
Going In Completely Blind

And, as for those internet trolls, who are wondering, as to why I am not going to try to change anything in the anime canon timeline, by way of me messing with things? Well, that is because, this is my fanfic. And, if you wind up commenting, or leaving a review, that winds up channeling, even the slightest bit, of petty jealousy, or toxicity, James_Horn, Zero_Tempest_9159 and Mr_ZeroDagger07, this means you three as well. And as I have already stated to you three, that you are to refrain, from making anymore comments, or reviews, on any of my fanfics. However, if you insist on persevering, despite the aforementioned warning, then I will have no choice, but to report you to Webnovel. Want to think that I am just selling wolf tickets? Try me. And I will also be sharing your comments with my subs and followers. So that they are made aware of your quite sad attempts at toxic petty jealousy. But don't let my justifiable response deter your. Please do go ahead and try and call my bluff. Which is actually a clear promise. If you decide to attempt another comment, it will then be out of my hands. Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces and Going In Almost Completely Blind Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. And just so you know, that is deliberate in my fics. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that. So Wedding Peach what do you say that we show the viewers the power of The Four Aces Alliance?

zachycards · アニメ&漫画
137 Chs

Chapter 40: A Passionate Kiss Farewell!: A Horrifying Discovery!

Date: January 5, 1996

Well, another week had now passed since our most recent encounter with Potamos. And may I also add, Angel Salvia finally deciding to become a team player. "Bluebell here viewers. I cannot stress that part enough...and in case you all haven't realized it yet...I cannot tolerate arrogance in any form when it comes to being a member of a team...I can think of 4 other people who have this issue...and they are all in this fanfic...I think who they are should be obvious...seeing as how two of them are tsunderes...and the other two...are just plain arrogant...if it weren't for the fact that I would wind up forgiving them for the betrayal that they made in their fight against a certain villain...then this alliance wouldn't have worked the way it did...desperate or not, those two should not have lowered themselves to accepting her offer...Because all that did...was get themselves and two of their other teammates killed...And it also left the two of them with blood on their hands...I still don't fully trust the two of them...their arrogance...coupled with their track record of being untrustworthy...is a recipe for disaster. But enough foreshadowing. *giggles* On with the story."

Anyway, on the way home from school, me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku had finished working on the school newspaper, before leaving to walk home. However, Yousuke wound up walking up to us and teased us for leaving late. "Okay Yousuke...seriously!?...How badly do you want to see Momoko...oh joy...there they go arguing again...wonderful..." I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop then found its way onto one side of my face. "Oh wonderful...Hiromi is here...I mean Potamos...it really is quite sad that she is a devil...because why else would I feel this uneasy feeling while I'm around her...She can change her looks slightly...but she still resembles her devil form too much for me to be unconvinced that it's her," I thought to myself, as Hiromi took Yousuke inside the school.

Hiromi then led Yousuke to a classroom where she wound up playing a piano song on the speakers and approached him while we watched the pair from outside. Yuri and Hinagiku insisted to Momoko to stop them, but she refused to get involved. "To tell you the honest truth sis, I am with you on that...because after all viewers...nothing good can come from upsetting someone like Potamos...nothing," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, and putting an immense emphasis on the last word of my thought. Now looking visibly uncomfortable, after Hiromi suggested to him that they get married, and then proceeded to try and kiss him. Yousuke pushed her back and revealed that he liked someone else. "Huh..and why do I get the feeling that it isn't Momoko that he is referring too...why am I thinking about that girl again...pull yourself together...you have a job to do here...after all...its not like I am ever going to cross paths with her or anyone else on her team...still...if 'she' has in fact awakened...I can only imagine the amount of problems that would arise from that...Actually...I need to put an end to this once and for all...I am going to need to use the newspaper clubs computer to check out if my thoughts actually mean something...or if they're just harmless..." I thought to myself as Hiromi fell to the floor and became distraught. Before Yousuke could walk away, Hiromi surrounded the school in a vortex of negative energy, making him fall unconscious. She then transformed into Potamos, surprising us.

Well, I wasn't surprised at all, since I had already known that Hiromi was Potamos. And as the the school started to flip upside down, Momoko readied her Saint Miroir, I reached into my skirt pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri readied her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readied her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and also in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

It was then that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy readied their respective transformation items, and prepared to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" the three of them said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And as Potamos was about to kiss an unconscious Yousuke, Wedding Peach decided to speak up. "Stop it!" Wedding Peach said. "Great as always sis. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "Not so fast Potamos! We have a score to settle with you! Now how about dealing with the four of us!" I said, the power and authority in my voice hammering the statement home. "Damn it's the love angels," Potamos said, after the four of us leapt into the room, and stuck our landings.

