
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · アニメ·コミックス
190 Chs


"──Permission has been granted. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please proceed here.

In a corner of the forward operating base, a guard post is placed near the elevator boarding area. Today, one of the mass-produced Nikes, who is on duty as the guard squad commander, was already busy with the tasks at hand.

The task involves confirming whether those who wish to meet with Commander Moore, the commander of the forward operating base, are allowed to pass, and issuing a pass permit.

Once the confirmation is successfully made over the phone, a pass permit is issued to be worn around the neck. One permit is issued per person, and the representative, who identifies herself as the sister of the one peering through the passenger seat window of the car, receives the permits handed over together.

"Please return it to us when you leave."

"Got it. Sorry for dropping in suddenly."

"No, please don't worry. It's also part of the job. ─Raise the barricades."

She gave instructions to the mass-produced Nike standing by the barricades, blocking the road leading to the headquarters building.

The barricades rise diagonally, allowing passage.

In the driver's seat, she confirmed several faces sitting inside the car, but the only male was gripping the steering wheel.

The man revved the engine, and the car began to move forward slowly.

As they passed, the mass-produced Nikke saluted them with a raised hand and, eventually, lowered her right arm and tilted her head.

"... Huh, The Commander has a sister..."

"... Did you know?"

"No, it's news to me."

"She was beautiful."

"But maybe a bit bold too."

"I wonder if the Commander was doted on by that sister when he was little."

"... I can't really imagine the Commander as a child..."

As the car carrying them moved away, the guard post suddenly became lively.

Commander Moore, conveniently the commander for them as well, remained a mystery regarding his background. Even the members of the Counter's Special Operations Team, who have a long-standing relationship and frequent joint operations, don't know about it. Considering this, it's not surprising that the mass-produced Nikke units, with varying levels of interest, find the Commander's background intriguing.

The curiosity persists, but first, she switches her focus to the guard duty and orders preparations for patrol.






"──Little bro... This is troublesome for us. If you're going to cause a ruckus in my territory, at least say a word beforehand."

"──If you have protests or complaints, it would be appreciated if you could take them to my superior... Or rather, did you come all the way to the forward operating base just for such a matter?"

"──This is also for the sake of appearances. Besides, the fact remains that without Moore-kun seeking our counsel, a major incident occurred in the Underworld Queen's territory."

On the reception sofa in the commander's office ─ usually dominated by Anis and Neon ─ two figures are present.

After taking a sip of the coffee served by Rapi, Moran, the leader of the Botan-kai, expresses her discontent.

In response to his discontent, Moore, with a furrowed brow, holds a mug in one hand and crosses his legs. While he understands the protest, Sakura, sitting beside him and serving as the head of the Seimei-kai, rebukes him with a hint of the ways of the underworld.

That seems to be the way things are ─ he places the mug with brewed coffee on the desk and then lightly shakes a soft pack taken from the pocket of his combat pants.

While holding a cigarette between his lips, a turbo lighter is offered from the side. The thin arm holding it bears a rose tattoo.

"──Thanks, Rosanna. So, what brings you here?"

His large hand, wrapping around the lighter held in the slender hand, casts a shadow. Rosanna, the boss of the Headnia, a militant faction in the underworld, smiles while pressing the button.

"──Do I have to have a business to come to see Mister?"

"...Not necessarily, but... you must be busy too."

"For Mister, I can make time anytime, you know?"

Feeling a piercing gaze about to return the compliment as an honor, he made an effort to suppress that jest.

The purple smoke rises from the cigarette charred by the upsurge of blue fire, and behind him ─ the leader of the Counter's team led by Moore is waiting.

Especially, a piercing gaze from Anis is directed towards the back of the head. It's an indescribable gaze. If expressed, it would be a gaze with a damp, sticky feeling.

Even though he hasn't done anything wrong, having such a gaze from one of his trusted subordinates, especially from someone he has been acquainted with for a long time, makes even Moore uncomfortable.

"──Well, if I have to say... is it for this?"

Rosanna, wearing a jacket with a long, white fur draped over her shoulders, rummages through the pocket and eventually pulls out a bottle of perfume.

"...It won't suit me."

"Is that so? Then let's try it a bit."

They say actions speak louder than words, and she grabs his right arm, seated next to her on the left.

