
I paid for this


The punch landed solidly on Ma Hong's face, sending him airborne with both feet off the ground. He crashed heavily onto the coffee table, shattering it into eight pieces with a loud crash, spilling the drinks all over the floor. Ma Hong lay on the ground, his face twisted in pain, convulsing, blood frothing at the corners of his mouth. It seemed unlikely he could get up again.

The woman watched in shock, unable to imagine how such a solid adult man could be knocked out by a single punch.

Ye Chong didn't even furrow his brow. He wiped his bloody fist on Ma Hong's clothes, then rummaged through his pockets, pocketing all the cash he found.

Just as he stood up, feeling dizzy and unsteady, someone supported him. When he turned his head, he was met with a pair of autumn-water eyes.

He glanced at her drowsily, then pushed her away, staggering towards the door. Pointing at her, he warned, "Go back where you came from. Don't follow me, or don't blame me for being rude."

With those words, he left the private room, descended the stairs unsteadily, and found several security guards waiting for him at the foot of the stairs. The receptionist pointed at him accusingly, "It's him!"

The guards, armed with batons, moved to surround him.

Ye Chong, standing above them, observed the situation below with a disdainful smile.


Unexpectedly, he tore off a brass railing from the staircase, brandishing it threateningly. "Anyone who wants to die, come over!"

Everyone was stunned by this unexpected turn of events.

The security guards, who had been eager to act, all stepped back simultaneously. Even the glamorous "gentlemen" and "ladies" backed away.

Ye Chong tossed aside the brass railing and stumbled down the stairs.

The entire nightclub fell silent except for the music. Everyone looked at him leaving the establishment as if they were seeing a nationally protected animal.

As he stepped outside, the cold wind hit him, intensifying his drunkenness. He squinted against the headlights of an oncoming car and instinctively raised his arm to shield himself.

In that split second, a pair of slender arms reached out from behind, tightly embracing him and pulling him to the ground!


The car whizzed past, barely missing him, lifting his long hair layer by layer.

He found himself pressed against a soft body, facing each other. Their breaths mingled, and Ye Chong murmured, "It's you."

Then, everything went black, and his head slowly rested on the soft chest...

It was a wonderful morning, the early spring morning was always delightful.

Outside the window, a thick layer of leaves couldn't bear the weight of the raindrops. With a slight tilt of the head, the raindrops inside the leaves fell one after another.

He rolled over groggily, embracing the soft body beside him.

Suddenly, his head buzzed, and most of the drunkenness was driven away.

Slowly opening his eyes, he realized he was holding a woman, but her face was turned away from him, curled up. He couldn't see her face, but her body rose and fell rhythmically with each breath.

He sat up suddenly, feeling a splitting headache, wishing he could find a knife to split open his own skull.

Furrowing his brow, he pressed his aching temples, trying to recall what had happened before. He remembered drinking heavily last night, going to Night Fragrance and beating up the despicable boss. What else was there?

Oh right, there was a woman who was almost violated by that scoundrel.

The next few hours seemed to have been sucked away from him, leaving no trace behind.

Did he get drunk and push that girl forcibly? Did that girl willingly offer herself in return for his help?

No matter what conjecture, the terrible logic just couldn't be reconciled!

Raising his greasy left hand, he saw blood! Looking again at the drops of red on the sheets, he slowly lifted his head, his bloodshot eyes staring at the woman. Her body was curled slightly, completely bare except for the white sheet draped over her. Her glossy black hair cascaded over her round shoulders, her chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. Her long, slender legs were bent, her curved eyelashes catching the morning light...

He didn't want to disturb the woman, quietly getting out of bed and circling around to see her current state. She was still deeply asleep, breathing evenly, cheeks rosy, sleeping like a peaceful lamb, seemingly never to wake up, except for the slight furrow of her eyebrows, as if she had just had an unpleasant dream.

With just one glance, his pupils contracted violently, and he stood there dumbfounded, as if his throat had been slashed! This woman was not the one he rescued last night, but a completely unfamiliar one!

In this world, absurd things happened every day, but this time was undoubtedly the most absurd thing he had ever experienced! Last night it was clearly that girl, who would have thought that after a night of dreams, she would turn into someone else.

What to do?

