
The Banquet of Director Liu

"Wu Xiaojie showed no fear. 'Mr. Ye, dare to come with me to the ladies' restroom for an inspection?'

Ye Chong sneered. 'I think here is just fine.'

'Surnamed Ye, don't be too arrogant. Your job is in our hands. If you push me too far, I'll report you to the school committee. You haven't settled the score with Ma Yuechuan yet!'

'I warn you, be polite when speaking to teachers in the future. If you want to report me to the school committee, go ahead, but you must follow my instructions in this class.'

She grabbed Ye Chong's clothes. 'Alright, let's see who gives in first. If I shout that you've assaulted me now, how do you think the whole school will see you?'

Unexpectedly, Ye Chong was unperturbed. 'Go ahead, I'll cooperate with you.'

Wu Xiaojie was taken aback. 'You...'

'Do you want me to strip you now to create the illusion that I assaulted you?'

As just a student, she had never encountered such a teacher without morals or boundaries, leaving her momentarily at a loss.

Ye Chong suppressed his smile. 'Either take off your clothes, or go for a run. Your choice!'

'Surnamed Ye, you're ruthless. We'll see!' Wu Xiaojie gritted her teeth and had no choice but to take the two girls for a run.

A 3000-meter run for boys and a 1500-meter run for girls were no joke. They hadn't even run halfway before they were panting, unable to get up from the ground.

Then there was Li Chenglong, the chubby one, lying motionless on the ground.

Ye Chong went over and kicked him. 'Hey, just did thirty and already playing dead?'

No one had ever insulted him like this before. Li Chenglong glared at Ye Chong. 'Surnamed Ye, don't be too ruthless in your actions. Be careful when walking the streets at night.'

Squatting down, Ye Chong slapped his chubby face. 'Fatty, I wasn't scared by that. I'm not like your previous teachers. Honestly, I'm just a temp worker, I don't have so many considerations. Even if I mess up big time, I can just leave.'

'Zhao Haiyang and the others skipped your class on purpose. If you dare, find them.'

'Fatty, you finally spoke like a human being. I'll remember this, and we'll settle the score later.' Ye Chong stood up, kicked him again. 'Don't forget, you owe me seventy push-ups.'

Li Chenglong wiped the dirt off his face, a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Seeing that it was almost time for class to end, Ye Chong gathered all the students and returned to the center of the playground. He scanned each face and said, 'Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You're pretending to be obedient on the surface but cursing me in your hearts. I'll say it again, don't treat me like a teacher, I'm just here to make a living, and we're just going through the motions. If you want to embarrass me, I'll make sure you regret it. From now on, I'll make a rule for you. If you're one minute late, you'll run around the playground.'

This statement caused an uproar among the students. Ye Chong frowned. 'What's with all the noise? I'm giving you face, right? Don't think you can intimidate me with the school committee. The school committee only meets once a month, so for at least this month, what I say goes.'

'Even though we're late, at least we showed up for class. What about those who skipped class?'

'Who told you they're off the hook? Am I the teacher or are you?'

Ye Chong checked the time and noticed one girl running breathlessly from the school gate. When she arrived in front of him, she bowed repeatedly and apologized, 'Mr. Ye, I'm sorry I'm late, really sorry...'

Ye Chong raised his eyelids and looked at her. She was wearing a school uniform and carrying a heavy backpack on her slender body. Running all the way, her face was flushed with sweat.

She had neatly trimmed square glasses, and her braces were faintly visible. Apart from her fair and delicate skin, there was hardly anything remarkable about her, belonging to the type that no one would bother to look at twice in a crowd. However, it was hard to imagine such a girl skipping class.

Her arrival caused a burst of ridicule among the students, and they gossiped and sneered, expressing disdain for the girl.

Ye Chong picked up the attendance register. 'What's your name?'

"Tong... Tong... Tong Xin..."

Ye Chong's heart stirred. The name was not bad, but he hadn't expected this girl to be a little stutterer.

'You haven't been to school these days. What's going on?'

'I'm sorry, there... there was something... something urgent at home...'

'Why didn't you ask for leave in advance?'

'The... the matter was too urgent, and... and I didn't have time to ask for leave. I just... just informed... Teacher Liu. Teacher, I'm sorry.'

This girl is totally like a Japanese girl, always saying "I'm sorry" without bowing, as if she couldn't speak, and for some reason, looking at this ordinary girl who is less noticeable than a one-dollar coin, a strange sympathy rose in Ye Chong's heart.

"Let's talk about it later, go back to your team for now."

"Teacher, I'm sorry, thank you..." After bowing timidly, she came to the edge of the team, unexpectedly, with a sudden "whoosh," the students uniformly stepped aside, leaving her standing there alone with her head down.

Seeing this, a burst of anger rushed to Ye Chong's head. He had seen people being bullied, but he had never seen anyone being bullied like this. What had this honest girl done wrong to make her classmates treat her like this?