Clasping the cigarette between the edge of his lips, he obediently extended his right arm to Rosanna. Aiming for his wrist, she removed the cap from the perfume and sprayed one pump's worth onto his wrist.

Fine mist settled on his wrist ─ the pulsating area.

Perhaps due to a faint dispersion in the air, it mixed with the purple smoke, and the distinctive scent of the musky perfume spread lightly into the commander's office.

"...Nice choice. It's a fragrance I like."

"Good. I thought it would suit Mister's calm atmosphere, but... how troublesome."


"If you spread such a sexy fragrance, girls from the Ark might gather around Mister."

──Even without that, Commander-sama is charming!!

Feeling the piercing gaze even more strongly, he began to fear turning around. Specifically, he felt uneasy about looking at Anis' face.

"By the way... Commander. Were you acquainted with the Underworld Queen?"

When asked by the waiting Rapi, Moore, with the hand that had just been sprayed with perfume, held the cigarette, removed it from his lips, and exhaled purple smoke before nodding slightly.

"Yeah. But to be honest, I only recently got to know them. I met her when I went to the Outer Rim on a mission from President Mustang. ─ Rosanna, what about Anna?"

"It's fine. I buried her properly."

"...I see. I appreciate it."

Lowering his head, Rosanna shrugged her shoulders. As if to say it's a matter of course, she gave a faint smile, put a long, slender cigar ─ her favorite brand of cigarillo ─ between her lips, and lit the tip with a turbo lighter.

──It's frustrating, but her taste is really good.

The unfamiliar scent of purple smoke is not unpleasant. When it wafts through the air, Anis furrows her brow and looks down at Moore's head with irritation.

Not reprimanding her for sitting familiarly next to him ─ for now, let's see it leniently.

Even though it should be their first time at the forward operating base, there's a sense of familiarity radiating from Rosanna. Moreover, she feels unusually close. It requires considerable effort to endure.

"...I'll thank you properly someday."

"Really? Then... should I make a reservation? The right to spend a day with Mister. Not just a date, but including more than that, though."

"Hey, Rosanna..."

Moran, for caution's sake, reprimands Rosanna's words while holding a cup.

With one arm entwined around his right arm, she presses her chest against his jacket, revealing the rich cleavage formed in her jacket. Moran indirectly urges her to look behind.

Behind Rosanna, Anis, usually with cute, round eyes like a cat, now has eyes that are sharp and aimed at Rosanna as if to pierce her.

"Do you think mature men and women would settle for just meals or shopping on a date? Mister and I are not that pure, you know?"

"...Well, no... certainly not pure to that extent..."

He would like to retort that he is not that decadent, but just before doing so, he receives Anis' piercing gaze once again. He falls silent.

"Commander... Regarding the Commander's... personal... relationships, I don't have the right to say anything about it personally, but... please show some moderation..."

"─Rapi, don't worry. My circle of friends is not that wide, nor is it that deep."

"...That's good..."

"Um... by the way, I was curious... about Morane, is it? Your relationship with the master...?"

"Moran is fine."

Expressing it as a chivalrous woman, is that the right expression? With a manner that suggests a good-natured atmosphere, Moran conveys that she doesn't mind being called casually and places the cup she is holding on the saucer on the table.

"──Shaw? this guy is my little brother."

"...Um... when you say 'little brother,' do you mean... a blood relation? I heard from the master that there is no blood relation..."

"Miss, what this guy means by 'little brother' isn't about blood relations."

"It means 'brother' in a sense, of course, there is a saying 'Blood is thicker than water,' but in the underworld, there are relationships thicker than family blood."

In other words, they are complete strangers. Above all, he hasn't formally established a brotherly bond, nor is he even a person from the underworld.

Well, the atmosphere he exudes is certainly reminiscent of the upper echelons of the underworld, like a chivalrous man or martial artist.

"Yeah, that's right. Jin, who's waiting in the car, is also like a little brother to me."

"...Seems like you have a lot of little brothers."

"Yeah, they're all a bunch of troublemakers. And they don't listen to what their big sister says."

She encouraged her subordinate and self-proclaimed intellectual little brother to accompany her to the commander's office, but he refused, claiming to be on standby.

Is it a belated rebellious phase, Moran wondered, sipping her coffee once again.

"But isn't it strange for Mister to be a little brother? If it were the Botan-kai... they'd probably call him 'Big Brother (Da Ge)' or something."

