
Academy Cadets

"You there, with the glasses. Tell me about the Seekers and their levels." A plump middle-aged man shouted. He was wearing a neat dark brown jacket and black trousers and had a handlebar mustache. He was pointing towards a particular person in his class.

Everyone turned their heads towards the person that the professor pointed out. He was a charming young lad, with neat uniform and handsome features. He was wearing a pair of round spectacles and had ruby hair. It was Cadell. He stood up.

"Sir! Seekers, or, "Godseekers" are those who transcend the realm of humanity by seeking the grace of Gods. Seekers are divided into three levels: Transcendent, Intermediate and Initiate."

"Good! How can we further recognize their level?"

"Sir! Initiate Seekers have two levels: Heart Core Transformation and Eyes Transformation. Intermediate are divided into three: Blood Transformation, Body Transformation and finally, Brain Transformation. After a Seeker integrate all the aspects, they can reach Transcendence."

The professor, Hugo Smith, smiled at the answer. "Good Good! Well done Cadell. You can sit down."

"Yes Sir!" Cadell sat down.

"All that reading did benefit you huh.." A whisper came from the seat towards his left. Turning his head, he could see a beautiful girl with pale skin, small nose and pink lips. She was wearing a simple white shirt, black trousers and a violet coat, the uniform of their academy, but she exuded an air of nobility.

Cadell kept staring at her. The most notable feature about her was her white hair. "Don't joke around Val, we need to do our best to become knights. They only accept 8 knights a year after all."

Valentina pouted, "Yeah Yeah.. I am serious!" Her eyes instantly became sharp as she looked around the class. The class had a total of 24 cadets.

*Ting Ting Ting*

"Oh there goes the bell. Class is over for today. You all may go. May the night protect us!"

"May the night protect us!" All the cadets stood up and chanted. As soon as the professor left, some cadets started chattering by forming groups, while others started leaving.

"Did you guys hear? We'll be going on an excursion to Rivenport!" A cadet was excitedly chattering.

"Really? All the way to Procella? Isn't that the area of The Everlasting Storm?"

"I couldn't know. That's just what I heard."

Another cadet chimed in, "Maybe we'll get to meet and compete with the cadets of Storm Legion academies. The churches are quite competitive after all."

Cadell approached Valentina who was invested in the gossip. "You ready to go?"

"Huh? Oh yeah... Let's go." She stood up and walked towards the door together with Cadell.

The gossiping cadets stopped and looked towards them. "Wow... She's so pretty."

Another put his hands on his chin, "Yeah.. and she's cold too, which makes her more attractive to be honest."

The two other looked at him with disapproval on their face. "What the hell are you saying. Haah. We can only look at her, she only talks with Cadell or Knight Edana after all."


"Did you hear them inside? Seems like we're going on a trip to Procella." Valentina said to Cadell.

"They're just rumors Val, why would they take cadets all the way to Storm's area? We need to focus on studies right now."

Valentina slowed down. Not feeling her presence on his side, Cadell stopped and looked back towards her. "Val?"

Valentina looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "I just thought maybe we could get some clues there..."

Cadell walked towards her and grabber her hands. "We will Val... We'll surely avenge our village. That's why we're studying so hard to become knights. Isn't that right?"

Valentina looked at Cadell and gave a weak smile. "Yes. Let's try our best."

Smiling back at Valentina, Cadell turned and was about to walk ahead, but he bumped into someone and stepped back.

"Well Well Well, who do we have here huh." It was a group of 4 cadets. 2 girls and 2 boys. The one Cadell bumped into was a boy with a blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing his uniform, but his shirt's sleeve was rolled up, showing off his arms which was grabbing his jacket across one of his shoulder.

"Odis Roan..."

"Aren't you going to apologize to me? Or did your commoner parents not teach you any manners? Oh wait, they're dead right? Not in the picture anymore?" Odis sneered while the other cadets behind him laughed.

Cadell clenched his fists, ".....What did you say" He was about to walk towards Odis but a soft hand wrapped around his fist and he looked back.

"It's not worth it Cadell. Let's just move on." Valentina spoke softly.

Cadell nodded and was about to leave with Valentina when suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulders. Looking back, he could see the boy who was with Odis had stopped him.

"You still haven't apologized to Odis, you filthy peasant."

"Let go of me." Cadell growled in a low voice.

"Hah! Or what? What will you do? Lay your hands on a noble? Try it, see where it gets you." The boy with short black hair and a horse-like face spoke back with a grin.

Cadell stared at the boy and slowly let go of Valentina's hand.

"What's going on here?"

A sweet but intimidating voice rang out. Everyone's eyes turned towards the voice. They saw a beautiful black haired girl wearing a violet long coat with a crescent moon symbol with stars, a white buttoned shirt underneath it, black trousers and boots. She was staring down at the black haired boy, but even doing so, she looked like she had come out of a picture.

"Knight Edana!" The boy screamed and quickly removed his hand from Cadell's shoulder.

Edana stared at the group of kids. "Cadets, class is already over for today. Head back to your homes."

"Yes Knight Edana!" They ran away quickly.

"Sister Edana!" Val ran towards her with a smile on her face and gave her a hug. Cadell followed Valentina and stood behind her, smiling.

"Valentina" Edana returned the hug with a grin on her face. "How have you been?"

"Oh the usual! We're studying hard! I'm glad you're back! I want to train, only Cadell can have fun in the theory classes! Oh! and how have you been Sister Edana?"

"Hahaha! I'm fine, it was a short mission this time." Edana pulled on Valentina's cheek "I thought you'd miss me, but you only miss your training?"

"That's not it sister! I missed you too! Oww!" Valentina tried to remove her hands with teardrops forming in her eyes.

"Hahaha. Okay Okay." Edana removed her hands. "Come, walk with me, both of you." The three of them started to walk towards their house.

It had already been 3 months since Valentina and Cadell came to Arcturus, the capital of Astra. It was home to the Church of Nox, the Serene Goddess of Night.

With no where to go, Edana took the two of them in to stay with her and they enrolled at the Nox Sacred Academy, where cadets were trained to become soldiers for Nox.

"Valentina, Cadell, I have something to tell you."

"Yes sister Edana, go ahead." Valentina spoke with a smile on her face. In the past three months, she had bonded with Edana and had come to think of her as her own sister.

Edana looked at her and sighed, "Haah... I just wanted to inform you about something the Order has decided on for the Cadets this time around."

"Is it about the trip to Rivenport?" Cadell spoke this time.

Edana widened her eyes, "How'd you know?"

"We heard the other cadets gossiping in class"

Edana sighed, "Haah.... The nobles must've told their children. Yes, the cadets will be going to Rivenport this time."

"Why are we going to the area of the Storm God sister?" Valentina asked, confused.

Edana glanced at her, "I can't tell you that, all information will be given to you tomorrow. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up."

"Oh... So won't we get to spend time together this time?" Valentina made a disappointed face.

Edana grinned and pat Valentina on her head, "Don't worry! I'll be coming with you guys!"
