
Gods New Game

The world i once knew is gone and everything that was in it cannot stop me anymore the thing is can i come on top?

Fire_Turtle · ファンタジー
5 Chs


( As I opened my eyes slowly after what felt like waking up from a long dream I could see a screen in blue with gold and black decorations saying)

[Welcome New User Insert The name you would like: Insert Name ]

(I stared at the screen for a few seconds trying to process everything that happened at the time many things pass through my head but at the end I came to the conclusion I had a few years back [ I have to keep going no matter what!!]

as a simple person that i am inside I decided to use my username that I used for everything WSteven)

[Is that the username you want:WSteven.. ]

[ Press confirmed or cancel ]

[ Confirmed ]

[ Cancel ]

(As I pressed confirmed a new interface pop up)

[Chose your Attribute points you have 100. ]

Points available:

Health 100 +

Strength 100 +

Dexterity 100 +

Endurance 100 +

Wisdom 100 +

Intelligence 100 +

Luck 1 +

Drop chance of high quality 0.15%

Critical chance 0.1% +

[Accuracy 1 + ]

( As I saw how many options I had another screen pop up)

[Warning attribute values will go up or down ]

depending on how much you actually have. when you use them after the first time inside the Game they will not change again unless [ you put points into them. ]

(After waiting for a few moments and seeing that nothing new came up I quickly look at the attribute points panel and decided on how to spend my points)

[Chose your Attribute points you have 0. ]

Points available:

Health 113

Strength 100

Dexterity 120

Endurance 131

Wisdom 112

Intelligence 120

Luck 10

Drop chance of higher quality 0.6%

Critical chance 0.2%

[Accuracy 1 ]

(This are a few things i notice of the attribute points panel. Every 10 points in health equals one of endurance and every 10 points of endurance equals one for health.

Every 10 points in strength equal 1 point in health and endurance.

Every 10 points of Intelligence equals 1 of wisdom.

And each level on luck equals 0.05% on Higher quality drop and every 10 levels equals 0.1% in critical chance)

[ I put most on my points were i feel im the weakest but im not sure what dexterity does nor wisdom i still have to see what impact they have on me while intelligence i can already feel that i can remember things better and my head can focused a bit more than normal but its minimal change really for example usually i don't remember what i eat yesterday but now i kinda do... I think it was eggs?]

[Hopefully my brother chose good ones... now that i think about it did i just chose wrong by bringing my brother here. would he be safe if i had let him go?.... Sigh i think i did a big mistake but well i just have to keep going.. Anyway i already have so many problems to keep thinking about them. Plus I don't think I could survive without him. I wonder what my mom is doing or thinking, I never really hated her as much as others i don't wish for her health nor for her death i just wish i don't encounter her.. As for my stepfather he better be praying I don't recognize him]

(As I kept thinking a new panel pop up)

[Game sequence in 30 seconds for those who.

have not chosen your attributes don't worry

you can chose them when you step into the

world the only thing is can you afford it? ]

( As I read those words i prepare myself and realize i have nothing on me that i could defend if the situation needs it....)

[ Sigh... This is gona be hard one with nothing but myself, Damit did not even bring a sweater on how am I supposed to survive cold nights??

how am I supposed to walk with just my shirt on man that sucks I was already used to just wearing sweaters]

(The count down kept going down for what felt like years until the last second that once again I pass out in the blinding light)