
Goddess of victory: Nikke (The Outsider)

This is my first fanfic, hope you don't disparage me.

le_giang · ゲーム
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The first and only Deputy Commander

  Eleven years ago...

  *Crack* *Thump* *Thump*

-Sis... sis!!

  It was the voice of a young boy, who ran to his sister.

-What is it, Mihairu? I just have an after-shift.

  Said the girl, who is also his big sister.

-Can we go to the Royal Road? -He asked.

-If you say yes, can I go to visit Andersen? I want his autograph. And then, can we go to the mega toy store there? I heard that they have Ark Ranger figures! So... what should we do first? -He continues saying to his sister, while his sister's face looks drained after her job but still curious cause she wants to know what her brother wants to do.

  Seeing that his sister looked tired, he said:

-So... First, we will eat Choo Choo Splendamin as soon as we get off. You have worked a lot so I guess you haven't eaten anything today.

-Hehe, is it that good? -His sister asked about Splendamin which he introduced.

-Of course. -He nodded.

-Ah, one more place to go, the candy store! Candy... strawberry candy... for everyone...

  After the boy mentioned about the candy store, he started to sing. And so did his sister.

-Kids! Adults! Everyone loves...

-Ah! Stop singing, sis! -The boy suddenly interrupted his sister.

-Hey... you hurt my feelings. Are you that sick of me singing?

  After his sister said that, the boy realized he had missed his words.

-Err... It's not like that. I... I just want to sing it for you instead. -Said the boy, his face almost red like a tomato.

-Oh, I see...

  After listening to what the boy said, the sister's feelings became better, and she let her brother continue to sing.

-Kids! Adults! Everyone loves... What the...

  His singing got interrupted after he saw some weird thing that implanted around the train and the station.

-Sis, what are those things?

  His sister looks after the boy pointing out all the things that are implanted on every wall. Suddenly, she shouted:

-LIE DOWN!!!! NOW!!!!!


  The boy's sister grabs him and both of them lie down on the floor. Suddenly, a lot of bombs exploded everywhere.



-HELP ME!!!!

  A lot of screaming echoed everywhere at the train station. The walls and the roof started to crack and then fall onto the people who unlucky got squeezed. In just a few minutes, the train station became a big chaotic mess colored by blood and ashes.

  The boy hugged his sister tightly. After that, he opened his eyes:

-Guess we are safe now, big sis?

  He told his sister that it was safe now, but no response...

-Big sis? B...

  His eyes widened when he saw his sister crushed in the rubble.

-Big sis!!! Big sis!!! Get up!!!

  But there isn't any reply...

-Big sis!!! Can you hear me?! Don't make me scared!!!!

  The boy then started to pull his sister out of the rubble.

-She will not wake up... -A mysterious voice said which made him turn around.

-W... Who are you?!

  It was the female figure that had a big black jacket, inside it was two machine guns that looked like TEC gun models.


-Heh, I'm surprised that there is still a small kid in this place like this. Isn't he such a cute boy, Crow?

  Said the other with a white outfit of a short shirt and skirt. She also has a pink jacket with her.

-Should we just kill him now, or... -Said the other which has a face that looks like Toga in "My Hero Academia".

  Kill? What do they mean by that?

-Wait... you guys were the ones who destroyed this place, weren't you? -The boy asked them with an angry face.

-Bingo! But I guess we can't let you leave this place alive, kid. Did I say it right, Crow?


  While the boy is still really shocked by what he has seen and heard, he wants to run away right now, but how can he escape from these terrorists, they all have guns with them.

  The Nikke named Crow approaches the young boy, and she raises the gun toward his head.


-I think that is a good idea.

  And then, a "bang" sound from the gun has ended the kid's life.


  The boy suddenly woke up from my bed, and sweat ran down his body, making my clothes wet somehow.

-Prisoner number 11, Mihairu Shinryu!!!

  The voice of the jailor has resounded, he opened the cage prison of him.

-What do you want? -Mihairu asked him.

-You are now free to go. But first, you need to go to Enikk's room.

-For what? Didn't I get freedom?

-You are, but your duty as a "Deputy Commander" continues.

-What?! Are you kidding me?

-Until your nickname "The Godslayer Bullet" disappears, your mission will not end. -Said the jailor, while opening the door cage to release a 17 teenager with white hair and yellow eyes.

