

(Will also be on Royal Road) A young man who got himself involved with the Yakuza and had always aspired to be a hero and one day comes upon a man who had gambled in the wrong casino, being chased down by Yakuza who wants his head. The young man steps in and saves the gambler, beginning their long partnership to get to the top of the gambling world.

CynicalPepper · アクション
3 Chs


"Okay, watch!" A younger Japanese man wearing a blue dress suit scrolled through his phone violently as another one with a heavy scowl weighing down on his face looking over his shoulder. "Okay, here!" The Japanese man showed the other man his phone, a picture of a man with a really large forehead on the phone.

"Holy shit..." The man chuckled before placing his fingers on his own forehead, "He has such a fucking large forehead!" The man broke down into hysterics. A young man wearing a jacket over his suit walked into the room with a confused expression on their face.

"What's going on?"

The other young Japanese man motioned for him, "Get over here, look!" He said, chuckling.

The jacket-wearing Japanese man walked over, leaning over the chair to look down at the photo, "Holy... no fuckin' way."

The scowl-ridden Japanese man hit the jacket-wearing one's shoulder, "Yo, Kansai accent is coming out."

He clicked his tongue, "Enough of that shit, we all know each other," He paused, looking back over to the picture, "That motherfucker has a goddamn five head."

The man with the scowl chuckled, "Nah, nah, he has a ten head, you can put both hands on that shit." They all broke out into hysterics as another man walked into the room, turtle shell glasses sitting on the tip of his nose, his short shaved hair slicked back with gel. "Yo, yo, Boss! Look at this!"

Their Boss raised an eyebrow quizzically and crossed the room over to them, looking over at the phone with a smirk on his face, "Oh my lord..." He placed his fingers onto his forehead, "This dude got a bigger forehead than me."

"Nah, Boss," The scowl-ridden man chuckled, smacking his Boss's arm, "Your hairline is perfect, compared to me and this guy that is but... while I have a five head this motherfucker got a got damn ten head."

The Boss stifled a laugh before shaking his head, "Alright, alright, on an unrelated note," The Boss crossed over to a desk in the corner of the room, sitting behind it onto a swivel chair, "I'm gonna go to a meeting later on tonight, Koichi," The Boss pointed to the younger man still sat down in the chair, phone tightly gripped in his hand. "I need you to go out and get something from my car, I kinda forgot to grab it."

Koichi stood up from the couch attentively, "What do you want me to get Boss?"


Koichi crossed over to the Boss, maneuvering through a variety of furniture. "What's up?"

"Here." The Boss threw the keys over to Koichi, "I need you to get some cardboard box in the trunk."

Koichi nodded, "Yes, Boss!" Koichi sprinted out the door, almost tripping on himself on the way out.

"Rokurou," The Boss pointed to the man with a scowl, "You'll be coming with me to the meeting."

Rokurou nodded - The one wearing a jacket raised his hand, "What about me Boss!?"

"You'll stay here."

The jacket-wearing one leaned back in disappointment before sitting down behind one of the 15 desks within the room.

Koichi reached the car outside and popped open the trunk, running his hand over a cardboard box with a smile on his face, "Wonder what this is." He thought out loud before putting one hand under the box. Koichi stopped midway, spinning on his heel to glance at a man walking on a crosswalk all the way to a convenience store wearing a completely velvet suit, lit up by multiple signs and the like. "Weird... I." Koichi shook his head before looking back over to the box.

The man in the velvet suit speed walked over to Koichi with a steel wire tightened in between two gloved hands - he wrapped the wire around Koichi's neck and pulled. Koichi's legs began flailing wildly as the box fell to the floor, cracking open. Koichi gagged and coughed as the wire grew tighter and tighter around his throat, his eyes beginning to become bloodshot red, his neck contorting against the steel wire, bruising slowly forming under it. Saliva slowly dripped from Koichi's mouth, foam forming on the rim of his lips as his eyes slowly rolled to the back of his head. It took a few minutes for Koichi to go completely limp, the velvet man dropping him to the ground once no heartbeat could be found. After hearing the meaty thud of Koichi's corpse, the velvet man moved on, placing a mask over his head, thick, something wrapped around his neck as well.

The velvet man made his way into the building, walking up a staircase and kicking down the door to their office with a suppressed pistol in hand. First one dead, the young man wearing a jacket, blood and skin spreading across the desk nearest to him as he slid out from his chair. The velvet man quickly turned to the corner of the room, the Boss and Rokurou prepping themselves for battle, pulling out the pistols placed under their belts.

Rokurou's brains were quickly splattered onto the wall behind him before falling limply to the floor, a pool of blood quickly forming - the Boss fired once but missed - he was shot two times in the chest before getting one more shot under his nose, killing him. Bloodstained his clothes as he laid slack-jawed.

The man in velvet sighed, unscrewing the suppressor from his gun and placing it into his pocket before unloading his pistol. He took the clip out first and placed it into his pocket as well before cocking the pistol back, watching as the bullet jumped out from inside the gun, catching the bullet in mid-air. The velvet man walked over to the car outside, placing the gun atop the hood of the car, keeping the extra bullet he had taken out from the pistol into his pocket along with the clip. The velvet man leaned on the car, took the helmet off from his head, and latched it onto his belt, chuckling to himself as he failed to light a cigarette. The velvet man made a disgusted expression before eating the cigarette, "Fuck." He growled, "Can't leave that here..." He winced as he swallowed it down.

The velvet man grabbed the pistol once again before making his way onto the streets of Tokyo.