going on..... " there came a voice from background near the entrance.

The professor was very angry to see the students standing and creating a scene in mid of the stairs.

Professor's voice brought back Amm's senses but not completely. She just rushed out of the room tress-passing the professor and Yoko she did not said a single word and just run out of the room.

Rachel and others saw it with amazement and not to anger the professor again all came back to their seats.

Yoko with a wide smile also came back to his seat throwing those flowers on the floor and crushing them with foot.

"Ms. Di, why are you standing ? This is mandatory lecture for everyone who seek new opportunity in business, so it's better you don't leave for the person who just coldly ran away without a word and disrespecting me. I hope you will not disappoint me. "

" Sorry, sir. Yes sir I will not dissapoint you and be seated" By this Shi came back to her place next to Amm's that was first time empty in the history of studies.