
Goddess' Assassin System

After falling into a coma while undergoing the treatment of his sickness, Fluffy Sleepyhead learn from the Goddess Visare that his soul is being summoned to another world, the world of Reverie. However, he is not being summoned to be a hero and save the world of Reverie. His soul is being summoned to be a part of a hideous experiment that aims to replicate the Sacred Hero Summoning Ritual using the broken fragments of the Hero's Sword. Follow his adventures as he confront the darkness of different events involving the Hero's Sword fragments and complete his mission given by the Goddess Visare to fulfill his wish. ...A mission to gather all the Hero's Sword fragments and return it to the Goddess' Realm... ...A promise to return his soul in his origin body and heal him from his sickness... ...An adventurer within the darkness of the light to remember who he is... [Goddess' Assassin System] [Mode (+0)] [Life (+0)] [Mana (+0)] [Status (__)] [STR (+0), AGI (+0), VIT (+0), DEX (+0), INT (+0)] [Element: FIRE (+0), WIND (+0), GROUND (+0), WATER (+0), LIGHT (+0), DARK (+0)] [Combat Power (+0)] [Rank (+0)] Here's my Discord server UelUel The PoruShark Writer https://discord.gg/zRJWDr4U

UelUel · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Way Out Of The Ditch

***POV - Fluffy Sleepyhead / Siel***

[Goddess' Assassin System]

...Dark Element Acquire...

[Mode (1)]

[Life (20/100)]

[Mana (0/100)]

[Status (Weaken)]

[STR (F), AGI (-F), VIT (-F), DEX (F), INT (+F)]

[Element: FIRE (__), WIND (__), GROUND (__), WATER (0), LIGHT (__), DARK (F)]

[Combat Power (30)]

[Rank (__)]




I probably spend a whole day gathering stones to make a simple grave that can somehow protect Siel's body from all the rats crawling in this place.

Aside from accomplishing that goal, crawling and slowly moving on the ground made me accustomed to my new body. And just like what I initially thought, I have become at the age of 14 or 15 years kid.

Also, staying in darkness for a whole day made my eyes able to recognize the deepness of the dark around me. It is not enough for me to clearly see the silhouette of objects within the darkness but just enough for me to tell that there is an object near or in front of me.

With this skill along with the food and weapons that I salvage from the dead man's body, I might just...

"No!.. I will surely survive and escape this place! That is a part of my promise to Siel."




"Pfft!... Hahaha!... So that idiot really fell to his death!"

"He even got burned after dying of falling. That is double death for him."


"He should have bet everything he got and lost all of it if he's planning to die like that."

"I think I could still see his beloved sword beside his burned body. Do you want to go down and get it?"

"As if!... The smell is already making me puke from here, and you want me to go down there? You can go down there and take that sword if you want it for yourself."

Just like I thought, at the start of my second day at the bottom of this ditch, some of the dead man's companions come to look for him. It is the right thing to not take his sword so they won't get suspicious.

Either way, laughing at him dying even though they were working together. It is not that I'm showing sympathy for the dead man, I just hate those kinds of people and they really don't deserve to be called as humans anymore.

Well, that is not important right now. What matters is that I need to find a way to escape.




After eating half of my food and water, I start moving around the bottom of the ditch along its wall.

If what the dead man's companions said was true, there was a way for them to come down from here. I assumed that maybe, somewhere along the walls there existed a stair that would lead up to the cliff where I and the dead man fell.

However, if the way of coming down here that they are talking about includes climbing down using a rope they have, then going back up there will be impossible for me.

My only choice that would be left is to hope that there is an exit somewhere down here at the bottom of this ditch that would lead outside of this trench.




I spent half a day circling the wall of the ditch. And on the fifth time, since I passed the stone grave where Siel is buried, I finally notice a different deep of darkness along the wall.

That part has a different coldness from the other part of the wall. It is probably made of some kind of metal considering the sound that I heard coming from it after I hitting with the handle of my knife.

"This part is probably a gate, and my only way out of this ditch."





Finding the gate is quite fortunate for me. However, having a gate means that people, I mean mad lunatics who are using this place as a ditch, are preventing anyone from getting in or out, and that's exactly what my situation. No matter how much I push or tackle this part of the wall, the gate seems to never budge.

"Damn it!... Don't tell me this gate should be pulled, not pushed. If it is, then the one who made this is an idiot! You should at least put a handle or something so it can be open from the inside!"

After using all my strength to tackle the gate, I sat down on the ground with my back against it.


That is when I heard faint sounds coming from the opposite side of the gate.

The sounds keep on moving or it is more accurate to say that the source of the sound is the one moving towards me. It keeps on moving getting closer to me considering that the rattling sound is getting louder and louder.

I kept on listening to the rattling sound until the moment I was surprised when the source rattling sound passed by my side and moved towards behind me.

"That is it!... There's probably a hole under the gate!"

The source of the rattling sound is probably a rat or other animals who came to feed on those human sacrifices.

I immediately move towards where the rat passed beside me. I don't how big that hole is since it is only being used by small animals but that is my only hope in my current situation.




After crawling my way below the low part of the gate, I found a hole big enough not just for rats or other bigger animals but for an adult person to kneel and pass over it.

It is not a hole dug in the ground under the gate but a broken and deteriorated part of the gate itself.

"Now this thing is really concerning."

Inspecting the hole in the gate using my sense of touch kinda gives me a bad feeling. It is because this hole probably didn't appear just by the gate deteriorating on its own.

Someone or some creature with enough strength to bore a hole in a metal gate made this.

"Considering my luck, whoever made this hole is probably beyond this gate and waiting for me."

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