"...I've already been called 'Big Brother' by someone... "

What came to his mind was the image of a black-haired, baby-faced, petite Nikke occasionally minding the store at the cafe in the forward operating base.

Suddenly, a clearing of the throat echoed. It was Sakura who made the sound.

"─But I digressed... Anyway, Moore-kun, in the future, if there's any conflict or trouble in the Outer Rim, please contact us in advance. Whether it's Rosanna, Moran, or even me."

"...It's a bit troubling to bother the Underworld Queen, but..."

"...Are you someone who cares about such things?"

Sakura sighed in exasperation, and he, in turn, shrugged lightly.

"...The underworld has its own rules. If Moore-kun is going to be involved with the Outer Rim in the future, I want you to understand those rules. For the sake of your safety."

"...Understood. I'll be careful."

"That's fine. ─May I have a smoke as well?"

He nodded in agreement, and after Sakura finished her bow, she took out her smoking tools and began to pack the pipe with shredded tobacco. At that moment, the restraint on Moore's right arm by Rosanna's left hand wrapped around his arm tightened. At the same time, his right arm sank deeply into her soft but taut cleavage.

"It's more comfortable in Mister's room than I thought. I might not want to go home. Maybe I should stay overnight."

"...I don't mind, but... Ah, no, it might be impossible. The accommodations are already full for today at the dormitory..."

"...Then, can I stay in the commander's office? Is that okay, Mister? Besides, I want to continue from the other day."

The Rosanna who mentioned "the other day" glanced at Moran. It was clear that she was alluding to the incident from the other night that was interrupted.

"W-What's the deal! Am I the bad guy here!? A-And, I didn't give permission for my little brother's chastity to be taken away!"

"...Cha-chastity!? Wait a minute, Commander-sama, what was she trying to do!?"

Don't think his chastity is such a big deal──he was about to retort to Moran, but before he could, Anis' scream came from behind.

She had been patient until now, but it seemed she had reached her limit. Anis approached Moore, who was sitting on the sofa and tried to separate him from Rosanna, who was trying to take away his chastity.

Instantly, Moore, still buried in the ample cleavage that defied description, is pulled away from Rosanna. As his head is disentangled from the slender hand wrapped around his right arm, he stretches his arm to the ashtray to crush the cigarette butt, making sure Anis doesn't get burned.

"Hey. Isn't this behavior a bit rude? Don't interrupt Mister and my conversation."

"...Say whatever you want!! I'm Commander-sama's Nikke, so I have to protect Commander-sama!!"

"Anis... my neck... is getting strangled..."

"Endure it!!"

It's suffocating, and it's an uncouth situation. Anis' slender arm not only digs into his carotid artery and trachea just right but tightens around them.

Although it's not to the extent of losing consciousness, it's still not a comfortable situation, to say the least.

"Mister is also having a tough time. Having such a rough subordinate... if it were me, I would pamper you. Not only during the day, but also at night, I would pamper you in bed thoroughly."

"...What are you talking about! Commander-sama won't quietly accept pampering! He'll definitely make you cry with a Torpedo Missile!!"

".....Heeehhh~~? Mister have such an impressive thing..."

Rosanna, who licked her lips, approached, restrained from behind, and turned her attention to Moore's lower abdomen, where she couldn't move freely.

Certainly, the Torpedo Missile would likely make anyone flee barefoot, but just to be sure, Anis witnessed its size during normal times. However, if it were to transition into a combat stance, no one in this room would know how much it would grow.

"Hey! Don't look at Commander-sama with such eyes! How disgusting!!"

"...Isn't it rude not to look at a sexy person with such eyes? Especially Mister, right?"

Taking the initiative is not exactly to her liking, but strangely, she doesn't mind being taken by him and being pressed down. Rather, she might get excited and accept it.

Whether the compatibility of their bodies is good or bad, Rosanna is curious beyond belief.

"Enough already! If you're done with your business, hurry up and return to the Outer Rim!!"

"We're guests, you know? Saying 'you're done, so go home'... that's a bit..."

"Hey hey. Stop the fight..."

As Moran, who raises her waist, begins to move to admonish both Anis and Rosanna, Moore, still restrained, directs his intense brown eyes to the corner of his field of vision, where he spots Rapi.

─ Help me.

─...No. (Pout.)





A warm sunlight bathes the surroundings in a vibrant, grassy meadow.