  The jailor leads the way while Mihairu follows him from behind with the handcuffs still on his wrist. There are also a lot of military uniform people around gossip about him.

-Is that him?


-How can he admit that traitor's sin to him like that?

-How stupid he is...

-Tch... if he didn't do that, he would be the next rising star of the Ark.

  Even a lot of people said good things and bad things about the prisoner but Mihairu didn't notice it so much, he started to glare all of those eyes making them from talking about him to close their mouths.


-Put your f*cking eyes down!!!

  The jailor noticed that glare and kicked him down.



  Mihairu stood up and suddenly broke the jailor's face with his knee strike.

-That motherf*cker!!!

-Kill him!!!!!

  A lot of jailors run in to subduct the teenage criminal. But just in a few seconds, Mihairu gave each of them a knee strike on the face while the handcuffs were still on his wrist.

-Never let your guard down, you noob. Even if I didn't have that "God's Present", I can solo Raptures just like the Legendary Commander, or... even better than him.

  As Mihairu said, he used his bare hand to break the handcuffs' chain into two. There was also a figure in a white skirt with a purple halo and black face cover waiting for him, he wondered how long she had stood there.

-Your skill still hasn't been lost after 5 years. How impressive, deputy commander. -She said, while slowly clapping her hands.

-What are you doing here? Never thought that a supreme judge like you had to go out to meet a prisoner like me in this dirty place.

-It's very nice of you to say so... but... even though I was an A.I., I still didn't know what people like you could do in the future. Moreover, even though you are the deputy commander, your "doing nothing" stuff still brought us some victory in the past.

-So what? -Mihairu asked.

-Usually, the prisoner who committed treason crime will be imprisoned or worse will be executed. But... we need you and you are not the person who committed that crime...

-Yeah, yeah... just get to the point... -Mihairu suddenly interrupted Enikk, who is also the supreme judge of the Ark.

-We need your help this time, to train and lead a squad...

-I refuse.

  After hearing the young prisoner say that, Enikk continues...

-This squad... has defeated a Tyrant-rank Raptures...


-Even the commander of that squad was a new person, he has done a good job...

-Shut... your... f*cking... mouth... Enikk... -Mihairu said slowly while raising his face and growling at the supreme judge of the Ark.


-Anyway, it's better to stay in this prison than face all of you motherf*ckers in Ark... Moreover, true humans like me can't live with many rats like you all.

-If we let Diesel recognize you, will you help us?


  Mihairu turned his back after hearing what Enikk said.

-Heh, nonsense... Female humans after becoming Nikkes won't remember who relates to them...

-Give us a year, and we will try and let her see you.

-And what if she suffers and then does stupid things in front of my face?

-Then my life will be yours. -Said Enikk.


  Mihairu knows more than all of the commanders in Ark. Even though his rank is lower than a normal Commander, the secret that he has held for a lot of years mixed with his deathly skills that are beyond a normal human potential make him become a deathly weapon that can kill the Ark back.

  He also knew that it was a lie. Because ... if a Nikke remembers who they are or who is related to them, it will cause them trauma and everyone knows what will happen next, especially, the main commander and the people who called themselves "gods", control them but do nothing from the behind.

-OK, fine. If you tell me the lie, all of the people in Ark will be my food. Got it?

-You know that even if you can do that, the thing...

-I know. Just tell me where are they now?

-They are now in the Stimulation Room. One Nikke from the Elysion, and the other from Tetra Line...

-Just tell me who the f*ck are they?

-Here is their profile. -Enikk said and then gave Mihairu three profiles: a male commander and two Nikkes.

-Fascinating... -Said Mihairu, while holding a profile of a Nikke's named Rapi.

(-For hundreds of years, I have found you...) -He thoughts.

-Heh, I accept your request. -Mihairu said while grinning a deadly smile.

-Okay... allow me to... open your handcuffs first.

-No need. -Mihairu then broke two handcuffs that were still on his wrists.

-You also forgot this.

  Enikk gives Mihairu a digital watch, which has a black face and a red rubber band.

-I have never seen a watch that has a long-life battery like this watch before, Deputy Commander.

-Heh, you like it? -Mihairu asked.

-No, no... Our Deputy Commander is a god to us, how can we steal anything from you?

