
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 31: Sleep

"Are you alright?" Bùtóng asked with a calming smile.

Hydro stared upwards before he nodded his head. "I'm fine, but Bùtóng..."

"What is it?" Bùtóng asked.

"I don't know why, but the air smells funny." Hydro said as he sniffled.

Bùtóng felt confusion until he shifted his nose into a bear nose and sniffed the air.

Bùtóng eyes widen. "That's gunpowder."

A huge bang was heard from the other room before there was sound of screaming from Ruth.

Bùtóng glanced at Ruth before immediately turning away while burying Hydro into his chest. Ruth felled down on his knees as he coughed out blood while Johanna stared down at him blankly. She then bends down and reached to Ruth's throat.

"Do you want me to take it out?" Johanna said coldly.

Ruth nodded his head before he continued to cough out blood. Johanna dug her fingers into Ruth's neck, meanwhile Ruth attempted to remained silent.

The people in the cart watched with their eyes widen, from both shock and fear. Few would whisper while other stayed quiet. Some would stare as for some would turn their gazes. No one left their seats, fearing for the worst for if they did.

Leonard on the other hand was calm as he spoke into a rectangle device. "Yes conductor, it's me Leonard. There has been an incident, someone has been shot from the throat."

Leonard continued to speak about the situation in the gritty details. Hydro stared at the device Leonard held, it was similar to the one Hydro got from the auction house. However, the cover was a dark shade of red with golden patterns printed onto it.

Leonard soon lowered the device and pressed a red button before he placed the device inside his pocket. Leonard turned and made eye contact with Hydro. Even though Hydro could not read his expression, Hydro could smell the scent of fear from Leonard's flames. Hydro could feel his fur on it's end.

People were going to die...

After being he came up such a frightening thought, Hydro immediately fought out of Bùtóng's arms. Bùtóng was both afraid and confused of what Hydro's sudden actions.

Hydro then turned to Bùtóng and covered his ears, though confused Bùtóng mimic Hydro and covered his ears.

Hydro closed his eyes as he inhale a deep breath before Hydro screamed. "SLEEP!"