

What would happen if gods were to give their powers to al teenager???YES Of couse an OP MC will be born....So enjoy Ark's life with OP powers.....

NERO_Izuku · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Centuries ago.....In an unknown realm the good and the evil clashed hoping to put and end to the other. But the result was rather uncommon, both armies were destroyed and the magic output was a little too much that it broke through dimensions and crossed realms, through the process the magic was crystallised and fragments released into earth.

People started to discover the powers in them and those with greater power began to rule over those with minors. Those who had greater amount of mana were called the nobles and those who had less were remembered as commoners. Though many conflicts arised the powerful supressed them, and the already existing wars became more active...Till only 7 kingdoms lasted till the end.

After a long period of time,

"Mam, its a boy" a women in a maid outfit said as she looked at the lady who was in the bed.

She smiled a bit, soon after the child's father came rushing into the room to see the newborn.

He was really happy as he took the child in his arms "Now i just hope he becomes a great mage like his father" the mother whispered.

A few months later,

The child was playing on his bed while he suddenly fall down, but the maids were shocked my what happened after. "The child use wind magic to slow his fall, maybe he'll become a great wind mage" the maids whispered among themselves.

Slowly the news reached the ears of the patriarch, he was in his room talking with his brother "maybe he'll be able to enter the academy sooner than i expected" he told his brother. But what he didn't know about the child was something deeper....

He grew like that for the following 9 years, until something unexpexted happened. The Barinville family attacked the Rucadels, these were the greatest families at the time, their power equalled to the Raun empire which a holy land of Gods.

Though the attack was subdued by the Runcadels one of the mages of the Baronville family sneaked into the main house and tried to assasinate the young master of the Runcadel who was 9 at the time. The assasination failed but a life -sucking curse was inflicted on him

Many people tried to remove the curse but failed in the end, there were people from the holy empire too. Lastly they were left with no hope.

One day, while the maids were cleaning Ark's room they felt an obnoxius presence in the room, emmitating from the 9 year old Ark. They informed the Patriarch, meanwhile Ark's spirit was wandering in the subconsious realm.

He suddenly across a black hole kind'a thing and as he entered it, the landscape changed. 'green land, blue sky, and green grass' he was on a hill and on top of it he saw 2 people having a tea party. He walked towards them and suddenly the air fluctuated and a voice crossed his mind.

"We don't have the time to talk, even our presence it toxic for your world" the voice said."you'll understand slowly, be patient" another voice echoed.

"Mmmm..looks like he's awake" another voice echoed, but this time this was different it was through his ears. Ark slowly widened his eyes.

"Father...........no, Patriarch" Ark called.

Heys guys, Nero here..

hope u guys enjoy/enjoyed it..


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