


Originally, that is the name of a god in Mesopotamian mythology. However, it is not a very famous god. That god was a loser, a coward. He was ordered to lead eleven monster generals but fled without fighting, losing his will to fight. And so, the myth of the god called Kingu came to an end.

And yet, for some reason, in modern-day Kyoto, Japan, an entity with the same name, "neither a yokai nor a monster nor a human, but a strange and peculiar existence," appeared. Since Mesopotamian mythology itself is not well-known in Japan, few people knew the origin of the name Kingu, and even if they did, they didn't make the connection.

Currently, he serves as a guest of Yasaka, Leader of Kyoto's Yokai. Those who don't know the details think of him as a yokai based on the equation "Kyoto's abnormality = yokai." He doesn't really mind, and it doesn't hold any meaningful difference. Although he was created as a new human, he doesn't know how to define himself.

If he were in his original form, he would have seen himself as a "weapon." Regardless of who denies it and how, he would not change that assertion. However, Kingu is not Enkidu. While they may be capable of the same actions, they cannot think the same. He ends up contemplating various things. For a long time, Kingu had avoided thinking about difficult matters. He only had to think about his mother. Moving for the sake of his mother was the only purpose of his existence.

But that was a mistake. There was nothing in that land. It was a fraud from the beginning. It was disposable from the beginning. There was no future, no hope, no will of his own.

Kingu had realized that he and the world he knew were different. No matter how the history progressed from that point, it would not become like this. The "Primeval Goddess" did not exist from the beginning, and "Tiamat" is still alive. Even though the age of the gods has ended, the gods can visit this world. However, humans are gradually distancing themselves from the abnormalities. The abnormalities on the other side seem to be making deliberate efforts to hide their mysteries, but do they realize that it denies their own existence?

In this world that deviates so greatly from his understanding of common sense, Kingu needs to think about how he should live and make a decision. Regardless of his mother or his birth, he must find something he truly wants to do.

"It's skewering, isn't it? I understand."

In his current state, Kingu was leisurely eating dango. By his side was a young fox yokai named Kunou, and the tranquility increased as a result. Furthermore, Kunou was using Kingu's lap as a pillow, and Kingu himself accepted this treatment, so there was no trace of anguish in the air.

The location was a certain dango shop in Ura-Kyoto, which could be called the illusion of Kyoto. There were only two customers, and the shopkeeper was out.

Although Kingu, a mysterious guest, lives as a member of Kyoto's yokai, the fact that he is alone with the daughter of the general and not under surveillance is evidence of the trust they have in him. Rather than truly trusting him, it is trust given in order to be trusted. It is a well-known fact that Kingu's abilities are extraordinary. Rumors have even spread to other factions, but in reality, his strength goes beyond mere rumors. As part of the Kyoto yokai, they desire military strength. Kingu had been desired to settle in Kyoto permanently.

"So, how long do you plan to hide?"

Without turning around, Kingu asked the "entity" behind him.

"It's amusing to ask when you noticed. Your abilities are at the pinnacle as an individual, except for the gods in their prime. If you hadn't been living this self-indulgent life, you would have been a first-class surveillance target."

"A demon god, huh? Not the actual King Solomon, I suppose."

"Yeah, the king isn't in this world."

There was a slight implication in the statement, but both parties let it pass without any significant reaction.

"I've come to negotiate. In short, we have decided to burn down the hell and heaven."

"I see. So you want me to kill Satan as a way to start over. Quite persistent, aren't you? And what about me? Are you asking me to do it?"

"No, it's the opposite, the complete opposite, Kingu. We want you to do nothing. Our plan is already well underway. We have local collaborators, and our perspective is broad enough. It turns out there is no need for our greatest concern. In other words, we want you to stay out of our plan entirely and behave quietly in this city. Of course, please ignore any calls from angels or satan."

"It's quite a one-sided negotiation. But let's say, hypothetically, if I were to refuse, what would you do then?"

"Oh? I'm surprised. To bring up such a topic. Well then, as an example, how about I tell that girl over there about what you did in that other world?"

For a moment, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped. Or perhaps, the space itself creaked. In any case, the sequel to the gods' masterpiece was seriously attempting to destroy the demon god behind them.

