
Marriage relationship

Ye Chong sneered coldly, striding a few steps to stand in front of the young couple. He beckoned to the young man, "Come here, I need to talk to you."

As the young man hesitated for a moment, Ye Chong grabbed his collar and pushed his head down, forcing him to kneel. He pressed a handgun against the young man's temple!

"Ah..." The young woman let out a piercing scream, "Help, someone's going to kill!"

The surrounding crowd erupted into chaos, scattering in all directions.

Faced with this sudden turn of events, the young man was completely petrified, kneeling motionless on the ground.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Ye Chong's narrowed eyes exuded a chilling aura. He coldly said, "Closing your eyes will make it quicker."


Before he could finish his sentence, he pulled the trigger!

The young man closed his eyes in terror, hearing the distinct sound of the hammer hitting the cartridge in the chamber, but the gun didn't fire.

At that moment, Ye Chong realized that the gun was empty. He had been played by the woman!

Looking around in confusion, he saw people running and screaming everywhere, but there was no sign of the woman.

Glancing to the east, he saw a police car pulling up, with two officers rushing towards him, shouting, "Drop the gun!"

To the west, several police officers appeared on the other side of the river, loudly calling out as they rushed towards him.

Ye Chong wiped the gun with the young man's clothes and threw it into the river. As he was about to leave, the young man clung to his leg, crying and begging for mercy.

Ye Chong kicked him away and walked away briskly.

Meanwhile, Times Square was in chaos, with crowds fleeing in all directions. Ye Chong surveyed the scene and quickly determined that the southeast was the best direction for escape. Taking advantage of the chaos, he made his way to a Starbucks at the southeast corner. He pushed open the door and approached the counter, asking the attendant, "Where's the restroom?"

"It's inside."

Typically, the restroom in such street-side shops was located next to the back door, which would be his best escape route.

Just as he took a few steps outside, he heard someone say, "The back door's been locked."

Following the voice, he saw the woman sitting quietly by the window, holding a glass of water.

Ye Chong had learned firsthand how cunning she could be. Feeling a mix of anger and resignation, he decided not to run. He sat down in front of her and snapped his fingers. "Bring me the most expensive coffee, and this lady will pay for it later."

Watching the chaos outside, with police cars arriving and officers searching, the cafe remained calm.

He blew on his coffee and drank it in one gulp before turning to the woman. "You're quite good at playing games. Did you enjoy watching me run around like a headless chicken?"

"That was just a little test. Are you thinking of giving up now?"

"I've never known what giving up means. Stop beating around the bush. What do you want me to do?"

The woman picked up her glass of water and drank silently, gazing out the window. Seeing the police's search radius expanding and moving towards them, she slowly turned her face towards him, but remained silent.

Clearly, she was testing the man's patience. Ye Chong noticed this, but he remained unperturbed. He lounged back in his chair and shouted, "Waiter, another cup!"

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you afraid?"

"You want the police to catch me, right? I have to cooperate with you."

Just then, two police officers entered the cafe and began questioning the customers. Sensing trouble, they turned to Ye Chong. "Sir, please show us your ID."

"I don't have one."

"What's your relationship with this lady?"

Ye Chong glanced at the woman and shamelessly declared, "I'm her husband."

The woman's expression changed, glaring fiercely at him.

"How do you prove that you're married?"

Ignoring the incredulous stares around him, Ye Chong boldly grabbed the woman and kissed her passionately. The woman was taken completely by surprise, her mind going blank for a moment, unsure how to react.

"Does that count? If kissing isn't enough, do you want us to have sex right here?"

His performance clearly didn't convince the police officers. They exchanged suspicious glances and turned back to the woman. "Miss, is what he said true?"

Seeing the woman remain silent, they grew suspicious and warned Ye Chong cautiously, "Come with us."

Ye Chong frowned. There was no way he was going to let the police take him away willingly. He prepared himself to fight back.

"I'll say it again, please come with us," one of the officers insisted.

Finally, the woman spoke up, "He's right. He's my husband."

"What are you doing here?" the officer asked.

With a slight furrow of her brow, the woman replied icily, "I've already answered that. Please don't disturb us if there's nothing else."

The two officers murmured to each other for a moment before apologizing, "Sorry for the interruption."

With that, the false alarm was over. After the police left, Ye Chong savored the taste in his mouth. "Looks like you didn't want them to take me away."

The woman spoke coldly, "If you dare to be disrespectful to me again, I will make you regret it!"

