
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 44: The Possession

Jake was busy cleaning himself up whilst Abigail was in the bedroom getting ready to go to bed, whilst she was looking in the mirror she saw a face staring back at her as she screamed the face started to come out of the mirror.

Valac: Please keep it down

Valac stood in front of her a tall skinny figure covered in purple smoke.

Abigail freaked out and started moving towards the door as she did Valac glided across the room locking the door.

Valac: Now where do you think you're going?

Abigail: I know who you are, Jakes right downstairs all I have to do is shout him

As she was about to shout Jake's name Valac grabbed her mouth covering her voice.

Valac: Now don't be so hasty, this is the first time you have been able to see me, what changed?

Abigail started to struggle to try and get free.

Valac: Stop moving, I will let you go but if you scream I won't hesitate to kill you instantly, okay?

Abigail nodded and Valac let her go and stepped backwards, Abigail gasped for breath and with tears forming in her eyes looked up at the purple figure.

Abigail: So, what is it you want from me?

Valac: That's simple, I'll give you anything you want if you just let me possess your body, it's that simple

Abigail: Well I'm not letting you possess me

Valac: you sure, I can give you anything

Abigail looked slightly interested which Valac instantly saw.

Abigail: Anything?

Valac: Anything

Abigail hesitated and after looking around the room.

Abigail: Then I guess you can possess me

Valac: Finally

As soon as she said that Jake entered the room seeing Valac there with Abigail he instantly activated his aura and swung a punch as Valac with Valac dodging the attack by possessing Abigail then swiftly evacuating through the window and disappearing.

Jake exploded with rage and got his equipment ready, putting his robes on grabbing his swords and grabbing his mask that he had not used yet, knowing he would need it for this fight.


Jake teleported back to the monastery arriving fully equipped with his aura still fully active, the master knew he was here as they could feel his power, they all ran over to him in the main hall.

Taka: Jake, what's happened?

Jake: Valacs location, do you know it

Gabrielle approached Jake to try and calm him down.

Gabrielle: We still don't know his whereabouts, now what's happened?

Jake: He got her, he got to Abigail

They all were stunned with silence until Taka approached him.

Taka: I'm so sorry

Jake slowly deactivated his aura as tears started to form in his eyes.

Gabrielle: Well now that he has possessed someone, he will be easier to track

Jake: Well let's start that then

Gabrielle then led Jake and the others towards the crystal pulling it out and placing it back in the centre of the main hall.

Gabrielle: Now that we have a person we can track, we can see their location on this

Gabrielle then tapped on the crystal as she did it started to show Valacs destination, on the crystal it shows Abigail's body standing in the middle of the town centre where he was from, she was firing off purple explosions destroying buildings around her.

Gabrielle: This is not good, Jake

As she said his name Jake had already put his mask on covering his face and took out his back up sword throwing the sheath on the floor.

Taka turned to him

Taka: Are you sure you want to do this, you do realise what it means if you fight

Jake did not answer him and vanished from that spot and appeared on the crystal right in front of Abigail's body, Gabrielle then switched the view of the crystal to Jakes.


As Jake arrived Abigail was still firing off massive fireballs at the civilians around them.


Abigail replied to him but not in her normal voice, it was slightly distorted, and was clear that it was Valac who was talking.

Valac: Hell no, I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can

He then fired off another fireball this time in the direction of Jake, Jake took the hit, and through the smoke, he continued his walk towards them.

Valac seeing this flew upwards whilst firing multiple fireballs down at Jake but just as they were about to hit Jake he teleported behind them and punched them back to the ground.

Jake slowly fell back to the ground and as the smoke of the impact cleared Jake saw Abigail's body embedded within the ground with bruises and blood all over her, realizing what it would mean if he continued the fight.

Jake Landed back on the ground in front of them.

Jake: Now get the fuck out of her and fight me

Abigail's eyes opened and a flash of purple came from her body blinding Jake, trying to clear his eyes he suddenly felt a punch to his face that flung him backwards slightly, then was followed up by a tonne of smaller pinches to his chest.

As he got his vision back he could see Abigail's body hitting him, Jake took the hits and tried not to fight back, knowing he had already injured her body pretty badly.

Each hit to his body feeling ten times more powerful than the other Demons hits, a punch then sent Jake flying up into the air, which was followed by another hit sending him crashing back down to the ground.

Valac then picked Jake's body up and threw it through a nearby building, Jake smashed through the office spaces and out of the other side landing on the floor, Jake picked himself off and reactivated his aura and flying back through the same window he came out of confronting Valac again.

Jake: Clearly you are a lot stronger than the other Demons.

Valac: Well yes but you know it's no fun when you don't fight back, I'm guessing it's because of her

Jake: Of course it is, now get out of her

Valac smirked

Valac: Well you know if you put up a good fight, I might do what you say,

Valac activated his own aura which covered Abigail's body making Jake rush forward with his sword raised knowing he would have to try and beat Valac whilst trying to not injure Abigail too much.