
Should we try a different approach

"Miss, are you alright?" The man smirked, his hand already wandering on the woman's back.

Suo Mo Ning suddenly became much clearer-headed. She pushed him away forcefully. "What are you doing?"

The man, in his thirties, wore a black leather vest, and his muscular arms were covered in countless tattoos. "Beauty, I've had my eye on you since you walked in. Had a fight with your boyfriend, huh? It's okay, I'll keep you company for a couple of drinks. Tell me what's bothering you."

Suo Mo Ning stepped back. "Please stay away from me."

He scratched his head and glanced around at his friends, then sneered, "Beauty, it's your first time here, maybe you haven't seen me before. It's okay, I'll let it slide. But you might not know me, I've never had a woman I set my eyes on reject me."

Suo Mo Ning, already tipsy, was still maintaining her dignity and vigilance as a woman. She didn't want to talk to such a scoundrel and headed straight for the door.

But to her surprise, several men had already blocked the exit.

Her head spun for a moment, and she immediately realized she was in trouble.

Her first instinct was to look at Ye Chong, but he remained seated, silently drinking his liquor, not even turning his head.

She tried to call the police, but her phone was snatched away before she could do anything, and the tattooed man chuckled coldly as he drank.

Suo Mo Ning, usually sheltered, had never encountered such people before. She felt a bit lost for a moment, scanning around for help but receiving no response. Her heart sank slowly.

"What do you want?"

The man's face turned malicious as he chuckled, his hand already reaching out to grab her. But out of nowhere, a bottle came flying and smashed against his head with a loud crack, dousing him in alcohol.

Suo Mo Ning, bewildered, looked around. She caught Ye Chong's gaze, only to find him still seated, his back unchanged.

The tattooed man shouted, "Who did that? I swear, if you have the guts, come out!"

A voice spoke up lazily, "A few big men bullying a woman. Have you no shame?"

"Who's talking nonsense? Show yourself!"

Ye Chong turned around, stepped calmly to the tattooed man, and flicked his nose. "Loose talk smells bad, bad talk smells worse. Your talk stinks to high heaven."

The tattooed man's face twitched. "Brat, you've got guts! Brothers, teach him a lesson, but don't kill him."

Several men had been itching to fight, rolled up their sleeves, and approached.

Yet Ye Chong simply watched the tattooed man, his eyes like a bottomless abyss, a faint grin playing at the corner of his lips, sending a chilling shiver down the tattooed man's spine, as if he wasn't just facing Ye Chong but his own doom.

The tattooed man raised his fist, but before he could strike, Ye Chong's fist was already there, meeting his nose. As the tattooed man's shoulder moved, his throat tightened, and three fingers were already gripping his neck.

A cold sweat broke out on the tattooed man's forehead. He didn't dare move as he watched Ye Chong's hand slowly withdraw.

He pointed at Ye Chong. "You've got guts. Do you dare to leave me a finger?"

Ye Chong looked at his finger. "If I'm not mistaken, this finger of yours must have done some nasty things to women, right?"

"What did you say?"

Before he could finish, Ye Chong seized his ring finger and twisted it forcefully.

With a crisp crack, the tattooed man's finger hung limply.

The tattooed man howled in pain, his sweat beads falling like beans. "You... You wait for me!"

Leaving behind a threat, the tattooed man clutched his injured hand and left the bar.

The remaining two men were about to leave, but Ye Chong said calmly, "Hey, don't forget your garbage."

The two men helped their injured comrades and hastily left the bar.

After cleaning up the mess, Ye Chong glanced around and realized Suo Mo Ning was no longer in the bar.

Frowning, he stepped out of the bar and stood at the street, looking eastward. He saw a woman standing by the Rouge River, illuminated by the neon lights.

It wasn't very late yet, and there were still quite a few people out for leisure. The reeds on the river surface reflected in the water, and the willows by the riverbank swayed gently. The dazzling neon lights disappeared into the river as they reached this point.