The golden saint, with eyes the color of forget-me-nots, continues walking through the meadow, where the grass grows up to her ankles.

Soon, her gaze falls upon a tree with branches bearing fruits with colors that rival her own golden hair.

Standing at the base of the thick trunk is a figure. How many years, decades even, has it been since she last acknowledged it? Though it's a familiar back, she can't recall when she last saw it. The golden saint, having lived through many years, only retains memories from the past year and the time of the first invasion. Thus, the back felt like it belonged to a distant past.

"Long time no see, Rapunzel."

"Yes, it's been a while."

Without turning around, she responds.

"...How many years has it been?"

"...Well? I also don't remember when was the last time I met Rapunzel..."

Once a friend, comrade, and a substitute for the leader. Memories with her haven't faded, but living in her clearly remembered memories seems extremely painful. Thinking this, Rapunzel walks alongside her.

"...That person also liked apples."

"Yes, he did. Do you remember, Rapunzel? You once scolded him to stop eating them that way."

"Yes, that's right. Because Snow White imitated him."

He should have just peeled the skin and cut away the core and seeds to eat it... However, he had chewed up the whole thing, including the inedible core and seeds, with his robust jaws and teeth.

Naturally, the big brother's way of eating influenced the younger sister, leading to the misunderstanding that it was normal to eat that way. When the younger sister almost imitated him, Rapunzel quickly stopped her.

"...In the end, he didn't change that way of eating till the end."


She must have also recalled him. With a soft smile, she lifted one of the round, fully grown golden apples.

Caressing the genetically modified creation with her slender, white fingers, she eventually let out a small sigh.

"...What would he say about the act of genetic modification..."

"...I don't think he would say anything. But... he might express it like this."

Remembering his calm, deep voice that stayed in her memory, the golden saint cleared her throat and mimicked his voice.

"...He might say, 'It'll make you ageless and immortal,' or something like that."

The golden saint made an effort to mimic his voice, but her vocal quality was completely opposite. Despite the somewhat awkward imitation, she couldn't help but feel that he might say something like that, given his personality.

Instinctively, and for the first time in a while, a genuine smile adorned her face.

Caught up in the moment, even the golden saint couldn't suppress a faint laughter.

"...By the way, I met someone who looks very much like the Commander."

"...Looks like him?"

"Yes, remarkably so. The way of speaking, the manner of smoking, and even the way of fighting."

As the forget-me-not-eyed golden saint narrowed her eyes, indicating she was about to address the main topic, the frilly-dressed figure beside her, Rapunzel, cast a sidelong glance.

"...That's... Could it be..."

"...Probably... No, I think it's someone else. I hope it is."

"...I see."

"...Yes. Otherwise... it would be too sad."

A gentle breeze passed by. Amidst the sound of leaves and branches rubbing against each other overhead, the golden saint turned to face her.

"...Soon, that person and the squad led by him will come here."

"...For what purpose?"

"...The Unchained."

"...I see."

Although she didn't understand why those living in the Ark's caves would bother to come, it seemed that she grasped the reason, as she nodded.

"...He seems to be an excellent commander. The relationship with Nikke and the others also appeared to be good. He probably led many missions to success. ...Similar to that person."

"...So, what's the name of the person resembling him?"

"...Shaw Moore."

"...Hmm. That's different then. He probably isn't a descendant of his. The surnames are different."

"...Um... Yes..."

While the possibility of a blood relation couldn't be ruled out, the golden saint hesitated to voice it, but the other party asserted it.

It's not polite to stay too long. The saint gave a small bow to her and turned on her heel.


A voice was thrown towards her back. Turning around, she saw a golden fruit approaching.

She hastily caught it with both hands, presumably thrown by the graceful ones.

"Take this on your journey. Take care."

"Thank you, Dorothy. Goodbye."

It was more than a farewell gift. The saint, who received the golden apple thrown by Rapunzel, resumed her walk.

Though it might be considered impolite, she brought the fruit close to her well-shaped lips while walking.

She bit into it with her teeth, producing a crisp sound.


An uncouth way of eating, but surprisingly not bad.

So, he probably ate like this as well.

"...No, it's probably just his laziness."

He was lazy when it came to things around him, especially meals.

Recalling this aspect of him, the golden saint unintentionally let out a faint laughter and took another bite.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts