

EARTH The Earth was viewed and considered as a useless planet, and was discarded alongside with its inhabitants due to its lack of Mana. It was inhabited by the "Humans". The humans were known to be the weakest race yet they were also regarded as the most intelligent of all races. Humans were normal beings who were only focused on creating and evolving by using their intelligence. In addition, they also used martial arts as a power tool to become stronger. They were completely surprised when they learnt of other races existence such as the Elves, Dwarves, Fees, Demons and many other beings whose strengths and powers were beyond their imagination. But what surprised them the most was to find out that there were humans like them who possessed great powers like the other races. These humans resided in two different places, the first one is the "Azua Empire" and the second one is "Juptier Planet" they self-proclaimed themselves as the descendants of the gods, since they possessed divine powers and mighty abilities. The normal humans couldn't yet fully accept the fact that there actually existed mighty beings, until Aella, a stunningly beautiful girl, came to the city of Sion. After being born, Aella May Scarlet, the legitimate daughter of the Pearls family, a family who are known as the most influential, powerful and wealthy family in Sion city, was swapped with the Zeiner family's daughter and was abandoned by them in the most dangerous forests known as the "Eclipse Kingdom", which was filled with mystical and monstrous creatures. Aella was found and raised by her master/father Otiz Scarlet, a man who is regarded to be the strongest man on earth. When Aella turned ten years old, Otiz began to train her as he realised that Aella possessed mighty powers and skills. ---------- In a deserted land stood two men, an elderly woman and a little girl. Suddenly, the taller man, Otiz, let out a long sigh and said, "....Aella". "Mm" answered the little girl Otiz raised his eyes and looked at the mess created by Aella and spoke again. "I can't believe you actually destroyed an entire kingdom." The little girl scanned with cold eyes the place that looked like a desert, she then looked at her master and flatly said. "You told me to do it." ".....! What?" "I did!?." *** AUTHOR'S NOTE Hello everyone, this is Nedjyna the author of this novel. This is my own original novel, and it is copyrighted. Also I would like to say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who are reading my novel.

Nedjyna14 · 若者
7 Chs


Outside in the garden, Lucien's children, Hyacinth Pearl, Aspen Blue Pearl, Ainsley Pearl and Robin Pearl, were seated around a long, elegant crystal family table,

Hyacinth Pearl is a handsome young man, working as a director in the finance department of the Pearl Corporation.

Aspen Blue Pearl is an actor and singer within the entertainment business. He uses his middle name "Blue" as his stage name.

Ainsley Pearls, a young cosmetologist, has set up her own cosmetics business and has a clothing brand called "PX FASHION".

Robin Pearls is a young actor who has just debuted in a film called 'The Phantom Warrior', which he co-wrote.

Seated at another luxurious table were,

Glacier Pearls, CEO of the Pearl Corporation

Lucien Pearls (CCO), Chief Operating Officer of the Pearl Corporation, Glacier's second-in-command, and seated next to him was his wife, Fushsia Jade Pearl.

Also present were the rest of Glacier's siblings - Dave, Shoaen, Iris and Ivy Pearls.

And sitting at the head of the table was Skyrio Ray Pearls {the President}. Skyrio is Glacier's grandfather and the head of the Pearl family.

'Ahhh, how did we end up there?' Travis wondered with a sigh.

"Travis, how long until the results are in?" Skyrio asked in an impatient tone.

"About two minutes," Travis replied calmly.

"Arghh! By the way, where is my great-granddaughter? I'm so curious. I really want to see her," Skyrio said dramatically, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Tsk!" Lucien's second son, Aspen, was totally against the idea of having Aella in the family. He had no idea where this new girl had come from or how they had found her, but he did not like the idea of having an impostor in the family.

I'm sure she's just an impostor trying to take advantage of our wealth,' he thought.

As Maisie's mind wandered, she heaved a long sigh and then began to shake her head in exasperation.

"....." Everyone looked at her strangely.

"Hey sis" Shoaen waved his hand in front of her face "Heeeey sis...MAISIE are you alright?" Shoaen asked her again.

"You idiot," Maisie slapped him.

"You busybody, I only told you about the situation because you asked me to," she slapped him a second time, "but what did you do? you brought them all here, do you know the trouble you just got me into? "Useless," Maisie kicked him.

"Ouch! Glacier, save me, sister... no, this madwoman wants to kill me," he ran to Glacier only to get a second kick in the face.

"Y..y..y..you're all bullying me. So what? I was just teasing them. It's not that deep to react like that," Shoaen felt unfairly accused. "And you, Glacier, should be supporting me instead of kicking me like that, look at the way I helped you to find your daughter!

"You did nothing, Aunt Maisie did everything," Robin said.

Irritated, Maisie ignored the shouting and then looked at Travis as she said, "Mr Travis, is everything ready?"

"Yes, everything is ready for the announcement."

When he finished, Travis pressed a green button. Suddenly, a robotic voice spoke.

{<Announcement of Lucien Pearls, Glacier Pearls and Aella's Paternity Tests>}

Everyone swallowed their saliva in fear and nervousness at the unexpected announcement.

Silence fell. Glacier, who was the most worried of them all, clutched his mobile phone tightly in his hand.

{In the case of Lucien Pearl vs. Aella, it has been determined that ..... Aella is not the biological daughter of Lucien Pearl.}

In shock, Lucien clenched his fists, then looked at his wife, who was equally shocked, before he turned sad.

Maisie, however, wasn't too surprised by this result.

Lucien looked at Glacier who was sitting apart from them, for the first time in his life he saw all kinds of emotions on his brother's face, there was curiosity, worry, nervousness and fear.

For the first time in his life, his brother had the appearance of a human being who was capable of so many emotions. He too started praying that Aella was the daughter his brother had been looking for for so many years.

His eyes were hopefully fixed on the robot.

{<Based on the DNA test results between Glacier Pearl and Aella>}, the robot began to say.

GULP! Glacier swallowed nervously.

THUMP THUMP. Glacier's heart pounded so loud that even someone standing next to him could hear it.

{<The probability of paternity is 99.999999999%, indicating that Glacier Pearl IS Aella's biological father>} the machine announced.

Everyone trembled when they heard the result. The little baby who had mysteriously disappeared with her mother sixteen years ago was Aella.

Glacier's hands trembled as he walked over to Travis, who pulled out the DNA report and handed it to him. The word 'happy' was not enough to describe the feelings and emotions that Glacier was going through at that very moment.

He walked over to Maisie and reached out to shake her hand. Maisie looked at him. Her eyes were wide with surprise. Her brother looks so happy and full of joy,' she thought. Then she saw something she had never seen before in her life.

She looked up at Glacier. He was smiling so broadly that everyone gasped at the sight.

They were all under the impression that they were looking at someone else; there was no way that this smiling person was the same cold and cruel demon CEO.

"Kwaaahahahahahahaha," Skyrio laughed, "At last, .... now go find my great-granddaughter."

Glacier's siblings were overjoyed to see this, especially since they had seen how miserable Glacier's life had become after Violet and Aella had disappeared.

"Congratulations, Uncle," Ainsley said as she approached him.

"Congratulations brother," Iris said sincerely.

"Ayoo brother, I'm so happy for you," Shoaen came over with Dave.

"Thank you," Glacier replied, his voice a little less cold than it had been.

Amidst all this emotion, a maid ran out into the courtyard, shouting

" Madam Maisie!"

Skyrio looked at her in annoyance, "Now is not the time for interruptions, we are in the middle of a celebration."

"I am sorry to interrupt, but young mistress, Miss Aella has returned."


"I'm completely dead," Maisie said