
There are no ugly women, only lazy ones


The door of the principal's office swung open, and Liu QingYi emerged with a stern face, holding teaching materials. "What's all this noise about? Don't you know it's working hours?"

The two girls had already helped Ye Chong tidy up his desk and clean it, and when they saw her coming out, they bowed their heads silently and returned to their seats.

As soon as Liu QingYi left, Guo Shi and Ganlu came over to Ye Chong. "Hey handsome, congratulations on joining the most miserable office in Elite High School."

"Why do you say that?"

"Haven't you noticed? That Mr. Song may not be old, but he's a complete old scholar, always immersed in his own world. If I were his student, I'd be the first to boycott his class," Ganlu said. "But... your class is indeed terrifying. Every time I go to teach, I get a headache. Those students even take photos of me with their phones..."

"It's the era of random photography. It's not surprising that they're taking pictures of you, especially since you're so beautiful," Ye Chong replied.

"If the students start taking upskirt Yis, would you still find it normal?"

Ye Chong felt awkward. "Well... that... would indeed be a bit strange. But Mr. Song is a man, what can they do to him?"

"They're relatively polite to our female teachers. But that Mr. Song, not only is he an old scholar, but he's also a punching bag. A few days ago, during his class, he actually pulled out a lump of cat feces from his chalk box!"

He had intended to defend the students who naturally had a good impression of him, but after hearing this, he was speechless.

Guo Shi leaned in. "Do you know what's going on with your predecessor?"

"What happened to him?"

"He's disabled now, relying on hospital benefits to survive."

"What happened?"

"It's said that because of the pressure from teaching Class 8 in Grade 2, he ended up with depression and jumped from the ninth floor of his house."

Hearing this, Ye Chong cleared his throat, suddenly realizing that this was not paradise. Compared to his previous simple and happy life of wielding a hammer, it might even be hell!

Wanting to inject some positive energy, he changed the subject. "Let's talk about our grade director, maybe it'll cheer us up a bit."

But unexpectedly, the two girls didn't say another word, obediently returning to their seats.

"Hey, why are you suddenly silent?" Ye Chong leaned back lazily, with his feet propped up on the table. "Even if you don't say anything, I can tell. Those kind of women are either old spinsters or definitely have unhappy lives and unhappy marriages. They always have a sour face like their husbands died, if I were her husband, I'd cheat on her to make up for myself..."

"Cough... cough..."

"You're afraid of her, but I'm not. You know what I'm best at? Dealing with those kinds of women. Just wait and see, within three days, I'll turn her into a little lamb."


"You coughed, and now my throat feels itchy too..." He picked up the water glass and took a sip, feeling something amiss as he turned around, only to see Liu QingYi standing pale-faced behind him, her lips devoid of color.

"Pfft!" Ye Chong sprayed the water out in a single gulp, choking and coughing repeatedly. "Uh, Director Liu, what a coincidence..."

"What did you just say about me?"

"What? We were discussing TV dramas."

Liu QingYi gritted her teeth. "Tomorrow is your first meeting with the students, and it's also a class meeting specially arranged by the school for you. If I were you, I'd prepare well."

"I'm always prepared."

Liu QingYi frowned. "And another thing, tomorrow I don't want to see you with long hair again."

"Alright, I promise not to disappoint you."

Liu Qing Yi him a fierce glance, then left with the teaching materials.

Guo Shi stuck out her tongue. "Hey handsome, you dared to scold even her. She's got the sharpest ears, the smallest heart, and the strongest vindictiveness. Usually, anyone who shows a little disrespect to her will be relentlessly pursued and beaten up. I guarantee you're in trouble this time."

"Is it that serious?"

Ganlu smiled mysteriously. "Very serious!"

"Forget about her, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." He sprawled on the table and fell asleep with a snore.

Ganlu glanced at Guoshi, and Guoshi glanced back at Ganlu. Together, they shook their heads. "Ah, such carefree individuals."

Ye Chong didn't know how long he had slept when he was awakened by a sudden urgent ringing. He rubbed his mouth drowsily and raised his head, only to realize that dusk had already arrived, and he was the only one left in the spacious office.

Stretching lazily, he left the office and leisurely walked out of the school. About to hail a taxi by the roadside, he heard two honks behind him, and a red Audi TT coupe followed closely.

The car window rolled down, and Su Mo Ning used her hand to brush her wavy hair, giving a faint smile. "Need a ride?"

Ye Chong shrugged. "My pleasure."

White was also the main color of spring attire. After getting into the car, he found that the newly dressed female principal was refreshing to the eye.

The simple and versatile white shirt exuded an elegant and intellectual aura, paired with white cropped pants and nude-colored high heels, showcasing a fashionable and intellectual urban vibe. With slightly smudged eyeliner, pale pink lipstick, and a side-parted large wavy hairstyle, her captivating charm instantly exploded!

Gulp! From head to toe, he swallowed loudly, unable to believe his eyes. He opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word.

