
Ability - Black Smoke

The hovering island, planet Aquahelios.

In the great hall of the palace, Long He's parents, Uion, Khasdon, Iaris, and now Aster and Imrahil, along with their wives, were all stationed there.

They waited for Long He and Old Jun to return safely from planet Earth. But as the night fell and the sun sank into the sea, they still haven't showed up.

They began to worry, with Yi'er starting to cry again. Uion's face was blank, no one could know what he was thinking about.

The silence made the situation uncomfortable, which was unbearable to some. Finally, Aster cut that silence by saying, "Will Master He be okay?"

It took some time for him to get his reply. Uion looked at him and said slowly, "If brother Jun said that he knew where he was and could rescue him, then they will return safely."

"What if they succeeded in escaping, but then they were caught and imprisoned?" said Imrahil.

"Don't worry. I tell you this, they will arrive here safely."

The two demigods nodded, though they did not seem convinced. Waiting silently, all the people present tried to find something to let the time pass quickly.

"Let's go. I can't have the city rebuilt anymore, so I am wasting my time looking at its ruins."

All this time and all this waiting, Long He and Old Jun were outside Long Yu Feng city. He looked with grief at its ruins one last time then stepped into the portal.

On the other end of the portal, on planet Aquahelios, the two stepped into the great hall. It was late at night there, while on planet Earth the time was at noon.

One after the other, the people stood up slowly. Yi'er rushed to her son and hugged him, as did Shen Hu. Uion, Khasdon and Iaris shook his hand and exchanged words. Aster and Imrahil dropped to their knees respectfully and Long He nodded toward them.

After they sat down around a round wooden table, the invisible servants brought wine and cups. Shen Hu stood up and raised his cup, "A toast to my son, Long He, for him returning safely to planet Aquahelios!"

All followed him by raising their cups and drinking. However, Long He was busy with another thing.


[War statistics completed.

Number of kills: 2000 demigods and 1 god.

Beads acquired: 2000 demigod Heavenly beads, along with one full god bead.]


[Congratulations, host, on gaining the Sword Spear and Water Healing abilities. Both are in level 1.]


[Waterswift ability raised to level 2.]


[The acquired beads merged with the host's. Thus, the system has been upgraded.

Max godly sense: Area of three whole planets.

New gift unlocked: Black Smoke ability - level one. It enables the user to transform into black smoke and pass through tiny places.]

'What the hell?' thought Long He. He expected the system to has notifications, but not that many. And more importantly….

What is that thing about acquiring beads and merging them with the system?

Without him knowing, he frowned to the point where his eyes met each other. Uion saw his expression and laughed, "You have finally received the war statistics from your system, haven't you?"

Long He smiled wryly and said, "Um… Yeah. Can someone explain to me how did I acquire more Heavenly Beads?"

"With all respect, god He," said Imrahil respectfully, "I, as well as my fellow demigods, also acquired beads. We hoped that when you return, you would explain to us. But now that you don't know…"

"When you kill a god or a demigod," said Old Jun, "Their Heavenly Bead, which previously resided in their bodies, would get out and merge with yours."

"In that way, the system will be upgraded and you will unlock many abilities and techniques," continued Uion. "By the way, what ability did you get after the upgrade?"

"The Black Smoke ability," answered Long He. Uion and Old Jun looked at each other and a quick conversation passed between them.

"Fate is too good and nice to you, my young friend," said Old Jun. "To have this ability after the first upgrade means that you are really lucky, I can give you the name of the luckiest man in the Milky Way universe."

"Why? What does it do to be this special?"

"The Black Smoke is a high rank ability," said Uion. "It is considered as an escape technique. When you reach further levels in it, the smoke would become invisible to both eyes and godly sense."

"Even more powerful than the potion that you gave me earlier, Old Jun?"

"Yes, more powerful than the potion," replied the mysterious man, "I would even describe the gap like difference between the heavens and earth."

"I myself acquired this ability by coincidence, and that was after years of cultivation and training," said Uion with a gentle laugh.

"And He'er got it just as a gift from the system?" asked Shen Hu.

"And that's what makes me die from jealousy!"

"Are you sure that his system is alright?"

"I…" Before having the chance to continue, Uion was interrupted by Long He, who said, "No, father. It is not."

"I meant no offense in my words, son," apologized Shen Hu, "But it is just too strange to get this sort of ability just by luck."

"It's okay."

"Anyway," said Old Jun, changing the subject, "What else did you get?"

"Other than the beads and the Black Smoke ability, I acquired two others. I got the Water Healing and Sword Spear abilities."

"Hmmm… Those are good ones, mid-tier if I have to rank."

Long He nodded. Once again, silence fell in the room and none talked.

Long He remembered that the war wasn't over yet, so he asked out of curiosity, "What do we do know?"

"What do you mean?" asked Khasdon.

"I mean that the war with Ilah hasn't been won yet, or did you withdraw from it?"

"The war is of no use right now," said Uion.

"How come it is of no use?"

"Every thousand years or so, the two armies would clash. Even if a side won, another war would happen the next millennium."

"So you're telling me that you are not going to fight?"

Uion shook his head and continued, "This is the way our universe works on. We have to accept the truth whether we like it or not."

"Then I am not accepting it!" Long He angrily smashed the wine cup on the table, which shattered. He stormed out of the hall to his room.

"He'er! Come back and apologize!" shouted Yi'er. "What are these manners?"

She intended to go after him, but Uion grabbed her hand and said, "Please return to your seat, Mrs. Yi'er."

Old Jun, who had remained silent all this time, finally said, "He has a point in everything he said, Uion."

"I know, brother. I know."

"Think about it carefully, then tell me what is your decision." With this, the two gods bid the people of the palace farewell, then went to their own planets.

After thinking about what Long He said again and again, Uion finally made his decision. He took a deep breath then sent a message through his system to Old Jun, "Brother, I have made up my mind. We shall have a council, and call for a vote. If the votes for battle are higher, then we will declare the war against Ilah again."

He waited for some time then had his reply, "So be it!"

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