
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 6: The Auction Pt. 1

While Isaac and Cairo squall between themselves. Hydro continued to read his letter.

[When you get into the alleyway, find a specific brick on one of the two walls and push it. Trust your nose.]

[When push the specific brick, you finally activate the secret entrance and fall into the Hades District.]

"I wished I readied that part before, it would've save me the heart attack," Hydro whims.

[As soon you get to the Hades District, you have to met a friend of mine named Issac. He's a giant Minotaur, so it wouldn't be difficult to find him.]

"Oh! Here it is, it really does mention you in my letter," Hydro said.

"Told you so~" said Isaac with a grin on his face.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Cairo squawked before he started creating excuses for Hydro to not trust him.

"That's enough Cairo, the letter clearly said that he's on our side. So stop squawking and move on,"

"SCREW THE LETTER! I RATHER PLUCK OUT MY OWN FEATHERS THAN US GOING WITH THIS JERK!" Cairo continued to squawked before Artty shoved a olive into Cairo beck, to prevent him from speaking.

"Thank you Artty," Hydro said, scratching under Artty's chin.

Hydro suddenly felt a large hand wrapped around his waist before he realized. He was riding on Isaac's shoulder.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Hydro squeal.

"Calm down, I'm afraid that I might lose you in the crowd. If you ride on my shoulder, I don't need to worry about that," Isaac said before he started walking.

"Where are we going?" Hydro asked, where Isaac only responded with:

"Read the rest of your letter and find out yourself,"

Hydro pull out his letter as he continued to read.

[As soon you get to the Hades District, you have to met a friend of mine named Issac. He's a giant Minotaur, so it wouldn't be difficult to find him.]

[When you find him, both of you will have to go to the Hades Auction. There, you two have bet on the Auction Item three. Don't worry about payment, Isaac should have it already sorted.]

[That Item is very special, so do your best to get it.]

"We're here!" Isaac announced to Hydro.

Hydro lifted his gazes forward to see a large building with a line of people in front of it. As Isaac and Hydro enter after paying the entrance fee. Hydro gasped in awe from the luxurious theme of the inner building.

"Hold this." Isaac said as he gave Hydro white wooden plate with the number seven on it.

"What's this?" Hydro asked.

"It's our number, when Auction Item three is in displayed. You have to pull up our number, so the Auction dealer can see it." Issac explained.

"Okay..." Hydro said, still a bit puzzled.

Why did he bring me here? What is Auction Item three? Is it a blessed item? Unanswered questions swirl inside Hydro's head. He was quickly dragged out of his trans as Hydro felt something poking him.

"Cairo?" Hydro said as he watches Cairo trying to peck him while still having the olive covering his beck.

Hydro giggled as he took Cairo and placed his bird friend in his hood.

"The Auction is about to begin!" yelled a Beast man on a stage holding and wooden hammer.

"Here we go..."