
Serve as a role model

After saying this, she turned and left the office. Ganlu and Guoshi both gave thumbs up. "Mr. Ye, you're amazing! I've never seen anyone dare to defy her like that. You really made her lose face today."

After saying this, she turned and left the office. Ganlu and Guoshi both gave thumbs up. "Mr. Ye, you're amazing! I've never seen anyone dare to defy her like that. You really made her lose face today."

Then their tone changed. "But, we suddenly have a bad feeling. To keep or not to keep your hair, it's up to you to decide."

With that, they began happily eating the delicious breakfast.

Seeing this, Ye Chong suddenly felt like a devoted woman couldn't keep an unfaithful man. He couldn't figure out which side these two girls were on.

With a brisk ring, Ye Chong walked toward the classroom of Class 8, Grade 2, carrying a pocketful of positive energy.

Back when he was a construction worker, he was looked down upon by the foreman on the construction site and by various people outside. But now, he had transformed into an engineer of human souls, standing on a three-foot podium being admired by all. The disparity between the two situations was immense!

However, he had a good understanding of this class. It was a tough nut to crack in this school, but that wasn't a problem for him. No matter how tough the nut was, he was confident he could crack it.

Arriving at the classroom door, he looked left and right at the surveillance cameras on both sides of the empty corridor. Compared to the sound of reading echoing around, the silence in the classroom was eerie!

Pushing open the classroom door, he walked in directly. There were only a few students sitting sparsely below, none of them yawning or dozing off, all eagerly looking at him.

He furrowed his brow, flipped open the class register, and said, "Roll call starts now. Those who are absent will be marked as truant…"

A girl in the front row made a clicking sound with her tongue. Ye Chong looked up, "Do you have a problem?"

"What era is it, and you're still doing roll call? How old-fashioned."

He put down the class register. "Do you have a better suggestion?"

The girl rolled her eyes, playing with a pen in her hand. "Brother, who are you? Where did you come from?"

"I'm Ye Chong. Starting today, I'm your class teacher and PE teacher."

"Oh, you're our old teacher. Where did you get your haircut? It's trendy and cool. Since when did the school allow teachers to have long hair?"

"If girls can wear thongs, why can't teachers have long hair?"

Laughter filled the classroom. The girl looked embarrassed and hurriedly covered her short skirt with her hand, angrily saying, "Go home and ask your mom, long-haired weirdo!"

"Stinky, did you brush your teeth?"

The girl stood up and walked straight to the man, raising her hand to hit him. Ye Chong grabbed her wrist and gently pinched it, causing the girl to cry out in pain, "He...he hit me, it hurts…"

Her eyes turned red from the pain, and she began to sob.

Ye Chong let go of her wrist, causing her to stagger back. The other students saw their classmate being bullied and immediately changed their expressions.

A boy with dyed blond hair said sternly, "Four-eyes, where are you from? Are you qualified to be our class teacher?"

"Let's talk." Ye Chong lit a cigarette. "I didn't come from a teaching background. I don't understand what it means to be a model teacher or what it means to be tireless in teaching. To be honest, I'm really reluctant to be your teacher, but I have to make a living."

"So, you don't have to treat me as your teacher. There's no relationship between us as teacher and students. Whether you want to learn or not, it's none of my business."

"I'm a simple person. I'll give face to those who give me face, but if anyone dares to mess with me, it's like smashing my rice bowl. Don't blame me for turning my face and denying people then!"

"Idiot!" The blond-haired boy muttered.

Ye Chong's eyes flashed coldly. "What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again."

The boy sneered, "Do you know how long it's been since we had a class teacher? Do you know how our last class teacher died?"

"If you killed him, if that's the case, when you become a teacher, I'll be your student?"

The boy smiled awkwardly. "Damn! You won't pull that on me. I killed him, can I still sit here? That guy died from that depression thing and jumped off the building."

He left his seat and pointed at Ye Chong's chest. "So I'm telling you, you'd better go back where you came from. From where you are, back to where you belong. Looking at your attitude, you're only fit to be played to death. Go back to your mother's womb and cultivate for decades."

After hearing this, Ye Chong looked at his hand. "How many times did your dog paw poke me?"

"What's wrong with poking you? Even if I poke you, it's light. Do you know who that girl was just now? She's your mom, and I'm your dad. If you don't let her off the hook, I'll give you a taste."

Saying this, he raised his fist to hit, but before the punch landed, he suddenly saw stars in front of him and felt a heavy slap on his face.


This slap knocked him down like a wooden stake. He was dizzy from the pain, his ears buzzing, blood trickling down from the corner of his mouth. He swayed unsteadily and couldn't get up for a long time.

