
skilled street racer

The man with the earring had a gloomy expression. "This has nothing to do with my brother. Let him go."

Ye Chong kicked the fat man out, and he slid along the ground for a long time before finally stopping, groaning and unable to get up.

The man with the earring leisurely lit a cigarette. "Mengning, who is he?"

Su MoNing didn't answer.

The man with the earring nodded. "Mengning, even if you want to quarrel with me, there's no need to use someone like him as a shield. You know what kind of person Xu Jianfeng is."

He turned to Ye Chong again. "Dare you race me fair and square?"

"Not interested."

He grabbed Su MoNing's hand to leave, but the group of people surrounded them, glaring fiercely. It seemed they were waiting for the man with the earring to give the order to disable Ye Chong!

The man named Xu Jianfeng exhaled a smoke ring, twirling the car keys in his hand. "In Hai Tian, there are no more than five people qualified to accept my challenge. You're the sixth. It's not a matter of whether you want to or not, but a lack of choice. I'll be waiting for you outside."

Ye Chong continued driving the Peugeot taxi, escorted by a group of motorbikes, heading towards a certain road section.

The evening breeze flowed into the car, gently caressing Su MoNing's long hair. She gazed out the window for a while before speaking. "You don't have to do this."

Ye Chong grinned. "I don't want to either, but the problem is, there are so many people, I can't even leave if I want to."

Su MoNing thought he would bravely accept the challenge. Hearing his words, she felt disappointed. Where was his boldness from the night he knocked someone out with one punch and left them with brain damage? "Are you sure you can beat him?"

"If it were a competition to build houses, maybe I'd have a chance. But he's a professional racer. What do I have to win against him?"

"That's right. He's the chairman of the FCC Supercar Club, known as the 'Twelve Lord of the Third Ring' in the underground racing world!"

"The Twelve Lord of the Third Ring? Japanese?"

"He once completed the entire Third Ring in just twelve minutes."

"What nonsense! Hai Tian is such a big city. Just one trip around the Third Ring would take at least a couple of hours, especially during rush hour. He did it in twelve minutes?"

"Yes, and it was during peak traffic."

Ye Chong laughed, but it was a bitter one. "So, according to you, it seems I'm destined to lose."

"So, you still have a chance to regret."

"If I lose, I lose. I'm not afraid to admit defeat. What's the big deal?"

"It may not be that simple."

Just then, they heard a loud applause and cheers outside. Ye Chong turned his gaze to the window. They had arrived at the designated location, and both sides of the road were crowded with cheering young men and women.

The group got out of the car, and someone on a walkie-talkie called out, "Prepare to close the road..."

Xu Jianfeng frowned. "Who said to close the road?"

"Not closing it?"

Xu Jianfeng smiled coldly and approached Ye Chong. "We'll start from here, go around the Third Ring without closing the road, and whoever comes back first wins. At this time, the road conditions on the Third Ring won't be optimistic. I can give you an hour to familiarize yourself with the route."

Ye Chong yawned. "Don't talk nonsense. It's late, and I'm waiting to go home to sleep."

"I'm not playing with you for nothing. Everything has a price."

"What do you want?"

"Whoever wins gets to take Su MoNing tonight."

Ye Chong shrugged. "I heard you're something-something Supercar Club?"

"That's right."

"And people call you the Twelve Lord of the Third Ring?"


"Can I back out now?"

Xu Jianfeng hesitated for a moment, then smiled. "If you dare not accept the challenge, I guarantee you won't be able to go anywhere tonight!"

Ye Chong felt a bit annoyed. "I'm just an ordinary worker. Why do you have to pick a fight with me?"

Xu Jianfeng's eyes flickered. "Men speak with strength. I want you and Su MoNing to see how I can crush you to pieces!"

He didn't want to waste words and pointed to a row of racing cars on the side of the road. "Pick one."

"Since I'm destined to lose, I might as well drive my own car."

Xu Jianfeng's pupils contracted. "Are you sure?"


"Good, you've got guts. I'll make you admit defeat!"

At this moment, everything was arranged. "According to the racing rules, you must pick a girl to ride with you. But if no girl is willing to ride in your car, you'll be considered the loser."

Ye Chong glanced around and saw various stylishly dressed, cool-looking girls, but they seemed uninterested in him, giving him disdainful glances.

It seemed that no girl wanted to get into his beat-up Peugeot. Not only was his appearance unattractive, but riding in such an old-fashioned car, one probably wouldn't even know how they'd die.

Just then, Su MoNing walked over. "I'll ride in your car."

Xu Jianfeng's eyebrows furrowed. "Mengning, I advise you not to act recklessly..."

Before he could finish, Su MoNing had already gotten into the taxi.

Ye Chong sighed. "Racing is fine, but I advise you not to play with fire. I'm not afraid, but don't forget she's in my car."

Xu Jianfeng's face turned ashen. He waved his hand. "Who's getting in my car!"

In an instant, the girls on the side of the road rushed over, clamoring to get into his car.

