
You don't need to understand

Within a split second, Ye Chong yanked the handbrake, shifted to fifth gear, and tapped the brakes while simultaneously tapping the accelerator with his toes. Each tap on the brake was followed by a swift stomp on the gas pedal. At the same time, he turned the steering wheel sharply, causing the rear of the car to swing out. Grazing the outer edge of the barrier, the car veered forward at an angle, leaving a long trail of sparks as the barrier bent outward, leaving a long dent on the side of the Pusang.

The Ferrari, after braking and changing lanes, firmly occupied the inner lane. However, the steering wasn't adjusted in time, causing the car to slide from the inner lane to the middle lane due to inertia. Before it could regain speed, it was rear-ended by a chasing car that came from behind.

Bang! The collision hit the Ferrari's trunk directly, causing the car to spin out once again, the engine shutting off as it came to a halt.

Fuming, Xu Jianfeng tossed off his helmet and glared at Ye Chong's departing Pusang, cursing under his breath, "Damn it!"

Someone on the radio exclaimed in shock, "Did I see that right? The Ferrari was actually beaten by the Pusang!"

Furious, Xu Jianfeng dragged someone out of the car and without a word, started throwing punches. "I wanted a fair and square race, and you had to come and ruin it!"

The person, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, protested weakly, "Brother... I just wanted to help you..."

"This only makes me look even worse!" Xu Jianfeng's eyes bloodshot, he kicked the person out without another word.

As they descended the slope, the terrain finally leveled out, and Ye Chong slowed down. It was then that he noticed Su Moning's unusually pale face, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness. "What's wrong with you?"


"I almost made you see red, and you're saying it's nothing?"

She finally opened her eyes, realizing she had been clutching the man's thigh tightly. Blushing, she quickly released her grip.

Ye Chong reached out to touch her forehead, which felt ice-cold. "Are you feeling unwell? Should I take you to the hospital?"

Su Moning looked out the window with a troubled expression. "I have a fear of high speeds..."

"And you still insisted. What if something had happened?" Ye Chong sighed.

"It's fine." Su Moning glanced at him with excitement in her eyes. "That was... so exhilarating. I never knew you were such a skilled driver."

"I've done a bit of everything before, including test driving and fixing cars for people. If I knew you had a fear of high speeds, I wouldn't have bothered with that guy." 

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me. It's just fate that brought me here. Alright, it's getting late. Do you want me to take you home?"

"In case I encounter a pervert this late at night?"

"You're not afraid of me being a pervert?"

"You're not a pervert. At most, you're a gray wolf."

During the ride home, Su Moning pondered for a moment before saying, "With Xu Jianfeng's personality, he won't let you go easily. I suspect he's made a bet with you as the stakes."

Pretending not to care, Ye Chong asked, "What bet? What do I have to bet against him?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you're the bet."

Ye Chong couldn't help but smile wryly. Not many women would want to be used as a bet by men, let alone someone like Su Moning. He didn't deny it. "You must be angry, right?"

"No, I'm not angry."


"Because you won!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Chong was momentarily stunned, unsure if the woman in front of him was joking or being serious.

After driving for a while longer, they arrived at the entrance of a high-end residential area. Ye Chong looked up and asked, "Do you really live in 'Wangfu Garden'?"

"Um, is there a problem?" 

"The houses in this area are not cheap, and they are all duplexes." 

"How do you know?" 

"I moved each brick and smashed them one by one to build this house." 

The woman spoke thoughtfully, "Perhaps... there's a higher power at work here." 

"Alright, you should go home now." Ye Chong felt an itch in his heart from her presence. If he stayed any longer, he feared he wouldn't be able to resist.

Su Moning smiled faintly, "Since you're here, would you mind coming in for a while?"

It would be impolite to refuse such a gracious invitation from a beautiful woman. He rubbed his chin, glanced at her meaningfully, and said, "Do you have any alcohol?"