-Good thing that you Central Government members know your place. -Mihairu said, and then got the black and white Commander suit and vest with a white side color on the right and a black side on the left.

-Welcome back, Deputy Commander... or should I call... Godslayer Bullet.

  Mihairu said nothing but nodded, he then went outside the prison, where a Nikke which white sailor dress with blue veins and red frame glass was waiting for him.


-Hey, Deputy Commander, over here!!!

The Nikke waves her hand to notice the Deputy Commander. -You must be the Nikke that was mentioned by Enikk, right?

-Yes, my name is Neon, I'm from Elysian Manufacturer.

-Elysion, huh? -Mihairu asked and saw Neon nod her head.

-Good grief. Take me to the stimulation room.

I got it! -Said Neon.

-But first, can I have your autograph?

Neon asked with a nervous voice, it made Mihairu surprised.

-Huh, how weird you are. Anyway, why do you want an autograph from a criminal

-You are not the criminal and we already know that, everybody in the Ark knows that.

-Then do you have any proof that I am innocent?

-Yes, of course. -Said Neon.

-Then... what is it?

-It is... some firepower fairies told me...


-How nonsense you are. Lead the way right now! -Mihairu said after creating a big tumor on Neon's head even though she was a Nikke.

-O... ow... sorry... -Neon said and then led the way, rubbing her tumor to make it less painful.

  After a while, they reached the Stimulation Room, but then no one was there.

-They left this place for a few minutes ago...

  Mihairu turned his back, it was Andersen, and along with him was Ingrid, CEO of Elysion manufacturer.

-Where are they now? -Mihairu asked Andersen.

-I order them to go to the surface. And also, have you watched their profile?

-Yes, I have. Anyway, how was their test in the simulation room?

-Really bad! -Ingrid answers.

-Hmm... Weird, I heard that they defeated a Tyrant-Rank Rapture, maybe they just got lucky. -Mihairu suspected after hearing what Ingrid said.

-That's why we have to release you earlier than the time that Enikk gave to you. Anyway, it's happened. -Andersen said with a deep voice.

-It's happened again. Damn...

-You will help them as a Deputy Commander in the Counter Squad from now on. Neon will assist you in this mission. After they become strong as the Goddess Squad, you will be back in the prison.

-Heh, knew it. Anyway, fine. But... remember one thing, all of you are not fit for these jobs you have.

-Yeah, we know... Anyway, welcome back, Godslayer. -Andersen said, then he gave Mihairu a hand.

-Thanks. -Mihairu gave his hand back and then got ready to meet the new squad.

  Meanwhile, with the Counter Squad...

-Investigate a power station? The one in the coastal city?

  A Nikke named Anis asked her commander again. She has a white T-shirt that almost reveals her breasts with a grenade launcher bullet holder that wraps around her, she also has a yellow jacket.

-... Is this the entire team?

  The other one is Rapi, who is also the leader of Counter Squad. She has a black suit with red veins on it.

-I can't believe this! We go through hell all of them, and we're sent straight back out without a word of thanks!

  Anis really angry right now. After what they have fought from yesterday to now, her body is really tired even though she was a Nikke.

-But... you know... this is an order. -Said her commander.

-Yeah yeah. What a good little doggie you are. Gotta please your master, am I right?

-Anis. -Rapi told Anis to behave to her superior.

  Anis was silenced for a while and then apologized:

-Sorry... I was out of line.

-It's OK. -Said the commander.

-Anyway, who is our assigned? -Asked Rapi.

  The commander of Counter Squad points himself:

-It was me. The other one is going to be here soon.

  After hearing their commander say, both Nikkes were surprised by what they heard:


-This is... most unusual, two commanders in one squad?! What are they up to?

-It will be for another answer.

  A voice made the squad notice, it was Mihairu who said that.

-For some reason, they took us in one group like this. Anyway, the name Mihairu, and the next person is Neon.

-Hi, guys. -Neon said.

-Shifty, did you know anything about this?

  Rapi asked Shifty, who is also an A. I of the Ark.

-Well... I just noticed this from the Central Government.

-Forget about it. Anyway, knife to meet you all.

-Yeah, Taiga is my name, nice to meet you.

  Two commanders, with two different fates, have met each other, what will happen to them? Future know.