The first thing that came to mind was to leave some money, then leave before she woke up, and if asked later, he could just boast: "I paid for it!" But then the question arose, how much money was appropriate for a woman of her beauty?

He quickly took out all the cash he had snatched from Ma Hong last night and put it on the bedside table. But when his gaze shifted from the money to the woman, he immediately realized a harsh reality: with her looks, this money would probably not even be close to enough.


He lit a cigarette, taking just one drag before it burned out. Tossing the remaining half into the ashtray, he went straight to the bathroom.

Turning the faucet to the maximum, he let the strong cold water wash away the bloodstains on his fist, as well as the remnants of alcohol lingering in his mind.

After the chilling shower, he finally felt clear-headed. He dried his hair and looked unconsciously towards the bedroom, only to freeze in place.

The bedroom door was open, but the woman on the bed was gone!

He threw the towel aside and hurried over, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, he felt a chill around his neck, a sharp fruit knife pressed against his throat!

At that moment, the whole world seemed to freeze, as did the two people. Their long hair veiled their faces as they stared at each other, locked in this moment!

Under the woman's piercing gaze, he could only force a wry smile: "Let me explain..."

Her icy, hateful gaze couldn't be hidden by her long hair, and tears glistened down her cheeks.

Then, her expression turned cold, the knife in her hand cutting his skin, about to sever his throat in the next second!

Just at that moment, the door was suddenly slammed open from outside. With a flurry of footsteps, several uniformed police officers burst in, but when they saw the scene before them, they were all stunned.

"Miss, please don't do anything foolish, put down your knife."

The woman seemed oblivious to everything around her, her cold gaze fixed firmly on the man.

"Miss, it seems we know what happened. Please trust us. We will ensure this guy gets the punishment he deserves. If you do something foolish for someone like him, do you think it's worth it?"

Under everyone's gaze, the woman slowly released the knife in her hand, and it trembled as it fell straight into the floor.

A female officer rushed forward to take the woman aside, while the other officers surrounded the man. "What's your name?"

The man's absent-minded gaze never left the woman. He uttered, "Ye Chong."

"Someone has accused you of intentional harm, robbery, but now it seems there's also a charge of rape. Let's continue this conversation elsewhere."

Ye Chong's gaze still didn't leave the woman.


Cold handcuffs locked his hands, and one of the officers turned to the woman. "Miss, do you want to press charges against him? If so, please come with us to give your statement. Your testimony is important."

The woman hesitated, burying her fingers deep in her long hair. After a moment of silence, she uttered one word: "No."

"Are you sure?"

The woman slowly raised her head, saying nothing, and walked towards the door.

A female officer reached out to stop her. "If he has harmed you, this is your best chance. Even if you don't cooperate with us now, we can still summon you at any time."

The woman seemed to hear nothing, just saying, "Get out of my way."

People subconsciously made way for her, watching her walk out of the door.

Just as she stepped out of the door, Ye Chong saw the red velvet coat on her, and a vague thought flashed through his mind.

Haitian City, to the west, stretched a vast and fertile alluvial plain, while to the east lay the vast sea, the most important seaport in the kingdom, which had been prosperous since ancient times and now served as a bridge connecting the kingdom with the outside world, economically and financially. The strategic importance was self-evident.

In April, Haitian City was bustling with prosperity everywhere, filled not only with a strong commercial atmosphere but also with the soft whispers of the Wu dialect. In such a city with a population of over ten million, there was nothing you couldn't imagine, nothing you couldn't find.

As Ye Chong continued on his way, he couldn't calm down, still thinking about that strange incident. Where was the woman he had saved, and who was the woman who appeared later? Everything was too sudden and too bizarre. What kind of unspeakable secret was hidden behind all this?

In this day and age, was there still any justice left? Demanding his wages from a heartless boss had somehow, inexplicably, turned him into a rapist!

Lost in his thoughts, the car came to a stop. Getting out, he saw a red building, especially noting the words "Haitian City Criminal Police Detachment" on it, and his heart sank.

Those words indicated that his treatment was definitely not going to be lenient!

Indeed, just shortly after he was taken into a certain room, the door opened and a woman walked in from outside. With a grass-green tight-fitting vest and indigo blue combat trousers, her well-proportioned figure was accentuated even more. Especially with a few strands of hair sticking to her snow-white cheeks, along with her slight panting, Ye Chong instantly became alert.