And as the usual sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "On this fine day, when the wintry wind feels so pleasant on the young men, who have been diligently practicing soccer! How dare you attempt to steal a kiss for your own selfish pleasure! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Okay sis, that was well delivered, but am I the only one here viewers, who thought that sounded bad...if it was taken out of context...Anyway, my turn," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. To which I then began my usual introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, then held it in front of me in a battle ready stance, and struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special. It means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

It was after we had all said our introductions that Potamos decided to speak up. "Stop getting in my way love angels! Take this!" Potamos said, as she then threw an attack at the four of us, which we managed to dodge without any issues. But, this was then followed, by Potamos leaving the room with Yousuke. And as we tried to run after her. A trio of devil women halted us, and wound up chaining our legs to prevent us from moving. Thankfully though, Limone appeared and broke our chains that bound our legs. And as Limone then acted as a distraction for the three devils. We then set off in pursuit of Potamos.

Potamos soon noticed us chasing her again and used her water powers to try and strike us. And while we initially avoided it, were then stuck and wrapped in Potamos' water. Jama-P then wound up warning us that we would melt away if we didn't get out of the devil's water. Suddenly Salvia then appeared and got rid of the water with her Saint Pure Sword. But, although we were happy that Salvia had freed us, we then turned around to see another pair of devil women approaching us, but we thankfully avoided their attack. This was then followed by Angel Salvia, going after the devils with one of her swords attacks. "Passionate...Cake...Cut!" Angel Salvia said, as she went after one of the devils with an overhead swing.

Meanwhile at the exact same time. Angel Daisy summoned the Saint Tornado Rod, from the Something Borrowed pendant. To which she then proceeded to use it on the other devil. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said. To which two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, doing a 360 degree spin and then firing her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up disorienting them. This was then followed by Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia telling me and Wedding Peach to go and find Potamos while they fought the devils themselves. And as me and Wedding Peach hurried away, the three devils then disappeared, despite them having been disoriented by Angel Daisy's attack.

And after the three devils then appeared in Potamos' presence, and as me and Wedding Peach made it to the scene. The devils then explained to Potamos, that they had been told by Raindevila, to dispose of Potamos, due to her multiple failures to try and kill the four of us love angels. This was then followed by me and Wedding Peach speaking up, telling Potamos to let go of Yousuke, to which she not surprisingly refused to do. But when the three devils turned their attention to me and Wedding Peach, they then struck us with evil energy.

But thankfully, as Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia entered the room. Angel Lily then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, as she then proceeded to use it on the devils. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she did a full spin, while twirling the Saint Astral Baton. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Lily followed up with, as she then got down on one knee, and spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, releasing us from our bind. The five of us then joined hands, and with the use of the Saint Something Four, wound up defeating the multiple devil women and turned the school back to normal.

Me and Wedding Peach, then once again suggested to Potamos that she let go of Yousuke, but she once again denied the request. Potamos wound up telling us she's going to marry Yousuke in her homeland. To which she then shocked us with her evil energy. Jama-P warned me and Wedding Peach that if Potamos used all of her power up, she would die. In order to save Potamos, Wedding Peach summoned the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she absorbed Potamos' attack into the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did another full spin. And, once the Saint Crystal Rod shined more intensely, she then fired Potamos' own attack back at her, in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!~" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and then fired my respective purification attack from the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

And once our attacks hit Potamos at exactly the same time, she was purified, to which she then flew away from the school.

The next day, Hiromi was seated with Yousuke at a park, while the four of us watched them from afar. Hiromi apparently wound up apologizing to Yousuke about being wrong about what love was and then him she had to leave. She went up to Yousuke and kissed him on the cheek. This surprised Momoko but she remained calm. Hiromi then said bye to Yousuke and then ran off. Scarlet became concerned allowing Hiromi to remain free. But this then prompted me to speak up, regarding her concern. "I understand your concern Scarlet, but she was purified. So, she now understands what love truly means..." And once again, Momoko decided to interrupt my statement mid sentence, and speak up. "So me and Shinko, can assure you Scarlet, that she is now harmless," Momoko said, continuing off of what I had said. "Okay sis, I need to know when you are going to finish my sentences...because you just caught me completely off guard when you did that...I am well aware that you can't read my mind...but still...I guess I can consider this as being some sort of comedic timing for the viewers enjoyment..." I thought to myself.

It was then that I decided that now was as good a time as any to check if my thoughts and suspicions regarding certain things, were warranted or just harmless. I then turned my attention to Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet. "I have to go and do something, I will catch up with you all later," I said. And after the four of them said that they were okay with it. I then proceeded off to the newspaper club room.

Once I had made it into the newspaper club room, I immediately went to the computer. "Okay, let me make this quick..." I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to look up some stuff regarding my suspicions into the computers search engine. "Oh...you have got to kidding me...this shouldn't even be available to view...oh dear god...so that's what happened to them both times?!...Okay...how badly did 'she' and 'her' really want to further their goals that 'she' and 'her' thought it was okay to kill them!...I can only imagine the amount of pain that she went through in standing by and watching them all die in front of her...Sterling reputation or not, she didn't deserve to go through that...and she had to go through it twice in her timeline no less...and she was killed along with 'them' the first time as well...dear god...Still...how is this information even available...aren't they not in our timeline?...Still...I am going to need to remember this information...because if this information is available to view in this timeline...I can only imagine just how not separate our timelines actually are..." I thought to myself, as I stared at the information in complete horror.