
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · アニメ·コミックス
190 Chs

Chapter 90: Fight, Guidance, Photograph.

"Listen up, big bro! Sugar, that gal, escaped on her bike alone! And there was an explosion in the tunnel, a really tough situation!"

"...That's not what I heard."


"Sugar said Prim fell asleep."

"What?! Seriously, did she say that!?"

On the third day since he returned to the forward operating base, there were unusual visitors in the commander's office: Sugar and Milk from Cafe Sweetie Squad. Their leader, Prim, was left at the base store, they mentioned.

"Black Typhoon doesn't have a rescue function."

"...There might have been a function to carry two people."

"Then why didn't you take us!?"

"I was busy at the time."


Sugar's nonchalant tone irritated Milk to the point where she pulled at her black hair in frustration.

Watching him from the reception sofa, he seemed to have recovered significantly. His complexion was better, and the IV tube was no longer connected to his right arm. He was dressed in his usual attire: Combat pants and a short-sleeved black shirt.

"...Just to confirm, you guys came to visit me, right? Well, unless you're here to show me a comedy act, that is."

"How rude, partner... Milk is just fooling around."

"Big bro... Are you picking a fight?"

"In my current condition, I'm not exactly in a position to pick fights. ...Well, I don't plan on losing, though."

"Hooh, come at me outside. Don't get cocky just because you've won a few times."

"...I'll ask one more time: did you really come to visit me?"

He wondered if the meaning of a visit had changed somewhere along the line, feeling a sense of unease. However, it probably hadn't. Well, he couldn't entirely blame himself for responding to Milk's confrontational attitude.

Still, Sugar felt relieved seeing Moore's condition. The last time he had seen Moore, he was being transported on a transport plane, barely clinging to life. He had recovered remarkably well,

To a suspicious degree whether he's a human ot not.

"...I'll fight you once I can move properly. Would you even be happy winning against me in this state?"

"Well, no, but..."

"I'll teach you knife fighting too while I'm at it. Just cut me some slack, okay?"

"Oh? Seriously? I won't forget! I'll prepare training knives, so be ready!"

"Yeah, it's a promise."

"---No, Commander, you can't."

Just as the door to the commander's office opened, a gentle voice, a soothing melody to his ears, spoke in a calm tone, cautioning him.

It was Marian, dressed in blue and white. She carried a tray with medicine and a glass of water in both hands and placed it on the coffee table in front of Moore.

"Fighting with Nikke is not allowed, even if you're healed."

"...I think I'd hold my own quite well, though?"

"No, it's not allowed. Now, it's time for your medicine."

---It's heartwarming to have someone taking care of me like this but....

While Moore had been absent for a long time, he couldn't help but feel that Marian's care had become somewhat overprotective upon his return to the squad. Of course, he was grateful, but he couldn't help but wonder if this was her true nature.

Memories of being scolded after firing at Rapture during their first mission resurfaced, and a thought occurred to him, making him chuckle.

"...Is there something on your mind?"

"No, it's nothing. Just recalling the time you shouted at me."

"Oh, that...! Commander, you suddenly...! Besides, you shouted at me too!"

"...I did? Ah... I remember now. When Rapi called me a newbie, and then you, Marian, got annoyed and shouted back. ...I did apologize, didn't I?"

"W-Well, yes, but...!"

—Are they showing us a lovers' quarrel or something?

As Moore and Marian retorted back and forth, Sugar and Milk, glancing at them in turn, couldn't help but think about how ridiculous the situation had become.

Marian, searching for counterarguments while puffing her cheeks slightly, seemed quite different from the information provided about her during their participation in the total war. However, regardless of whether the roots of the problem still existed, they were satisfied as long as they were back.

"...Let's not change the subject! In any case, I absolutely won't allow you to fight Nikke!"

"...No, I didn't mean that... It was just a trip down memory lane..."

Why wouldn't she accept it so stubbornly? He wondered while swallowing the prepared pill with water.

He had been freed from the drip, but medication would continue for a while. It was quite bothersome.

At specific times, specific types, and quantities. It was easy to say, but making it a habit was quite challenging.

"Partner, if you're going to bicker, we should leave since we're intruding..."

