
Gods Best Mistake

Lance is a gifted kid who soon after awakening a strange magic known as “Kings Rule” finds another person in his body! After learning his goal to get revenge on the god that locked him inside of Lance, The boy offers an alliance since they both wish to get stronger. After a hesitant agreement, they both go on an adventure to gain strength and overthrow god! Cause theirs always a plot to overthrow god!

CatzNobleLife · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Adventure and bad decisions!

As Chris walks by the assassins, who now lay lifeless on the floor, Lance is only able to think of a single thing.

Lance: "How the hell are we using the exact same magic?!"

His curiosity and confusion are both reaching a peak level, but he doesn't have much time to question it as his new reality hits him the moment he has a chance to think. His family is dead. He's only alive due to some random entity existing inside of him. Was he really able to just sit back and watch? What will he do now? How is my life gonna end up? What about Vicky?

As these questions race through his mind he's not registering anything around him. That is until Chris jolts him back to reality.

Chris: "Hey! Earth to Lance! I get that your situation really sucks kid and you might really need therapy but we don't have time for that at the moment. We gotta get outta here. Let's grab what we can and go."

With that Lance regains a bit of his composure. He doesn't have time to deal with all of this. He can work out his emotions when he's not being hunted down.

Lance: "A-Alright I'll go grab some food and stuff, but where are we going?"

Chris: "remember that Valince Forest from all your geography classes?"

Lance: "You mean the one that's been overrun with an extreme amount of magical beast for the past 50 years?"

Chris smiles causing Lance to shiver.

Chris: "That would be the one"

Lance: "Do you really think we can survive there?"

Chris: "It'd probably still be safer than any town our city when you've pissed off a high up noble family. Plus you can consider it training. Your never gonna have a decent life unless you get strong."

Lance thinks it over and realizes that he's right. All his problems can be solved if he just gets strong enough for it. But then he thinks of something.

Lance: "Couldn't you just do what you just did whenever I'm in trouble?"

Chris: " With your magic reserves? Forget it! In case you haven't noticed, your at about 20% of your max mana after my attack against assassins who were slightly above average. I may have been a bit eccentric, but not enough to justify that! You have a lot of training ahead of you so let's start heading out of this town!"

With that Lance finished putting his supplies in his bag and starts sneaking out of the house after making sure nobody was watching him. They then run out the back door, find a trader wagon moving the right way, and hop on to start their journey to Valince Forest.





[meanwhile in the Vortis family]

Vicky is silently eating dinner while looking at her mother who is for some reason smiling.

Vicky: "Has something good happened mother?"

Mrs. Vortis: "Hm? Well yes you could say that. More like I've finally gotten rid of a very annoying problem."

Vicky can't tell why, but those words make her shudder. She decides to change the subject.

Vicky: "I'm still so exited that I got my magic! I can't wait to talk about it with Lance!"

With that the air got tense. Mrs. Vortis turned to look her daughter in the eyes and spoke in her usual quiet and proper tone.

Mrs. Vortis: "Yes. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you tomorrow."

After that nobody said anything. It was if she dismissed the conversation without actually saying anything. Vicky soon excused herself from the table and went to her room, but as she looked out her window, She saw Lance running out the back door of his house with a bag on his back. Was he running away? Are things with his family ok? As she thought of that last thing she immediately went back downstairs to tell her mom to make sure everything is ok.

Her mom could make sure that Lance would be ok right? So as she went and explained what happened to her mother she couldn't help but feel that something was off with her reaction.

Mrs. Vortis: "It really is horrible that he ran away? How could that have even happened?"

Vicky: "Your going to help him right mother?"

Mrs. Vortis: "I will make sure to have people look for him, don't you worry my darling."

Vicky smiled and nodded, clueless to the fact that she just gave away his escape to his would be killer. The only consolation was that she still underestimated him, thinking that she could still wait till morning until she sent someone to track down and kill him. A professional hunter could still always track him down so there was no need for her to worry.

Except she's not accounting for the fact that nobody except Chris is crazy enough to willingly go into Valince Forest.





[the next day]

Lance wakes up when he hears Chris yelling at him to wake up.

Chris: "this is where we're getting off"

Lance: "hm? Are we already at the forest?"

Chris: "What? Of course not. This is where we start moving on foot"

Lance: "ok then, how long will it take to get there anyways?"

Chris: "If I had to guess, based on the maps it could take about 2 days to reach the far outline from our current position.

Lance: "that sounds pretty long, especially since we might be getting hunted down"

Chris shrugs and tells him to just start walking. The boy continues to walk but after about an hour he gets bored and starts annoying Chris.

Lance: "So were you born with me or did you just poof into my head one day.

Chris: " I was their since the moment your mother gave birth to you"

Lance: "Is that why you know so much about my magic?"

Chris shakes his head.

Chris: "I'm still sharing your body even though I can't do much. Meaning I have access to all your thoughts and your body. Your magic was always part of you, you just never unlocked it. I could still use it while inside your head. That combined with the fact I don't need sleep and mental training doesn't use mana means I'm bound to be great at using our magic."

Lance nods and then thinks of something.

Lance: "So since you're skilled with my specific magic type, could you explain it to me and teach me how to use it?"

Chris thinks for a couple seconds and then nods.

Chris: "I can't find a reason for not teaching you a bit. Your magic is something that I call kings rule. It allows you to influence the world around you using a combination of your will and your mana.

An example is how you wanted the snake to move out of the way so when you activated kings rule it grabbed the snakes spirit directly and infused your will into its mind. You can only do this to one target at a time but I found a way to use it on multiple at once as you saw. However your still way too weak right now for it so you may as well ignore it for now."

And with that Lance was left stunned. He never expected an ability to be so strong! But he still had a problem.

Lance: " If it runs off will and mana, how am I gonna increase my will?! And what kind of mana does this use?!"

Lance was thrown off guard when Chris simply smiled at him after hearing this.

Chris: " Your Will is going to naturally increase as your journey continues so I wouldn't worry about that yet. And as for the mana, how about you let me take over for a second?"

Lance looked at him weirdly but nodded.

He was once again moved from his position and being able to watch his body but not move it while surrounded by void.

Chris then activated kings rule and stepped forward, activating the golden ripple across the ground before speaking.

"Let me gain mana"

Lance then saw that lights of various colors surrounded his body and Chris seemed to struggle to absorb it. He immediately felt that his mana filled up and even increased a small amount.

Chris simply smiled and signaled that he was ready to switch again, but as he's about to switch back, Chris jumps backwards and something crashes directly into the area that Chris and Lance were just at. As the dust clears you can see the cracks in the ground underneath the man in all black armor. He holds a great sword and points it at them before speaking.

???: "I applaud your reactions, but that will not save you twice now."

It seems that they couldn't catch a break.