
Godly Ringmaker in the omnivers

After Adam dies in bed he meets ROB who gives him 4 wishes but what he didn’t know was that he would reincarnat as a loli girl . Disclaimer this is my first novel and my first language isn’t English I don’t own any of the world’s in wich the mc goes

ChaosCreator2 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


In an old hous you can see an old man lying on his bed he is lying motionless and doesn't breath he is dead.

(Adam's POV)

Siting up he saw nothing but a dark void suddenly a he heard the vois of a man „Hello Adam I am someone you would call a ROB don't worry you be able to talk soon but first I would like to say that I will grand you 4 wishes and you can choos your starting world I will give you time to think."

After that Adam is able to talk again and started „I want the power of Rimuru Tempest from the end of the light novel that's because I always wanted his power."

„Granted ."

After that Adam starts to think about his choices and decide what he wanted „My second wish is that I can make Rings that I can give every power I want .My third wish is to have all knowledge about comics,anime,Movies and all that stuff.And my last wisch is to be able to travel the omnivers."

„ok but I must say you something you will be reincarnate as a loli with the aperanc of rimuru tempest and also genderless have a good time."

„Wait what did you …"

N. I forgot to say that the Mc choos Dc for is start world 

After ROBs last words everything became black and than nothing ' were am I' 

{We are in the Ringmaker dimension master} 

„Who are you and were are you!"

{I am ciel master your skill} 

„I remember.Can you tell me more about this",he looks around,„Ringmaker dimension and why is everything black?"

{The Ringmaker dimension is your personal space and can be shaped with your thoughts as you please}

„Ok let's make it but first with a new body comes a new name."

'Now what it must be cool and originell the first thing I saw in this new live was darkness so maby Darklight no this isn't a good name Dark star no this isn't it ether … now I have it!'

„My new name will be Nexus!"

'now let's go first I will creat a home for my self'


I hope you liked this chapter and if you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments and I will maby use them


A.n: this is the first chapter and it is an experiment if I can write something and if somebody would like it .if you liked it and the idea than please let me now and I will write more and longer chapters but if I write more it will be random and the updates will not have a timetable.