"No, I'm sorry. It was impolite to argue in front of guests."

"It's fine. I was thinking of leaving soon anyway."

Sugar and Milk, sitting side by side on the sofa, stood up. Moore also stood up, albeit with slow movements.

"I see... I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help."

"It's fine. Just seeing your face makes me happy. We can discuss the details through messages..."

"No way!"

"Marian, just to clarify... when we say 'fight,' we don't mean a brawl or anything. It's more like..."

"Training, would be the right term?"

"That's it."

The young man with black hair and the youthful Nikke both nodded simultaneously. That was probably the most accurate description.

"Training, you say?"

"Mainly close-quarters combat techniques..."

"Heh, he's badass! He even threw around mass-produced Nikkes!"

"It's also part of rehabilitation, to get my body movements back. We'll be in trouble if I can't move properly when it really matters. So please, help me out."

Seeing him plead like that, Marian recalled the day when he was assigned to the outpost base—no, the day he returned to the squad.





"This is Marian's room. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

"Thank you."

Moore, who mentioned the possibility of his wound reopening and was sweating profusely, was escorted back to the commander's office by the two of them. Indeed, there was a slight seepage of blood, so they quickly treated the wound and hastily left Neon in charge of nursing care. Afterward, Anis guided Marian to the dormitory adjacent to the headquarters building.

The room assigned to her wasn't particularly spacious nor cramped, but at least it was comfortable enough.

"There are various rules here... In addition to us, there are staff members of mass-produced Nikke models at this outpost base, so if you have any questions, it's faster to catch someone and ask. We can explain things in more detail later."

"I understand."

"Marian will primarily be operating with the squad, but... Oh, Rapi. As the leader, do you have anything to say?"

Anis called out to the leader of the Counter's Squad, who appeared in the hallway of the dormitory. Marian was about to ask what they were talking about, but she sensed from the atmosphere that it must be related to guiding her to the dormitory.

"I don't have anything special to say. ... Marian, I'm glad you're back. The commander is pleased as well."

"...Rapi, thank you. Please take care of me again."

"Yes. Oh, I almost forgot. Your mobile device."

"Thank you."

Rapi pulled a new mobile device from the pocket of her black jacket and handed it to Marian. Though the model was different from what she had used before, the functions were likely not significantly changed. Marian received it with both hands and expressed her gratitude once again.

"I've already installed blabla and invited you to the group chat room from my end."

"Sometimes, the commander also joins the group chat, so feel free to talk to him."

"The commander too?"

"Yep, yep. Oh, that reminds me. There are a few things to note. Just wait a moment. I'll send you the files."

Anis took out her own mobile device, and following Rapi's completed setup, she sent a file to Marian in their private chat.

Marian's mobile device immediately vibrated with an incoming message. While she had to set a password later, for now, she opened the received file.




[Notes Regarding the Commander]




"What is this?" 

She tilted her head as she read the row of characters labeled on the opened file.

Nevertheless, there must be some rules. Considering the length of her relationship with him—thinking about it made her chest tighten—she knew she had to read it eventually.

Leaving her questions aside, Marian scrolled through the file displayed on the LCD screen with her slender fingertips.




[Part 1: It's dangerous to take your eyes off him. Find a reason to monitor him at all times.]




"EH!? Wha-what is this!?"

"...What do you mean... exactly as it said?"

Doesn't it sound like something you would say to a toddler who just started walking or an elderly person with dementia? Marian couldn't help but ask Anis her honest impression, to which Anis responded with a perplexed expression.

"You'll understand eventually, Marian, but... the Commander could die easily if you take your eyes off him for even a moment..."


"Yes, easily."

Just to confirm, Marian asked again, and Anis nodded. Marian directed her gaze toward Rapi, the squad leader, but...

"...No comment."

That meant she acknowledged it, there was no other way to interpret it.

"...A lot has happened."


A heavy sigh escaped both Rapi and Anis.

Last night, during her time as a Heretic in M.M.R., what she herself had done was blurry and hazy in her memory. However, Marian was deeply disturbed when she received the explanation. She didn't remember it, but the bespectacled researcher, who explained the incident, wouldn't lie.