Faster than a clay doll could move, the demon god present in the room retracted their previous statement.

"...It was a joke. It seems you are similar to yourself, who sought to grant her wish, yet different."

"Yeah, I'm bewildered myself. It's quite careless to expose my weaknesses voluntarily. That's why I propose we make a promise. As long as you don't harm this city, I won't interfere with your plans."

"I appreciate that. I repeat, do not hinder us. Instead, refrain from interfering with this city. Even if you were to offer your assistance, it would only get in the way. We're almost there. Just a little longer, and we will be done."

With those final words, the presence vanished. It may have been an odd choice of words, but it seemed certain that they had no intention of causing trouble in Kyoto.


"Oh, Kunou. Did you wake up?"

"Yes. But more importantly, was someone there?"

"No, there was no one."

"I see."

With that said, Kunou fell back asleep. Her hand held onto Kingu's clothes and didn't let go. Ideally, Kingu should have shaken off that hand and left this city. It felt like a mistake to stay in this place, keeping his hidden past concealed.

"Be happy."

The words of someone's wish crossed his mind.

"Please, be happy."

"Beautiful green person."

Just a little longer, he wished to stay here for just a little longer. With that thought, Kingu looked up at the sky.

"Thank you."

"Is this what happiness is?"


"Ugh, I had a terrible experience."

In such a manner, Cao Cao lamented his current situation.

Based on uncertain rumors, he had scouted a nurse, only to be informed that he was sick. His ideals were completely denied, and he ended up fleeing. As someone aspiring to be a hero, being so thoroughly refuted by a first-time opponent was the epitome of humiliation. Moreover, it was not a laughing matter that he had resorted to running away. How did he end up experiencing such humiliation?

To make matters worse, he had been pursued by a girl who seemed to be her disciple, and he had only just managed to escape a while ago. Even though he possessed a powerful relic referred to as the strongest of barrier-type weapons, he couldn't understand how she had caught up to him. She must have awakened some kind of special forbidden technique. He briefly considered recruiting her but quickly abandoned the idea. She was not someone he could control.

Using the relic at full power had left Georg severely exhausted.

"Cao Cao, shouldn't we leave future recruitment tasks to Jeanne or Hercules?"

"Well... no, that won't work. I can't possibly approach those two for recruitment, and if the trust of our lower-ranked members doesn't gather around me, it's pointless."

As descendants of great bloodlines, born with powerful weapons, they should be able to become heroes. They must become heroes. They had no other choice.

It was a delusion, an illusion, an obsession. One nurse had seen through it and labeled it as "sickness." Naturally, Cao Cao and his companions couldn't accept that diagnosis. It's often said that it's difficult for someone with a mental illness to be aware of it, and they fell into that category.

For them, their lives existed solely to become heroes. If only they could understand how comical that existence was, they could recover faster.

"A little bit of your time, if I may?"

Having just developed a trauma of being approached from behind, Cao Cao and Georg quickly turned around. Under normal circumstances, they would have been more cautious, but they turned around carelessly without any defense.

However, there was no nurse they feared. There was no girl who seemed to be her disciple. That mysterious white fluffy creature was also absent.

Instead, there was a man who appeared to be in his fifties, resembling an elderly British gentleman painted in a picture.

"Who are you?"

Observing Cao Cao's obvious wariness, the gentleman began to explain his circumstances. Though it was referred to as "circumstances," it was uncertain and vague.

"I am someone who wishes to offer cooperation to you, Cao Cao, a leader of Hero Faction."

Cao Cao is not optimistic enough to trust those words at face value. He summons his spear, the Holy Spear that Slays Gods, and enters a combat stance. Georg releases mist, ready to respond at any moment. However, the gentleman remains unfazed. If his attitude is based on their understanding of who Cao Cao and Georg are, then he must either be a complete fool or a highly skilled individual.

As the gentleman approaches with deliberate elegance, step by step, Cao Cao becomes increasingly frustrated and impatient. His frustration is akin to a tantrum, arising from their powers not wavering. His impatience, influenced by their recent retreat, stems from the unsettling thought that perhaps their powers are not as formidable as they believe.

"As for my name... well..."

