
Baby baby

It's the second semester of the year and I'm becoming busier than ever as the day passes. In university, I'm working on projects and assignments everyday which results in going back home at an ungodly hour. My mum used to stay up late to wait for me back at home whenever I'm back before 1 am, but now I'm burning the midnight oil in university and going back home during the early hours of the morning. Since, I'm busy as ever, I rarely attend events and dinners with the family. Kace would always tell me that everyone is looking forward to see me during the events he attended. After the Big reunion, all the families are closer than before. The youngsters of the family even set up a WhatsApp group titled "YGen5" which stands for young generations of the 5 families. The members include Felicia and Lou Shaotian, Niya Hong, all the children from the Zhang, Lee and Peng family. As usual, Ethan and I are the youngest in the group which makes us easy targets for teasing. All the older members would often ask about our day. As I'm still in university while everyone has started working, I get the brunt of most of the teasing. I was even nicknamed the "baby" of the group.

The most memorable teasing I've gotten from the group was when Felicia, the most active member, pestered me to live stream myself while I was in University. Of course, I've rejected her idea straight out. The conversation in the chat group went like this-

Felicia: How's our baby today?

Me: ....

Kace: Yeah, what are you doing, lil baby?

Titus: Who's the baby? Oh wait, it's Ambar isn't it?

Ethan: Phew, I'm year older than being the baby of the group.

Jonathan: Too bad, you're still the baby of the Zhang Family.

Me: erm guys I'm in uni... having a lecture.

Felicia: Oooh, how's your lecture, baby? All of us are working and having free time *wink*

Kace: Yeah, we're all really busy working. How's your lecture.

Titus: Really busy my ass. When are you going to send me the contract for XX inc. ?

Kace: whoops!

Felicia: I want to see proof of you going in class!!! What if you're skipping?

Shaotian: I don't think Ambar is like you, darling. You used to skipped classes back in school.

Felicia: shhhhhhh. Still I want to see you, Ambar. What about live-streaming it?

Kace: Good idea! Live-stream!

Titus: Live stream!

Ethan: Live stream!

This conversation went on for god knows how long until I snapped. I was trying to pay attention to the lecture while my phone was buzzing with messages even though I've already silenced it.

Me: I won't live-stream.

Felicia: come on, don't be a spoilsport. Please

Ethan: I want to see you too.

Titus: Yeah, we rarely see you nowadays.

Jonathan: yeap you missed all the galas and events

Kace: come on lil sis. Just your face.

Felicia: Ambar!!!!!!

Me: ...

Me: ...

Me: fine. Will a picture do? I won't live-stream btw.

Felicia: Yes!!!

Ethan: Picture! Picture! Picture!

Kace: That's my lil sis. HAHAHAHAH

I was wearing all black. A hoodie, leggings and an Adidas cap. I had minimal makeup and I was wearing glasses that looked like Harry Potter's glasses. When my lecturer gave us a 5 minutes break in class, I quickly snapped a picture of me looking bored out of my mind with my classmates at the background. I even had a friend waving at the back of the class when they noticed I was taking a selfie.

Me: *sends picture*

Felicia: Aww, you're so cute. I feel old now.

Shaotian: you are reaching 30.

Felicia: shut up.

Kace: study hard lil sis.

Ethan: you look nice :) Have fun in uni. Try not to sleep~

Titus: God, I feel old too. It's been years since I was in uni.

Jonathan: Same. Can't believe I have a son now eh.

Luckily, the attention on me shifted to somewhere else. I decided to mute the group for the safety of my sanity and for my lectures. Once my lectures was over, it was already 4 in the afternoon. I was debating whether to finish my assignments in the library or go home early for a rest. In a beat, I received a message from Ethan.

Ethan: are you free right now?

Me: Yeah, Why?

Ethan: Do you want to watch a movie with me?

I'll take watching a movie anytime, besides, I've been busy everyday without having a break and I've finish all the assignments due this week. No harm done, I guess. I replied Ethan back.

Me: Sure, what movie?

Ethan: Do you want to watch an action movie or a horror one?

Me: An action movie please! You know I hate horror.

Ethan: scaredy cat~

Me: oh shut up.

Ethan: I'll fetch you in 5 minutes. Give me the address of your uni :)

Me: *shares location*

Me: do you want coffee, I'm standing in line now.

Ethan: sureeee

Me: Rightie. One iced americano, right?

Ethan: yup.

Once I got out of the cafe, Ethan's sleek car was park opposite me. I swiftly got into the car. He smiled at me which showcase his cute dimples. "Here's your coffee," I handed him his coffee. The drive was relaxing and comfortable. Although Ethan and I didn't talk, it wasn't awkward at all. In fact, it was so comfortable, that I fell asleep.

When we arrived, Ethan tried to wake me up. "Ambar, wake up." He poked my cheeks. "Come on, our movie's starting." Another poke. "If you don't wake up this instance, I'll kiss you!" I turned my head around still feeling sleepy. Wait. What did Ethan say? I could barely open my eyes and mumbled, "what...did you say...?" I rubbed my eyes trying to get the sleep to disappear. "Hmmm, nothing," he smiled slyly. "Let's get going, shall we?" Ethan got out of his car and helped opened my door. He helped with my bag and belongings, while I tried miserably to get out of the car. He had to hold my hand so that I could follow him to the cinema. Unconsciously, I felt that my small hand fitted just right into his bigger hand. It was like the perfect puzzle piece. It was comfortable and nice.

As I was thinking how nice his hand was holding onto mine, a sudden realisation hit me. Wait. Hold up. Is this a date?