Marian thought that this series of events might be the reason for these rules. Her expression darkened, and she gripped her mobile device so hard that she feared it might break. She had to do this; otherwise, her trembling hands wouldn't stop.

"...Are you okay?"

"...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay."

Rapi's concern was not aimed at the Heretic Marian, who still couldn't hide her agitation. She understood that, but she couldn't help it—no matter how many words she used, she knew that some things could never be forgiven. She desperately wanted to apologize, even to him.




[Rule 2: Avoid using the Commander's office shower between 20:00 and 21:00. Absolutely!]




"Umm... a shower?"

"Yeah, it's the one in the dorms, but only cold water comes out."

"The cause of the malfunction in the boiler is still unknown, even though the Commander had a look at it."

"...And why exactly the warning time of Commander's office shower?"

"Because it's the only place where hot water comes out."

Anis directed a disbelieving look at Marian, as if to say it was only natural. Marian didn't understand why she was being stared at in disbelief, but there was something more important to address.

"...Wait a minute. You're telling me... you girls take showers in the Commander's room...!?"

"Yeah, right? Neon and Rapi use it sometimes too, you know? Like when the Commander is on guard duty."




"....No comment."

This time, the silence before the "no comment" was quite long. Since the silence implied confirmation, Rapi should have just acknowledged it readily.

"...I-I can't believe it...! Th-that shameless...! Surely, you don't shower with the Commander...!?"

"---Woah! There's no way we'd do that!!? Marian, what are you imagining!?"

With pale cheeks flushing red, and her mind in turmoil, Marian's vivid imagination conjured up the muscular and robust body (only the upper half) that had been exposed during the recent operation. If she were held in those thick, manly arms, surely she wouldn't be able to escape. In the shower room, warm water pouring down, a gentle embrace from behind, and that deep voice in her ear

"Y-you can't do that! It would disrupt the squad's discipline!"

"What are you even imagining!? Is this really the kind of character you are!?"

Perhaps her imagination was too vivid. Marian shook her head vigorously, tossing her newly silver hair, attempting to dispel the indecent and disrespectful delusions that invaded her mind.

"S-so, um... what do we need to be careful about?"

"Oh, yeah... It's about this time when the Commander takes a shower, so be careful not to accidentally walk in... and... well..."

Anis hesitated, unsure of how to explain. Recalling the scene—and simultaneously recalling his naked body, unabashedly revealed immediately after stepping out of the bath—Anis blushed like an instant water heater.

"T-that's... the Commander's... anti-ship rifle..."

"...The Commander's... what?"

"Y-you don't want to see it, right!? That's what I mean! Let's end this conversation!!"

Anis managed to explain while stumbling over her words, then hurriedly prompted the conversation to move on to the next topic.

Having gathered the gist of Anis' explanation, Marian's mind inevitably landed on the notable differences between male and female bodies, something she was already familiar with.

"S-so... the Commander's..."

"...It's what you'd call male──"

"Waah, waah!!"

"Did... Anis... see it?"

"I-I just s-saw it, that's all! Don't make me remember it!"

Discussing a specific part of the Commander's body in broad daylight felt a bit inappropriate, even considering he was the Commander. However, she understood that they didn't mean anything malicious by it.




[Part 3: Accepting the Fact That Somewhere, Commander is naturaly flirting Nikké Like Breathing]





"...Unconsciously, he's going around destroying the image other Nikké girls have of their Commanders."

"I- I see?"

"The Commander himself doesn't mean any harm... probably, at least."

The members of the Counters have become accustomed to his behavior through their frequent interactions, but especially for the mass-produced Nikké staff working at the outpost, working under any other Commander is practically impossible. Unconsciously comparing their Commander with others is bound to lead to a decrease in morale. It's an extremely serious issue, but improving the situation seems nearly impossible without resorting to memory erasure. Thus, they have no choice but to accept the situation.

"Sometimes, the Commander trains and runs with the mass-produced Nikké staff... get used to that."

"...Also, even if the Commander loses at rock-paper-scissors near the vending machines during break time and has to treat everyone to drinks, get used to it."