He walked lightly behind the woman. "You're drunk. Let me take you home."

"You go. I never want to see you again."

Ye Chong had no intention of being sentimental with her. "Let me ask you again, are you going home or not?"

"What I want to do is my business, and it's none of your concern," she retorted.

Nodding, he suddenly hoisted her onto his shoulder and strode to the roadside, flagging down a taxi.

"Let go of me..." Su Mo Ning struggled, but to no avail.

He placed her in the car, but Su Mo Ning began wildly hitting and kicking. Ye Chong then embraced her, preventing her from moving.

The driver, thinking Suo Mo Ning was being harassed, asked, "Miss, do you need help?"

Ye Chong kicked the back of the driver's seat. "Mind your own business and drive properly!"

The driver dared not say more and obediently drove.

Despite Su Mo Ning's drunken resistance, Ye Chong's face darkened. "If you don't behave, I'll strip you naked and throw you onto the street."

"Do you dare!"

"You can try."

Su Mo Ning, fearing his actions, ceased her struggles, believing he was capable of anything.

As they arrived at Wangfu Garden, Su Mo Ning, still intoxicated, attempted to walk back. Ye Chong grabbed her. "Are you done playing?"

"What relationship do you have with me? Why do you have the right to control me? I don't want to go home, so I won't..." Su Mo Ning replied.

Without another word, Ye Chong hoisted her onto his shoulder and strode into the residential area.

"Put me down! I'll call for help..." Su Mo Ning continued to struggle.


Ye Chong's hand landed firmly on her round buttocks, making a loud sound. Although it didn't hurt much, it echoed loudly.

"You hit me! No one has ever hit me before..." Su Mo Ning's voice trembled, close to tears.

"If you keep making trouble, I'll hit you again."

"You!" Su Mo Ning dared not cause any more trouble, but she felt aggrieved and teary-eyed, letting the man carry her.

Upon reaching her home, Ye Chong took the keys from her bag, opened the door, and gently placed her on the sofa before heading to the kitchen.

In no time, he returned with a large glass of water. Before he could say anything, Su Mo Ning slapped the glass out of his hand!

Ye Chong blinked, not even a drop of water spilling from the glass. "Drink some water. It'll make you feel better."

Su Mo Ning stared at him in a daze for a moment before suddenly knocking the glass out of his hand and throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, lifting herself onto her tiptoes, and pressing her hot, slippery, rose-scented lips against his.

Ye Chong stood there motionless as her lipstick smeared across his lips and chin.

When she couldn't breathe from the kiss, he finally spoke. "Had enough?"

Su Mo Ning, panting lightly, her eyes like unmelting grapes, whispered, "Not yet..." before initiating another round of passionate kissing.

Ye Chong remained unresponsive, like a wooden stake, letting her do as she pleased.

After releasing him from her embrace, Su Mo Ning pushed him lightly and asked, "Ye Chong, are you... a man?"

"I'm still sober, but you're drunk."

"You jerk!" Su Mo Ning hit him again.

Ye Chong's lips curved into a wicked smile. He rolled his wrist and neck, saying, "Whether you're serious or not, congratulations, you've managed to anger me."

Seeing the demonic look on his face, Su Mo Ning involuntarily backed away until she fell onto the sofa. "You..."

Ye Chong didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence because his hand was already around her throat!

As Su Mo Ning's face paled, Ye Chong released her throat, leaving a tearing sound. She felt a cold sensation as her dress was torn apart.


Ye Chong ripped off his shirt, exposing his sturdy muscles, and approached her step by step. He hugged the back of her head, biting her moist lips passionately, resembling a vampire.

Su Mo Ning was astonished by his powerful suction, feeling as though all the oxygen in her body was being sucked away. She subconsciously pushed him, but his body clung to hers like a suction cup, impossible to push away.

After a long kiss, Su Mo Ning was nearly suffocating. She gasped heavily, her face pale. Ye Chong smirked, "Do you want to try a different tactic?"