
God When Just Born

This story is Just to Test My Writing skills and imagination so I am not sure if this story will be successful and I will just write max. chapters 30 no more.

Krish_S1 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Birth of a God

Chapter 1: The Birth of a God

[Scene: Arc Mansion, 2025]

Tom's Father: (excitedly) "He's here! Our son is born!"

Doctor: "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Arc. You have a healthy baby boy."

Narrator: Tom Arc entered the world amidst celebration and joy, but little did anyone know, his arrival would alter the course of history.

[Flash Forward: 10 seconds after Tom's birth]

Tom: (gazes around with an intense look, eyes glowing faintly)

Narrator: In an instant, Tom's consciousness expanded beyond mortal comprehension. He became aware of the threads of reality, the balance that held the universe together.

Tom: (softly, to himself) "I... understand."

Narrator: The cosmic balance was disrupted by his ascension to godhood, causing chaos among the other gods who claimed dominion over various realms. They scrambled to maintain their power as Tom's influence grew exponentially.

[Scene: Council of Gods]

God of War: (gritting teeth) "Who dares disrupt the balance?!"

Goddess of Wisdom: "It's that child... he has become a god."

Law's Core: (appearing, bowing respectfully) "Forgive me, young god. We seek your guidance to restore balance."

Tom: (raises hand, effortlessly restoring balance) "Go forth, restore order."

Narrator: With a wave of his hand, Tom strengthened the Law's Core, amplifying its authority tenfold. The gods, humbled by his power, withdrew to their domains as Tom shielded the mortal world from their direct influence.

[Flash Forward: Tom's 17th birthday]

Tom: (now a teenager, quiet and reserved)

Narrator: Tom grew up in the shadow of his godhood, detached from mortal desires and emotions. He attended college, navigating through life with an air of indifference.

Friend: "Hey, Tom! You coming to the party tonight?"

Tom: "Maybe."

Narrator: His classmates often wondered about Tom's distant demeanor, unaware of the divine burden he carried.

[Scene: The Goddess's Realm]

Goddess Lysandra:n(gazing into a crystal) "Tom... my love, I've found you."

Narrator: Lysandra, the goddess who had fallen for Tom as a human child, sacrificed half her divine power to be with him. She watched over him from afar, waiting for the right moment to reveal herself.

[Chat with Lysandra]

Lysandra: (telepathically, to Tom) "Tom, can you hear me?"

**Tom:** (startled, looking around)

Lysandra: "It's me, Lysandra. I've been watching over you."

Tom: (guarded) "Why?"

Lysandra: "Because... I love you."

Tom: (pauses, processing) "Love?"

Lysandra: "Yes, from the moment I saw you as a child. I've waited for this day."

Tom: (conflicted) "I... don't understand."

Lysandra: "I gave up everything to be with you, Tom. Please, let me show you."

Narrator: Lysandra's plea echoed in Tom's mind, stirring emotions he had long suppressed. As he struggled to comprehend her feelings, a new chapter of his life began to unfold.

[To be continued...]



[ Hey I am here, Author. It's just a short.. no, very short story so if you are not interested then you can stop reading. Because I don't want that someone if started to give interest in this story and I will End it , it will be disappointing and I am just writing this story to at max. 30 chapters no more.]

[ Thanks for Your Time ]

I don't know if this story will be successful but, ... I will try best.

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