The gentleman smiles slightly, as if he has come up with a mischievous idea. It is a gentlemanly smile, but at the same time, there is a hint of wickedness in his face.

"Call me 'Napoleon'."


"Conclusion of Reports from Gremory."




"Request from Marbas. Gremory shows signs of malfunction. Swift repair is necessary."

"Follow-up from Astaroth. There is no precedent for a malfunction in the functions of a demon god. Our knowledge may not be sufficient to address it. Recall Florence Nightingale for control tower duties."

"Approval from Belphegor. We shall make the necessary arrangements immediately."

"Protest from Gremory. There were no falsehoods, exaggerations, omissions, or distortions in the previous report. Furthermore, there is no malfunction in my functions."

"Agreement from Haagenti. Humans and Heroic Spirits sometimes exceed our expectations."

"Assertion from Asmodeus. Lust is an important element in human psychology. It is not surprising for them to reject our proposals based on that. "

"Supplement from Forneus. Our familiar demons have different circumstances. It is speculated that they trade their bodies for loyalty. Intimacy with abominations may hold value for certain humans, but such vulgarity is not acknowledged by us. They are not the objects of our salvation. We should carefully examine the reincarnated demons who extract the 'Evil Piece' considering these factors."

"Counterargument from Gamigin. If it is a simple matter of contractual relationships, there would be no need to passionately discuss women's breasts. From a human psychological standpoint, one would hide unseemly truths. It is possible that his motivations were false, not reflecting his true intentions, to conceal certain circumstances such as being held hostage."

"Suggestion from Halfas. In the Fifth Singularity, numerous Heroic Spirits were driven by love. There was a young boy who defied curses to meet his wife, a young man who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the subordinate who had seduced his wife, a warrior who sought to destroy the world for the sake of fighting his archenemy, a mad king who affirmed the desires of lewd women. Humans are driven by love and desires. The reasons for their battles are generally base. It is not surprising that some humans descend into becoming devils for the sake of sexual intercourse."

"Question from Vine. Could it be that the influence of reincarnation into a devil has caused abnormality in the mind? If it is a tool that alters the soul, it is not unusual for it to distort the mind."

"Denial from Sitri. It is the nature of humans, who are not Heroic Spirits, to possess desires. They violate, torment, and indulge. The so-called 'ordinary people' are the epitome of desires. That is why they are called 'worldly creatures.'"

"Denial from Baal. Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is our target for revenge, was originally an ordinary person ignorant of magecraft. If the reincarnated devil in question was a typical human, the same would apply to Fujimaru Ritsuka. Are you suggesting that the Time Temple has been breached by carnal desires?"

"Counterargument from Asmodeus. Love is an indispensable function for humans, but it is not the only one. Fujimaru Ritsuka was also in the stage of life with heightened sexual desires. It is reasonable to assume that he had lustful feelings towards Mash Kyrielight. It cannot be denied that there is a possibility that they engaged in physical relations, which we have not observed. Moreover, considering the Master-Servant relationship, it is unnatural to assume that they did not engage in such activities."

"Question from Berith. Is there a possibility that the influence of being reincarnated as a devil has caused abnormality in their minds? If it is a tool that alters the soul, it is not unusual for it to cause a distortion in the mind."

"Denial from Sitri. Such desires are characteristic of humans who are not Heroic Spirits. They violate, torment, and indulge. The so-called 'ordinary people' have desires that know no bounds. That is why they are called 'worldly creatures.'"

"Proposal from Flauros. We recommend eternal silence for the three pillars, Belial, Asmodeus, and Sitri."

"Goetia, a rift among the breasts?"

"....Ophis. I have always felt a sense of anger towards a certain man, wondering why he did not tell me. But now, I feel like saying the opposite to you. Please, keep quiet. Also, how long will you stay here? Why not confine yourself within your bounded field?"

"I am interested in Goetia. I am gazing at Goetia."

"I see. Just don't interfere. We're almost done."

"Report from Naberius. Negotiations with the Underworld have been successful. Greece is now out of reach."

"Communication from Goetia to all Demon God Pillars. Once the operations of Baal and Flauros are complete, we will proceed to the next stage of the plan. We will overlap the belts of light and burn down Hell. Let us conclude the incineration of the Human Order, as described in the Burning of the Bibles."