"Given the situation just now, if I didn't ask for your help, the game would have been up."

"Let's continue our conversation. I want you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

The woman lowered her head in silence for a moment before suddenly raising it, looking into his eyes, and said word by word, "I want you to marry me!"

Ye Chong tilted his head, disbelieving, "What did you say?"


"Miss, are you kidding me? I don't even know your name, and you want me to marry you?"

The woman bit her lip. "I warn you, don't question me like that. You're not worthy!"

Ye Chong was speechless for a moment. "Have you watched too many novels and melodramas? Do you really want to have a so-called contract marriage?"

"I don't need to make any contracts with you. You're not worthy."

"Alright, I'm unworthy in every aspect. So why do you want to marry me?"

"I have my reasons, but I don't need to tell you."

"I see. You don't really want to marry me. You just want to use me as a cover and kick me away when you don't need me anymore."

"In my heart, chastity is paramount, and marriage is sacred. If I marry you, there are no contracts, and I will never have another husband."

Ye Chong was a little confused. This woman seemed clever and wise, but her words were becoming increasingly absurd. "Miss, have you been under too much stress? Do you need to see a psychologist? Think about it carefully. Although I'm not bad looking, I come from a construction worker background. Do you understand what that means? Doing the jobs no one else wants, earning money by swinging a sledgehammer..."

"Enough! I understand what you mean. You think you have a low status, but my decision has nothing to do with what you think. Let me ask you one more question now: Do you want to or not?"

At this point, even though nobody believed in windfalls, no one could guarantee that they wouldn't act recklessly. Even if it was a trap, even if it was a hunter's snare, at least sleeping and waking up with such a woman, regardless of how much wealth she possessed, was already a great happiness.

But who would have thought that Ye Chong would coolly reply, "I don't want to!"

The woman stared at him blankly, obviously surprised by the result. At the same time, she felt deeply wounded. After all, it was humiliating for a woman like her to propose to a man who had hurt her, let alone being rejected to her face.

With her influence in the city, a single phone call could make him eat prison food for the rest of his life. But such a fact was difficult to articulate. If it weren't for necessity, would she really be so foolish as to want to marry such a man?

A trace of desolation and loneliness flashed across her face. "Say it again."

"You obviously don't mean it. I don't know what your intentions are. If you don't explain, I won't agree."

"What else do you want me to say? You have deeply hurt me. Besides marrying you, what else can I do?"

"Marriage is a major event in life. We should at least start with getting to know each other."

"I don't want to know you, and I will never fall in love with you. Even if I become your wife, it will be the same."

Ye Chong frowned. "Does that mean no physical relationship?"

"Yes! I will never allow you to touch me again!"

Ye Chong felt as if he had been drenched with a bucket of cold water in the dead of winter, even his toes went numb. If he had to endure having such a heavenly wife and not touch her, he might as well just bash his head in.

"I think you'd better send me to prison. I'd rather do a dozen or twenty years, free food and lodging, and no worries. I really can't afford someone like you," he said as he stood up to leave.

"Are you even a man?" The woman's voice was sharp as she yelled from behind him.

He paused at the door. "What do you mean?"

"You're not even worthy of being called a man. You're a coward, a rogue, a scoundrel!"

Ye Chong turned around, his face expressionless as he looked at her. "What are you trying to say?"

"You've committed an unforgivable crime against a woman, yet you'd rather stay far away than make any restitution for her. A person like you is bound for hell!"

Ye Chong chuckled lightly. "You don't need to curse me. I'm already in hell. I refused you for your own good. But since you insist on marrying me, I just hope you won't regret it in the future."

The woman asserted confidently, "I've never regretted anything I've done."

"So does that mean I'm your fiancé now?"

The woman didn't reply, simply stood up and walked out. "I'm taking you somewhere."

"How far is it? Do we need to take a taxi? Hey, I don't have any money on me, and you haven't paid the bill yet..." Before he could finish, the woman had already left the café. The waiter smiled as he approached, "You don't need to worry, Miss Xu has already settled the bill."

Ye Chong's mind raced as he realized for the first time that the cold beauty's last name was "Xu." "Uh... I see. Since she's settled the bill, I'll sign next time."

While the waiter was still puzzled, he had already left the café. He hailed a taxi on the roadside, but before he could get in, a red Porsche Cayenne pulled up slowly behind him.

The window rolled down, revealing the woman's exquisite profile. She said calmly, "Get in."