At this, the students became restless. There was silence in the classroom, and various emotions such as astonishment, panic, fear, and anger filled the air.

In the back corner, a man who had been dozing off on the desk slowly raised his head. With a lazy voice, he said, "I wondered who was so awesome. Turns out it's you, Four Eyes."

As he said this, he suddenly stood up, towering like a tree, his head almost reaching the ceiling fan!

All eyes turned to him as if they had found their backbone.

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes. This big guy was none other than Ma Hong's precious son, Ma Yuechuan.

It's a small world, isn't it? Yesterday, when they met on the basketball court, he treated him like a kid and didn't bother with him. He didn't expect that this kid was a student in Class 8 of Grade 2, and he happened to be in his hands.

"Oh, it's you, the basketball ace."

"I regret not beating you up yesterday on the basketball court. I didn't expect you to come here and cause trouble."

"Yeah, thanks to the bell ringing during class yesterday, or who knows what would have happened." Ye Chong's words had a double meaning, but Ma Yuechuan only thought he was scared.

He approached with clenched fists, towering a full head taller than Ye Chong. "I'm itching to use my hands now, but you're not worthy of me laying a finger on you. Here's your chance, apologize to my brother right away, let him give you a slap to let off steam, and we'll consider this matter settled today."

Ye Chong looked at him with a smirk. "Oh, by the way, did you go home to see your dad yesterday like I told you to?"

Ma Yuechuan's face turned purple, twisting his fist until it cracked. "Looks like you're really fed up with living."

"Your family is like a wolf raising rats, each litter worse than the last. But I'm not surprised, a beastly father only knows how to raise beastly offspring."

"To be honest, someone like you, I can take on ten of. I didn't want to resort to violence, but I can't control my fists anymore."

Suddenly, Ye Chong asked, "How far is the nearest hospital from here?"

"What did you say?"

"I asked, how far is the nearest hospital from here?"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to take you to the hospital after I beat you up, but you'll probably have to endure half an hour of pain at least."

Ye Chong said expressionlessly, "Is that so? Then you're in for a treat."

Ma Yuechuan glared, "We'll see who dies first!"

Before he could finish his words, he took a step forward, swinging his fist down. But as his foot touched the ground, Ye Chong stepped on it, and with a crisp sound, everyone heard the bones in the sole of his foot shatter.

Ma Yuechuan froze in place, before he could feel the intense pain, Ye Chong suddenly grabbed his hair and forcefully pressed his head down.

With a crack, his head smashed through the desk, sinking into the tabletop, and there was no more movement from him, collapsing along with the desk.

In an instant, the classroom fell silent!

No one expected the nearly two-meter tall center to be turned into pieces in less than two seconds!

When they looked at the unremarkable class teacher again, each person's face showed a hint of fear.

"I suggest you all come at me together, maybe you'll have a better chance," Ye Chong said casually, issuing a challenge to all the students.

But at this moment, in their eyes, that man standing there seemed to exude an aura of intimidation, making people afraid to approach or even look directly at him.

Ye Chong glanced around. "Since no one is going to act, what are you all waiting for? Your classmate is injured, hurry up and take him to the hospital."

By now, the students had lost their momentum. Several boys lifted Ma Yuechuan up hurriedly and started to leave the classroom. Ye Chong deliberately tripped one of the boys with his foot, causing the boy at the front to fall like a dog, and Ma Yuechuan, who had just regained consciousness, fell heavily to the ground again, passing out from the pain.

Ye Chong kicked him in the butt. "Be more nimble, why are you walking so carelessly?"

He glanced at Ma Yuechuan and sighed. "Ah, half an hour, that'll be quite the experience for you."

Several angry boys didn't dare to speak up and could only lift Ma Yuechuan out of the classroom in a hurry.

Standing in the center of the podium, Ye Chong flipped open the class register. "Now that's settled, let's start roll call..."


As the bell for the end of class rang, Ye Chong walked out of the classroom unhurriedly, but someone grabbed him.

Turning around, he saw a short, fat man with short hair, probably in his forties, with an unusually fierce expression. "You're the new PE teacher?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Come with me to see the principal right away." Without further ado, he forcibly dragged Ye Chong forward.

Ye Chong frowned, shaking off his hand. "Let's talk properly, no need to get touchy. I'm not used to it."

Pointing at him with his finger, the man said angrily, "You're just an intern teacher, in other words, a temporary worker. On your first day of work, you actually injured a student. Do you even recognize me, the head of the disciplinary department?"

Ye Chong rolled his eyes. "What's the disciplinary department for?"

"Huh, you don't even know what the disciplinary department is for. Besides the principal, I'm the biggest authority in this school!"