He never expected that the prestigious Elite High School principal would transform into a cover goddess!

"What's wrong, don't recognize me?"

"My goodness! What's going on here?"

"Is it not good-looking?"

Ye Chong sighed. "To be honest, I'm feeling a bit jealous now."

"Jealous of whom?"

"Jealous of all the smelly men who see you like this."


"Do you know when men are happiest?"


"It's when the most beautiful woman wears the most beautiful clothes just for him to see."

Every woman likes compliments, and even though Su Mo Ning had heard countless praises before, she had never heard such sincere and meaningful words.

"There are no ugly women, only lazy women. Actually, I'm not that good-looking myself, it's just that this outfit matches well."

Ye Chong shook his head. "In a man's eyes, there are only two types of women: those who wear clothes and those who don't. Now I understand, actually there's a third type of woman: those who wear clothes and those who don't, and then there's you."

The remark was rather inappropriate, so Su Mo Ning could only smile gently and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

After returning to silence, Ye Chong quickly realized that there seemed to be some secret hidden behind her calm demeanor, especially the melancholy that couldn't be concealed between her eyebrows.

"Are you dressing up like this to have me accompany you on a blind date?"

The woman furrowed her brows slightly and said lightly, "I want to ask for your help, but I'm afraid you won't dare."

Ye Chong's arrogance surged up. "Let me think, oh, I don't think there's anything I wouldn't dare to do in my life."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. What do you want me to do?"

The woman's beautiful eyes flickered as she said word by word, "I want you to have a drink with me. Do you dare?"

An invitation from a beautiful woman to accompany her for a drink was something that perhaps no man could resist, and Ye Chong was no exception.

However, he didn't think this was a straightforward matter. "Do you have something on your mind?"


"The principal of a prestigious school inviting a man for a drink, don't you think it's strange?"

"A principal is also a human being."

"You're dressing so seductively, aren't you afraid I might do something inappropriate if I get drunk with you?"

"Do you dare?"


"I dare say you definitely wouldn't."

"Are you trying to provoke me or scare me?"

"You can interpret it however you like."

Ye Chong pondered the woman's words, feeling that there was something mysterious behind her calm demeanor.

After a short drive, they arrived at Wangfu Street, and unexpectedly stopped at the "Time Corridor."

Ye Chong glanced at the woman subconsciously. There were thousands of bars in the city, why did she choose this place? Was it a coincidence or was it intentional?

He instinctively raised a bit of caution. "Have you been here before?"


He felt a stir in his heart. "Do you come here often or occasionally?"


Observing her expression, he found that the woman seemed calm and there was nothing unusual in her words.

Su Mo Ning then asked, "Have you been here before?"

"The owner of this bar is my friend."

"I thought you hadn't been to this kind of place before. I didn't expect this to be your turf. But how did you become friends with a bar owner like that?"

"It was a long time ago" Ye Chong obviously didn't want to dwell on it. He casually pushed open the door of the bar and nonchalantly asked, "You chose this bar, I thought you might know the owner too."

Su Mo Ning shook her head. "The reason is simple, because I like its name... Time Corridor."

The two entered the bar and sat down directly at the bar counter. Ye Chong still ordered his "Desert Poison," and the bartender asked Su Mo Ning, "Miss, what would you like to drink? Girls usually like Long Island Iced Tea and Rum Coke."

Before Su Mo Ning could speak, Ye Chong whispered to her, "Do you believe that I can order a drink for you, and you won't have to spend a penny no matter how much you drink?"

"How is that possible?" Su Mo Ning said in disbelief.

With a mischievous smile, Ye Chong said to the bartender, "The lady here would like an Irish Coffee."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the bartender was stunned, looking at Su Mo Ning with amazement. "Do you like this kind of drink?"

"Is there a problem?" Su Mo Ning asked.

"Tonight, I can offer you a free drink, but this kind of cocktail is a bit complex to make, so it might take a while," the bartender explained.

As the bartender meticulously began to mix the drink, Su Mo Ning looked at Ye Chong in astonishment. "What's going on?"

Taking a sip from his glass, the man said leisurely, "Because there's a story behind this drink. Would you like to hear it?"


"Once upon a time, a bartender at Dublin Airport met a flight attendant, and it was love at first sight."

"He thought she was like Irish whiskey, rich and mellow. However, every time she came to the bar, she always ordered different coffees according to her mood, never cocktails."

"This bartender was skilled at mixing cocktails, and he hoped she would drink a cocktail made by him."

"Eventually, he came up with a solution, combining the girl he thought resembled Irish whiskey with coffee, creating a new drink, which he named Irish Coffee, and added it to the menu, hoping the girl would notice it."

"Unfortunately, the girl was not very observant, so she never noticed the Irish Coffee. The bartender never reminded her either, just did his job at the bar, eagerly awaiting the girl's visits every now and then."

"What happened next?"