
East Blue Arc Secondary : Luffy's Journey Starts!

this chapter has thoughts in it, so thoughts will be like this 

Before the chapter, i just got a quick question : what would u guys rather, a longer 2k/3k chapter or 2 1.5k chapter (they will still most likely be released in a single day like the 3k chap)? (also i will do my best to make most chapters 3k unless you guys want 1.5k) and another question, do you guys rather it be a slower paced story or a faster paced one?

well, enough talking, and to the chap we go! :P

10 Years after Shank's leave

"Hey Sabo, do you think 2 barrels of food will be enough?" asked Luffy, who had managed to forget about taking food with them, even though he's the one who eats as if that day is the last day he's gonna live on this planet. "Well, I don't think 2 barrels will be enough for even 2 days with you, but 2 days are enough to find an island, and also, with more food, we wouldn't be able to sail because of the weight."

Luffy was wearing an all black outfit, black hoodie, black pants, black shoes, his famous straw-hat and extremely darkened sunglasses over his eyes. Sabo was wearing the same outfit as him, but he didn't have a straw hat or sunglasses, and his hair was in a bun.

Luffy looked hurt at the comment, but Sabo knew he was just joking with him. "Well, here you guys are!" Makino filled 2 barrels up with food, and they took them to their 'ship', "Thanks, Makino!" came from the two of them. As they took the food, Luffy started up a conversation, "Hey, you want to become a Revolutionary, right?"

"Yeah, I do." confirmed Sabo, "Well, where do you think their base might be?" asked Luffy, which was something that was on his mind the entire time, well, not really, but that might just be because approximately no thoughts circulated his Monkey brain (name joke, get it?). "I think they're somewhere in the Grand Line, somewhere with an easy access to Marine bases, but also somewhere easy where they can escape in case of an attack anytime." 

"But man, I still can't believe that my dad's the boss of them." Luffy could still recall when Sabo told him that 'Monkey D. Dragon' was the leader of the Revolutionaries. He didn't get why it was important for a few minutes, until he realized the both of them had 'Monkey D.' in their name. "Oh, here we are." told him Sabo.

As they put the barrels on the danghy, they noticed it was wobbly with all the weight, and Sabo wondered whether it would manage to hold both the barrel's weight and their own. "I don't think it'll hold both of us and the barrels." 

"Eh, it'll be fine, no need to worry so much, Sabo. It's not like we can't just fly." reassured Luffy, which didn't end up as reassurance, but more so doubt, "You can fly, I can't. I don't have a devil fruit." pointed out Sabo. "Don't worry, I'll carry you! Shishishishi!" 

As they got on the ship, and set sail, the same Sea King which had taken Shank's arm had emerged from the bottom of the sea. "Seems like you're still here, huh? Shishishi!" Luffy formed a Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, and with it, he took the Sea King and threw him on the ground of the island, where the mayor, Makino and some others still were. "Luffy! You almost got us hit by it!" they yelled out, yet Luffy still continued to laugh. 

Unfortunately, the Cursed Technique: Blue had formed a whirlpool as it also touched the sea just a little bit. "Woah! I didn't see that!" yelled Luffy, while Sabo was cursing under his breath. "Shit, fuck". Thinking of a quick plan that didn't involve playing with his life like dice, he emptied out the barrel and went in it. They weren't gonna be able to take it with them either way, so it didn't matter.

As Luffy was thinking of a plan, which was quite unusual for him, he saw Sabo going inside the barrel. "I'll fly on top so if there's any more sea kings, they will be dealt with. I'll follow where you go, until we find an island." Luffy told Sabo, who agreed with a nod of his head. 

As Luffy flew up, he thought of a better plan, Hey, can't I just use Lapse Blue and take him with me? Wait, yeah! , as he used Lapse Blue, he noticed a ship up north, and decided to go there with Sabo. We can 100% get a new boat and some food there, right? Even though the most likely possibility was that it was a pirate ship, Luffy knew they were strong enough to take on anyone there.

When they got there

"Hey Sabo! We're on a ship!" he told Sabo, who left the cozy barrel. However, as he left it, they were spotted by a pink-haired pirate. "Hey you guys!" that caught their attention, "You have to leave!" this confused Luffy, as he could see with his Six Eyes that nobody on this island is strong enough to even come close to Sabo.

"The famous pirate, Alvida, is the captain of this ship! She has an outstanding bounty of 5 million Berries!" the kid yelled out, thinking that it would intimidate them to get out, as he thought that they didn't stand a chance against her.

"Alvida? Who's that?" just as Luffy asked this question, said Alvida came rushing towards them. "Koby! What did I tell you about rushing out while you're cleaning my shoes!?" she yelled out, not seeing the intruders. "That fat whale is Alvida?" Alvida finally saw the intruders once Luffy said that, and she yelled out in rage, "How dare you call me a fat whale!? I'll kill you!!" 

She tried to hit him with her mace, but his Infinity slowed it down limitlessly. "Wha-!?" she yelled out, and not knowing why she couldn't hit him, she tried again. This time, when it was blocked by Infinity, Luffy walked forward. The mace was brought along with Luffy, it in itself having hit Alvida in her abdomen. "Argh!" she screamed out in pain.

"You can't even handle your own weapon? Shishishi!" Luffy laughed at her, making her even madder than she already was. "I'll kill you!" she yelled out again, and tried to attack yet again, having not learnt her lesson. Luffy retaliated this time, having hit her with a right hook left hook goodnight combo. 

The crew came as soon as she yelled out the last time, but due to the fact that nobody was near Koby or her when she yelled that out, they weren't able to get there in time, and all they saw was her passing out. "H-he killed he-her!" they yelled out in fear, thinking that Luffy wanted to kill them as well, but what they didn't realize was the fact that she was only knocked out, not dead. 

"She's not dead... I think....?" even he was confused. He walked forward, wanting to go look for food- " Meat!". Sabo came with him to find food, and Koby also came with them, asking how he managed to do that. "How did you do that? She has 5 million berries as her bounty!" 

"Eh? She was weak." told him Luffy. "I'm Koby. What's your dream?" to which he got an instant answer, "I'm going to become the pirate king!" he told him. "I'm gonna become a Revolutionary." came from Sabo.

"Eh?! Pirate King and Revolutionary?! But you'll have to go to the Grand Line to achieve that!" he seemed to think that the Grand Line was something that was of nightmares. "Yeah, so?" came from Luffy's brother.

"What's your dream, Koby?" asked Luffy, since both him and Sabo told him their dreams, it only seemed fair that he did too. "I-I want to become a marine..." 

chapter end

so, this chapter has almost 1433 words in it, and its a test (kind of) to see which format does better. like i said at the start, i would like to know what you guys like more, longer chapters or smaller chapters. originally this was supposed to have zoro in it as well, with the title being "Luffy's Journey Starts! First Crew Member!" (sabo isnt in the crew, hes more like... someone going with them.).. i will post the other part of the chapter today as well, so dw.