Stepping into her home, Ye Chong was greeted by a fresh and simple Nordic pastoral style decor. The worn brick walls, spacious fireplace, pine staircase, and the harmonious blend of white and brick-red tones were comfortable and inviting. Although the house was large, it was immaculately clean, with girlish mood cards hanging everywhere.

He looked around and asked, "You live in this big house alone?"

"Yes, what kind of alcohol would you like?"

"Any kind will do. I'm not picky."

Without much effort, Su Moning poured him a glass of Jack Daniel's. Ye Chong smelled the rich floral and fruity aroma and felt instantly uplifted. He tilted his head back and downed the drink. "Ah, foreign beer is really something!"

Su Moning smiled lightly as she sipped her hot fruit juice, "Would you like to consider a new job?"

"What new job?"

"I work at a high school, and currently, the school is in need of a physical education teacher. Would you be interested in trying it out?"

"You're kidding me, right? You want a construction worker to be a gym teacher?"

"You're physically fit and agile. I believe you can handle it."

Ye Chong blinked. "Just because I'm fit and agile, I can be a gym teacher? Are you hiring me as a teacher or a thug?"

"Responsibility is what matters. I see that in you."

"I didn't even notice it myself, and you did?"

Su Moning looked at him seriously. "I'll ask you one question: Are you willing?"

"As long as you are, I have no objections. Besides, it's such a decent and easy job."

"Alright, tomorrow morning, go to Elite High School and find me."

"Treating me to dinner and helping me find a job, I don't know how to thank you."

"That's nothing. I should be thanking you."

Ye Chong glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost ten o'clock. "It's getting late, I really have to go."

As he turned to leave, his hand was suddenly grabbed by a soft, smooth hand. Ye Chong stopped abruptly and turned back to see Su Moning looking at him with dewy eyes. She whispered, "Don't leave tonight."

Ye Chong was only human, a flesh-and-blood man. It was impossible for any man to remain indifferent after hearing such words.

Before his brain's Wi-Fi signal could fully recover, Su Moning walked straight to the bathroom. "You sit here. There are fruits and snacks in the fridge."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Why are girls like this nowadays?" He complained as he returned to the sofa, taking off his shirt absentmindedly.

As he drank and surveyed the room, he noted the girlishly delicate touches in the simple decor.

Leaning back, he accidentally touched something, and upon picking it up, he realized it was a pink cotton panty, also imprinted with a kitty cat. He couldn't help but wonder in the direction of the bathroom.

At that moment, a hesitant voice came from the bathroom, "Did you... see a... a pink... panty?"

"Yes." Without waiting for her to finish, Ye Chong confessed.

"Could you... give it to me..."

Before the woman's voice could finish, Ye Chong's hand was pulled by a small, soft, and slippery hand, dragging him into the bathroom!

The bathroom was filled with steam, and only faint outlines were visible, but before he could regain his senses, a pair of soft arms hooked around his neck, and a wet, fragrant mouth sealed his lips!

In the next moment, it was as if he had been drained by that small mouth, only feeling the warmth of silky skin in his hands, and he was lost in a daze, forgetting where he was.

After a passionate kiss, he heard the woman's soft breath and murmurs in his ear, "Kiss me."

Ye Chong wasn't the type to take advantage of situations or jump at opportunities without considering the consequences. He understood that there's no such thing as a free lunch, and indulging in forbidden fruit could lead to trouble that he couldn't afford. Especially considering the escapade from the previous night wasn't resolved yet; if he got himself into more trouble, he might not be able to handle it even by selling himself.

He chuckled dryly, "I don't understand..."

"You don't need to understand." A soft, moist hand gently pressed against his lips.

"If you're doing this out of gratitude, then you're being foolish. And if it's for any other reason, it's even more impossible. We're not meant for each other."

The woman remained silent for a moment, her eyes shimmering slightly in the mist. "Leave."


"I'm telling you to leave!"

This woman's Wi-Fi signal was intermittent, sometimes seamless, and sometimes showing "incorrect password," leaving one's mind in a state of uncertainty.

Back on the sofa, he continued drinking silently. He wasn't regretting not complying with her, but rather, he wanted to understand why she had acted that way!