
Gold Experience(GER) in DC

Also for those who didn’t read the tags: MC will be OP at least try to be one. This will be a Harem novel Make sure to read the Harem list before you come badmouthing me. I’ll try to write some events from the Novel with various enemies to challenge the League and the MC Females will fall for him a bit fast but there will be some emotional involvement and not just mindless drones. A bit of a Hentai when it comes to R18 SliceOfLife since you know I like to take my development of Plot slow with Action in literal and metaphorical sense. A loner who loves Jojo and DC after losing his parents in an elevator accident, decides to just hole up in his home and distract himself with something. So he finds Jojo as his first Anime. He loves the series and it’s bizzare powers along with those various poses. He was an avid fan of DC from the start. So he often fantasised about reincarnating in DC with Jojo’s stands and some perks when he read all those FanFics and didn’t find too many good DC novels except a few of them. Most of them were made on Marvel which he like but he wanted something DC related. So, he just opted to read some comics and make a FanFic of his own in his mind. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in the novel or the cover picture. I will remove it if the owner asks.

Hancock_Sama · アニメ·コミックス
195 Chs

100. Finally

Slowly, the other three were overwhelmed by the large number of Lanterns and Alex finally had to step in.

They continued for a while more and finally solved all the Lanterns by the time it was late afternoon. Now Only Supes was left.

Superman had already found out the whole situation and he was already tattered after receiving so many attacks from Zatanna.

Superman looked for an opening and rushed out instantly. He cannot fall here or his hard work will go to waste.

He has to be there to handle the helm of the Regime. If he can regroup back in the headquarters then he will have the confidence to face these heroes.

He cannot stop all of them alone but he can run and they can't stop him.

Zatanna was stupefied by Superman's decisive retreat. She didn't even think that The Blue Boy will run away like this.

But even if he went to the other side. He will still have to face some of the Powerhouses from Insurgency this time.

The plan cannot be stopped at all costs. Alex was also ready to give chase when needed but before he had to resolve things here first.

They took a small amount of time to sort everything out first by capturing the prisoners.

"Aquaman, Green Lantern and Cyborg will stay here with Joker and Harley. I will be going with Batman and Zatanna". Alex said while motioning towards each of them.

All of them nodded their head and Alex picked Bruce up before blasting off into the distance.

All of them quickly reached the Regime headquarters and saw a great battle already going under way.

All the classic villains were there fighting against the others and Superman was wrecking havoc here.

Black Adam was also there and they had perfect counter to Zatanna. Things were going to get tough because Mr Mxyzptlk was also there and he was most powerful.

"I will fight Mr Mxyzptlk and you guys try to contain Superman". Alex ordered and put Bruce on the ground before blasting off towards Mr Mxyzptlk.

"Oh, aren't you that guy. You were fighting my boy right?" Mr Mxyzptlk didn't look stressed and joked about with Alex.

"How about we do this? I will give you a question. If you can't solve it then you obediently go back". Alex asked him with a smile.

"Boy, your challenge is redundant and I know what you are trying to do but I will entertain you". Mr Mxyzptlk said with a wave of his hand.

"Oh then tell me what this is? I want a specific name". Alex said while patting Gold Experience's shoulder with a smile.

The smile on Mr Mxyzptlk's face froze and a deep frown appeared on his forehead.

"Strange, truly strange. I have never seen this kind of creature or power in all my life of collecting everything in the Omniverse". Mr Mxyzptlk said while circling Gold Experience and poking it with his finger.

"Intriguing". His face kept constantly changing from a frown to a smile intermittently.

He was analysing Gold Experience but he wasn't able to find out anything because Gold Experience was blocking him from Analysing himself.

"I can't tell". Mr Mxyzptlk shook his head in defeat and looked at Alex eagerly.

"You have to tell me what it is?" Mr Mxyzptlk asked with an eager and Impatient tone.

"Why do I have to tell you? That wasn't our agreement". Alex shook his head and laughed when he heard his words.

"Hmph, then we can fight. I'm not going back". Mr Mxyzptlk also snorted and prepared to use his abilities.

"Alright but I will only tell it's name". Alex sighed and agreed.

Right now it was imperative that he should save as much time as possible and Mr Mxyzptlk wasn't an easy foe to handle.

"This ability is called a Stand". Alex said while patting Gold Experience's shoulder.

"I see, I see. Okay then I will come later to talk more about it". Mr Mxyzptlk nodded his head and waved his hand but his eagerness was still there.

He left the reality with a plop and fulfilled his promise of not interfering in the battlefield.

Alex also nodded in satisfaction and immediately turned his head towards Black Adam.

He leapt forward and touched Black Adam without being felt and pulled him into Avalon.

"Gold Experience". Alex shouted and Gold Experience immediately got to work in engaging Black Adam.

"I will turn you into ashes". Black Adam growled out and engaged Gold Experience.

They fought each other but Black Adam was suppressed inside Avalon.

Alex also took this chance and closed the distance with Black Adam.

Both of them engaged Black Adam and started fighting fiercely.

Black Adam could inly contend because of his Magic or he would be on the ground way sooner.

Alex wasn't using any of his three special abilities. He was fighting with just Spirit Force and physical strength.

In a couple of rounds, they subdued Black Adam and Alex quickly killed him.

"Now to get the sweet fruit". Alex licked his lips and touched Black Adam's head.

He used Hamon and sucked out all the Life energy inside of him.

His power kept getting stronger and stronger and he quickly broke 20 megatons.

His strength soared all the way to a hundred Megatons and he finally stopped absorbing because that was his limit and Black Adam turned to dust.

Alex exited Avalon and saw that because of Black Adam's absence, they had quickly contained everyone.

Superman was also bound with magic. Constantine(alt Uni) and Zatanna had both bound him together.

He was struggling hard but couldn't break free from the bindings.

Batman and Bruce were standing on wither side of him. The whole Regime had been rounded up with just small resistances here and there.

"Finally finished huh". Alex smiled and walked over to everyone.

"Yeah, Barbara and the others helped a lot". Zatanna smiled and started telling him everything.

Alex also smiled and heard everything from her patiently.

Everything was according to plan and any changes were quickly dealt with by Batman on the spot. He was just too prepared for every scenario.