Xu Jianfeng picked a girl with decent looks and physique and got into his car. As soon as the girl got in, she hugged his arm and kept flirting with him.

"Are you trying to get us both killed?"


"Then keep your filthy hands off me!"

The girl pouted and reluctantly removed her restless little hands.

Two cars of completely different levels lined up at the white line, resembling a race between a tortoise and a hare.

The Ferrari revved its engine, while the Peugeot made almost no noise.

"What did he say to you just now?" Su MoNing asked.

Ye Chong smirked mysteriously. "Guess."

Just as a girl wearing a chest wrap and a pink mini skirt approached between the two cars, she leisurely took off a black thong, flicked it with her fingertips, and suddenly tossed it high into the air...

In the split second as the underwear fell, before the woman could speak, Ye Chong grabbed the gear lever, floored the accelerator, and the car roared into action!

Ye Chong shifted directly to fifth gear, slammed the accelerator to the floor, and the car surged forward as if it had been hit by something, bursting out suddenly, pressing Su MoNing fiercely against the seatback, catching her completely off guard.

A Ferrari was a Ferrari, entering data mode with just one start. The 0 to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds was no joke. It left the Peugeot behind without even shifting gears, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

As they approached the next highway exit, several cars suddenly rushed out from the diagonal side, unexpectedly blocking the road in the middle.

Just as the Peugeot was about to collide, Su MoNing had already closed her eyes, her breath even stopped!


The Peugeot came to a stop, wisps of white smoke emanating from the hood, the engine buzzing.

"What's that kid doing?" The people in the car seemed to sense a hint of danger.

Ye Chong licked his lips eagerly, slowly released the clutch pedal, floored the accelerator, and the car charged forward like a trapped beast!

"He's... going crazy!" 

The Peugeot's engine revved to its highest, the accelerator pressed to the max, heading decisively toward the two damn roadblocks.

"He's playing for real, quick, get out of the way!"

Just as it was about to collide, the two cars realized the seriousness of the situation. One reversed rapidly while the other sharply turned its direction, both crashing into the guardrail in a desperate attempt to avoid the collision.

At the same time, the Peugeot shot straight through along the yellow line!

However, the Peugeot was still a Peugeot. Soon, the two cars behind caught up, regrouping and chasing after it, catching up in a matter of minutes.

"Son of a bitch, playing dirty! Hold on tight!" Ye Chong stared intently at the upcoming bend in the road.

Su MoNing had never experienced such a thrilling racing game, and she couldn't even imagine it under normal circumstances. At this moment, her face was pale, her ears buzzing. Despite her efforts to restrain herself, the instinctive fear couldn't be suppressed.

Ye Chong suddenly turned the steering wheel, the tires biting the road surface, emitting a piercing tire grinding sound. Su MoNing felt dizzy, as if her whole body was about to be thrown up.

The car almost brushed past the inner side of the bend, using this cut-in to overtake the Ferrari by half a car length!

Someone exclaimed on the walkie-talkie, "Damn, can this even be done?"

Xu Jianfeng gritted his teeth. "Even the weakest lion is still a lion, while the strongest antelope is still just an antelope!"

He pushed the gear lever and a scorching air projectile shot out from the rear of the car, lifting the entire vehicle. With a swift maneuver, the two cars were side by side, their gazes briefly meeting.

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Xu Jianfeng's mouth as he suddenly turned left, aiming directly for Ye Chong's car.

Playing like this on the highway was not just provocation, it was aiming to kill!

Ye Chong had to lightly tap the brakes, pulling the car back. Unexpectedly, the Ferrari swiftly changed lanes, completely blocking his line of sight.

Just as the two annoying pursuers caught up again, Ye Chong continuously changed lanes, trying to find a gap to pass through. But the Ferrari firmly blocked all of the Peugeot's routes, giving no chance at all.

Seeing the terrain gradually rise and the surroundings become more dangerous, any slight mistake could lead to a fatal accident.

Soon, someone exclaimed on the walkie-talkie, "Twelve Lord, aren't you playing too hard?"

Xu Jianfeng smiled coldly. "The real toughness is yet to come."

Someone else on the walkie-talkie said, "Buddy, don't forget you're driving a 700-horsepower Ferrari. That Peugeot seems to be biting your tail the whole time. In that case, you've already lost."

"Then keep your dog eyes wide open and see who wins!" 

In the rearview mirror, a car was about to bite the Peugeot's tail. Ye Chong made an emergency lane change, but the Ferrari took the opportunity to merge, completely blocking all of the Peugeot's routes.

He frowned. This was a classic racing tactic, and only top-notch racers on professional tracks dared to play like this. If this continued, the Peugeot would be played to death!

Just as he was about to accelerate, the Ferrari suddenly made an emergency lane change, instantly clearing a large area of vision in front.

At this moment, they were in an almost 70-degree bend, with a cliff in front, just between 20 and 30 meters away, and the Peugeot's braking distance was at least 45 meters or more, or even worse!

At this point, no amount of braking would be enough.