The Commander is fundamentally bad at rock-paper-scissors. Despite this, he occasionally invites others during break time to start a gambling session, which is frowned upon.

Both Rapi and Anis let out sighs in unison. Marian could tell they had witnessed this scene many times before. While it might not be a particularly embarrassing situation, it still seems like behavior unbecoming of someone in the position of a Commander. Yet, it's apparent that even if they tried to correct him, he wouldn't listen. Therefore, they have no choice but to accept it.





The explanations and instructions regarding the Commander continued from Rapi and Anis.

The vivid memories and occasional sighs from the two made Marian recall those scenes, and she too released a sigh.

It appears that what they were talking about was included in this as well. While she couldn't help but feel a certain way about being approached so frankly by Nikké members from other squads who didn't have his command authority...

"...Understood. If it's considered training, I'll accept it. However—"

"...Wear armor, right?"

"It's amazing he never worn one before, you know?"

Let's just brush that off for now. It feels like pain is shooting through her brain where NIMPH used to be.

"...That's a problem, but it's not the main issue. Please let me observe as well."

To take her eyes off even for a moment and suddenly die. They were convinced of this. Perhaps that's why such matters were listed. As someone who has recently returned, she has no choice but to follow the instructions of her seniors.

"Well, fine. Bro, let me know when you can move, okay? I'll be waiting for you."

"Got it. Prepare a training knife for me, too."

"See you, partner. Take care."

Their visit was a bit noisy for a typical get-well visit, but the two members of Café Sweetie Squad left the Commander's office. He watched them go, then sat back on the sofa. Retrieving a cigarette he had been enduring, he lit it up, pulling one out from the pocket of his combat suit.

As he was about to light his cigarette with an oil lighter, a dull vibration emanated from his pocket.

Moore unlocked his phone and checked the incoming call. His brows furrowed.

"...Is something the matter?"

"...Well, kinda. This is... yeah."

He casually took off the black half-sleeved shirt he was wearing. His skin was exposed without hesitation. Marian blushed, quickly turning her face away to avoid looking.

But she couldn't help but be curious. Her crimson eyes flickered towards him, inadvertently observing his sturdy chest and well-defined eight-pack abs. She was captivated, even to the extent of admiring the black tribal tattoo of a wolf carved into his left arm.

She unconsciously swallowed hard.

(Tl Notes:...Ohhhh~~~ Naughty.)

"...Marian. I'm sorry, but..."

"Yes, YES!? Should I fetch something for you to wipe your back!?"

"...Not that. Well, I appreciate the offer, but... could you take a picture of me?"






"Why the heck he's sending a picture like this?"

In the wilderness, where her silvery hair was tousled by the wind carrying grains of sand, a Nikké resembling a young girl but wielding a long sniper rifle muttered in exasperation.

She held a worn-out mobile device in one hand, its cracked screen displaying a picture of him, baring his upper body and holding a cigarette in his mouth.



Moore: [Don't worry, I'm alive and well]



Such a message was also attached to the sent photo, which clearly showed the scars from surgery.

----You said to "trust me" !!! To leave it to you!!

She recalled the pain in her voice when Anis had hit her in anger. As a result, she had broken her promise. It was cowardly, but she had sent her apology through a message, yet he seemed completely indifferent to it.

However, she was a woman of integrity. Apologizing like this wouldn't ease her conscience.



Snow White: [Sorry for my blunder at the mission. If anything happens, please call me. I'll assist you.]



While the signal was still reachable, she quickly added a message and sent it to him before tucking her phone back into her pocket.

"...Oh right. Rapunzel was talking about muscles before, wasn't she?"

She wondered if she had a muscle fetish, thinking about one of her comrades.

She wasn't sure if she would be pleased, but thinking that she might send him the received photo if she felt like it, she continued her journey through the wilderness.


In the main story, there wasn't a direct scene where Snow White came to apologize, so I went with the exchange of messages. Is this interaction suitable for their first exchange?

Unknown Person: "Could it be... this person...!? Th-these abs... there's no mistake... hah, hah... ♡ This is... not good... having such fantasies...!! To be forcibly pushed down and then... and then... something like that...!!"

Is it cliche where saintesses always have lewd fanatsies?

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts