
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 10: Farewells and Calls

When Isaac finally reached to Hades District's central square, Hydro could see a large stone gateway with many people entering through.

"What's that?" asked Hydro.

"It's a exit portal," Isaac replied.

"Portal?" Hydro questioned.

"That's right. A portal is something created by someone who process a transportation blessing," Isaac explained.

Hydro gazes at the portal with amazement. As Isaac carries Hydro's through the portal. A bright light blinded Hydro's eyes, when he regained his sight. Hydro saw that himself and Isaac were standing on the bustling streets of the Eros District.

"How?!" Hydro blurted, as he turns himself around to see a normal brick wall.

"The portal teleported us to the district we went started from," Isaac said before putting Hydro down.

Isaac then gave Hydro the item they won from the auction. "Remember... you can not tell anyone what happened tonight, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Hydro howls.

"Good pup, then I guess this is good bye. See you later Hydro," Isaac said as he walked away.

"Good bye Isaac, I hope we met again!" Hydro howls, Isaac gave off a gentle wave until he vanished into an alleyway.

"HYDRO!" Cairo squawked suddenly.

"Ow! What's wrong?" Hydro groaned, feeling his eardrums being repeatedly hammered.

"SORA! UNCLE SORA! HE'S IS RIGHT THERE!" Hydro turns his gaze as he saw his Uncle wondering through the streets with some of his coworkers from the Delivery Service.

"Oh Aquarius! What's he doing here?!" Hydro blurted out.


Hydro didn't need to be told twice, he ran into the crowd. Pushing pass people along the way, he couldn't allow himself to get caught. Not now, not tonight. Hydro made his way out of the Eros District, until suddenly he was carried away by a pair of talons.

"Phoenix?! Why are you still here?" Hydro squeal in surprise.

The Phoenix only caw as it returned Hydro to house and into his bedroom. Hydro landed on his face upon his bedroom floor, while the Phoenix sat on Hydro's burnt windowsill.

"Ow..." Hydro groaned.

"You are alright in there Hydro?" spoke a woman's voice while footsteps grew louder towards Hydro's door.

"Yes Auntie! I'm fine, I just accidentally fell off bed. I'm not hurt or anything!" Hydro stuttered.

"Alright, if you say so..." Terra said before the footsteps faded away.

Hydro sighs in relief, when Hydro got back on his feet. He sat down on his bed before pulling out his folded letter. Hydro unfolded the letter before feeling the Phoenix leaning on his shoulder. The Phoenix's flame did not hurt Hydro though, they felt warm and comforting.

[Dear Hydro]

[It's has been a very long time since I last saw you. How have you been? How's Aunty Terra and Uncle Sora? And what's that walking bag of bone been doing these day? Is he still among the living? Jokes aside, I really do miss you all, with all my heart.]

"I know you do, so why did you leave?"

[That all said, there is a actually reason why I'm sending out this letter to you Hydro. It's top secret, so don't tell anybody. Even Auntie and the others two. This is between you and me alone, understand?]

"I understand, but why do I have to keep this a secret?"

[By the time this letter reaches to you, it would be Génnisi Day and the Anagénnisi Festival is most probably happening, right? What I need you to do is get a mask and cloak then go to the third alleyway down Eros street.]

"Why tonight? Why this night? The one night I was permitted from going out from?"

[When you get into the alleyway, find a specific brick on one of the two walls and push it. Trust your nose.]

[When push the specific brick, you finally activate the secret entrance and fall into the Hades District.]

"How did you know about the secret entrance? And how did you know I would be able to find it?"

[As soon you get to the Hades District, you have to met a friend of mine named Isaac. He's a giant Minotaur, so it wouldn't be difficult to find him.]

[When you find him, both of you will have to go to the Hades Auction. There, you two have bet on the Auction Item three. Don't worry about payment, Isaac should have it already sorted.]

"Isaac... why were you there? How long were you waiting? What was your connection between you and him?"

[That Item is very special, so do your best to get it.]

"What's makes this item so special? I don't even know what it does! What am I supposed to do?"

[When you finally get the item, the next you do is press down the singular button on it's side. when you do, tap these numbers -183 426 759-]

"A... button?"

Hydro exams the item, he noticed that one side of the item had two buttons while the other had only one. Hydro pressed the one button, a flashed of light appeared on the item's uncovered side.

"What the!?" Hydro jolted from surprise and almost dropped the item, he quickly caught it before it could hit the floor.

As Hydro continues the exams the item currently brighter side, he saw a picture of a human woman with her family. "Is she a human?"

Hydro observed the picture until he noticed a green and white icon that stood out of place from the picture. "What is that thing? A smudge? But it seems so clear to see,"

Hydro placed his paw on the smudge, suddenly the picture disappeared and next it turned into white as sheet of paper with some numbers and a line on top of it. "What happened? What did I do?"

Hydro turns to the letter, seeing the set of numbers on it. "Numbers? Dose he mean these numbers?"

Hydro then gently tap on the number presented on the item, then the numbers he tapped appeared on the line. "Is this what I am supposed to do? What if I am doing this wrong?"

Hydro tapped the last number, he then saw the same green and white icon underneath the numbers. "What do I now? Am I supposed do something about this?"

Hydro hastily tap on the green icon and it all faded to a dark shade of grey, while also a strange sound started coming off from the item. "Ah! What is that? What do I do? Please, can someone help me!"

Soon the item stopped producing the strange sound and then someone's voice started coming out of it.

"Hey! You finally called, I knew you would figure it out!" Hydro squealed as the voice continued.

"Relax Hydro, it me!" said the voice.

Hydro placed the item on his pillow as he recognized the voice. "Pyro...?"