He was about to erupt when the bell suddenly rang, so he had to suppress his anger and said, "Dismissed!"

Only to see the girl named Tongxin carrying a heavy schoolbag, walking silently towards the classroom, without anyone going to greet her, only cold sneers and disdainful glances.

Among a group of carefree teenagers, she seemed more like a grain of sand in a big garden, dispensable.

Physical education classes were okay in junior high with the bonus points, but in high school, they were just a formality. Although he was the physical education teacher for the entire sophomore year, it was good if he could teach one or two classes a day.

This class happened to be the last one in the morning.

Unlike many currently popular quasi-military closed-off schools, elite schools operated semi-openly and semi-independently. Students could choose to stay on campus, and after school, they could also choose to leave.

Nevertheless, many parents still preferred to let their children stay on campus to cultivate their independence.

Therefore, as soon as the bell rang after class, many students rushed to the school cafeteria with their lunch boxes like a swarm of bees.

This scene suddenly reminded Ye Chong of the happiest moment on a construction site, which was when the foreman rang the bell and everyone rushed to the makeshift canteen to grab food.

Eating often wasn't about how delicious the food was but about the word "grab."

Even if one could grab a piece of shredded meat, they could eat two more steamed buns for that meal.

So when he saw the students rushing to the cafeteria, his stomach couldn't help but growl a few times.

Back in the teaching office, before he even settled down in his seat, he suddenly heard someone say,"Hey, handsome, you seem to be late again today."

This voice startled him. When he turned around, he realized it was none other than the petite and lovely biology teacher, Guoshi.

"Beauty, your seat is over there. Why did you suddenly come behind me?"

Guoshi smiled with a pair of charming crescent eyes,"Starting from today, I've moved behind you. Don't you welcome it?"

"No, you were sitting over there just fine. Why do you want to move to this desolate place?"

"I admire you and want to learn more from you."

Ye Chong was surprised,"Don't joke around. You're a professional teacher, and I'm just a temporary worker. What is there for me to learn from you?"

"Class 8 is the devil class of our school, and no one wants to take it. I didn't expect that on your first day as a class teacher, you would straighten out the underachievers. Today's first PE class was simply amazing!"

Ye Chong smiled faintly,"So you saw it."

"I was in class at that time, not only did I see it, but the students were also watching you like they were watching a rare protected animal. Nobody paid attention to the class anymore."

Ye Chong pursed his lips and stood up,"It's off work, I should go."

Guoshi blinked,"There's food in the school cafeteria, why do you have to leave?"

"School cafeteria?"

"Yeah, the first and second floors of the school cafeteria are for students, and the third floor is for teachers to eat. As long as you have a teacher's meal card, you can eat whatever you want."

Ye Chong nodded,"I understand. Someone like me, a temporary worker, couldn't possibly enjoy such treatment."

"What temporary worker? That sounds so unpleasant. I have a meal card, let's eat together in the future."

Ye Chong was stunned,"If I use your meal card, what will you do?"

"Oh, it's okay. Meal cards have a certain number of uses. I'm a local, I only use it for lunch, and besides, I'm on a diet. Can't I afford to feed you?"

She laughed innocently, but Ye Chong's smile grew paler. He picked up his water glass, took a big sip, and stood up,"I appreciate your kindness, but I'm not picky. I'll just find somewhere to grab a bite."

He was about to leave when Guoshi's expression turned cold,"Ye Chong, do you think my food is not good?"

Ye Chong smiled,"We've just become colleagues, and besides, I'm just a temporary worker..."

Just then, a cold voice interrupted,"Ye Chong, why haven't you cut your hair yet?"

As soon as he heard this voice, Ye Chong's heart sank halfway, and he saw Liu Qingyi standing at the door of the principal's office, looking at him coldly.

Ye Chong understood, she wasn't challenging him about his hair, but blatantly trying to make things difficult for him.

He touched his hair,"Principal Liu, don't be angry, I've been busy these past few days, I'll go cut it now."

He wasn't going to cut his hair, he clearly wanted an excuse to leave, but he didn't expect Liu Qingyi to suddenly say,"Hair can be cut anytime, let's eat first."

As she finished speaking, Liu Qingyi had already left the office.

Guoshi nudged his arm,"What are you still dazing for, hurry up."

"But I don't have a meal card?"

"Principal Liu's meal card can feed you for a lifetime."

"Are you saying, she wants to treat me to a meal?"

Guoshi looked at him with a smile,"Of course, handsome, you've offended her so badly, and she still wants to treat you to a meal."

"What kind of good luck is this? I'm afraid it's a trap."

"Principal Liu has never done this before. Since she said it, you must go, unless you don't want to stay anymore."

"What if this meal is a farewell dinner?"

Guoshi thought for a moment, then said decisively,"She won't let you go."


"From what I know, anyone who offends her doesn't have a good end. Since she hasn't retaliated against you yet, how could she let you go?"

Looking at Guoshi's twinkling eyes, Ye Chong suddenly didn't know what to say.