Ron is a typical fourteen-year-old kid who ends up discovering that he has superpowers and that his part of a legendary order of mages/wizards that were created to slay gods. He joins a new school where he is supposed to be trained on how to fight and prepare for the coming war against the ancient gods. The only problem is Ron is the first human to become a god slayer.
He had been transported to a parallel plane. The whole place looked like space, was he in space, when did he get in space. The floor wasn't there but he was standing on something it seemed like mid-air, below him were tiny stars illuminating light from very far. He could see the purple colourful clouds floating within the dark blue sky. A scenery indeed, but then what amused him was the glowing roots that stretched up into the endless sky. Was this Yggdrasil? was he standing in the presence of the world tree?
"Ron Carter," a light elf appeared not too far from him. At first, he was frightened but when he saw her resemblance to Cassie the nurse, he immediately came down.
"Who are you?" he asked
"I am the guardian of the World Tree, you can call me Thera, I am also the one who has summoned you here Ron," she spoke. Thera was incredibly beautiful, she was dressed in a white tunic that covered her feet. She had well-polished white nails, and on her wrists, she had golden bracelets around them.
"Wait, have I traveled through space on a Bifrost?"
"No, you are not here physically it's only your mind that I have snatched from reality."
"You mean my body is dead! Oh no, Nathan must be thinking am…"
Do not worry Ron, your mind will return to the exact point you left, time of your world moves slower compared to the time here." Thera said,
"And where is here exactly,"
"The birthplace of creation, we are inside the world tree," Thera answered. Ron looked around and yes, she was right, it makes sense to look like space within a gigantic superspace magic tree that spreads out in the universe.
He sighed and sounded relieved, "Oh I thought this was like a prison for me…you know the human who became a god slayer." he smiled thinking she had gotten the joke, but his smile was expelled once she didn't even dare to giggle.
"I have called you here to warn you. Tomorrow when you are leaving with Artemis, don't trust the child of Loki." she began.
"By the child of Loki, you mean…"
"The wolf, don't trust the wolf. Use the dark forest and you find an ally, he will help you and the young goddess. The wolf intends to take you to Jotunheim, to the giants in exchange for the ability to shit between flesh and beast." she explained. 'if the giants ever get you or any of the other four, we will all be doomed."
Ron was a bit shaken by the warning, was that big wolf a real traitor.
Good luck Ron." she was about to vanish when Ron shouted,
Thera turned.
"What do you mean the other four?" he asked,
"I mean the new Aesir, you, the goddess, the god slayer, the demigod, the Vanir apprentice, and the human," Thera said. "All of you are special and connected by the world tree's roots. Find each other and save the world."
SNAP!…..those were her final words and he was back to the moment he left. Nathan had just mentioned the raven's names.
Odin's ravens.." it flew out of his mouth,
Yeah, I see you've been researching, I guess that is what happens when you are hanging out with the smartest second year in the school." he was meaning Ellen.
"Wait, she's a second-year?"
"Of course, why would she lead orientation if she were a first-year student." Nathan laughed.
Huh, come to think of it he didn't see ellen during the first year's meeting, but no time to think about that. He had to know what Thera meant by finding the others, was she saying that the new Aesir weren't gods but were mixed species.
"Um. . .Nathan, ever heard of Olympus?"
Nathan was surprised by the abrupt topic change. "Yeah, it was the home base of the roman or Greek gods."
"Huh, you know about them? I thought this place is based on Norse gods and myth."
"It is, mainly because the Norse is the oldest among the three god clans. The Aesir of the Norse, the Ennead of the Egyptian. And the Olympians. They were the youngest and smartest. This Academy was created by Valkyrie and Wizards. To train god slayers to prepare for the upcoming war against the gods." Nathan explained.
"What war?"
Nathan shrugged."I don't know man, but it involves a prophecy that says the gods will return and bring upon the end of the godslayer kind," he said. "it seems you've picked interest in this god stuff, any lead on why you just randomly became a godslayer." he tilted his head and smiled,
As he stared at him, Ron remembered that Thera mentioned a godslayer as a member of the new Aesir, was it Nathan? maybe he should tell him the truth.
Here it goes, "Yes, am actually. . ."
KNOCK…KNOCK… there was a sudden and rapid knock on their room door. They both turned.
"Ron, we need to talk." Ellen's voice sounded from the other side of the door.
He jumped off the bed and ran for the door, he opened it and there she was. Looking like she knew that he was about to mention everything that has happened between them for the past few days.
The look on her face could kill if he was on his death bed. She squeezed his arm and then pulled him into the corridor.
"What were you just about to do?" she whispered.
I thought Nathan can…..
Can do what? Expose us? We can't go around telling god slayers that we are gods, Ron." she argued. "There's only two of us and thousands of them. We cant blow our cover."
"Yes, ma'am."
Good," she calmed down, then crossed her arms.
"Wait, how did you know I was going to tell him?" he asked,
"The same way I knew about you," she said. "I inherited some of my mother's abilities, like having tiny glimpses of the future. I was able to see you tell Nathan the truth."
"And…." he widened his eyes wanting her to continue.
"And what?"
"Did he take it well?"
She gave a half shrug. "How am I supposed to know, I said I just said I have tiny glimpses, not the whole dam thing. Dumb-ass, " she said.
"Okay, I get it, you stink at fortune-telling, it's just that I was summoned to Yggdrasil by a woman named Thera."
Ellen thrust out her chest and came so close to him that he could feel it touch his own, "Thera, you spoke to Thera?" know her…" Ron was burning inside, the feeling of a girl's chest was killing him, this was a small taste of heaven.
She's the guardian of the world tree, what did she say?" she stepped away and extinguished his seconds of heaven.
Um.. she said something about not trusting the wolf, he wants o feed me to the giants in exchange for the flesh, and something about the new, she said that we are connected all the six of us. The human, the Vanir witch…u think, the demigod, the godslayer."
Ellen raised her chin. "Meaning the new Aesir gods aren't gods, just you and me, did she give you a name?"
"No, but my first and best guess for the godslayer is Nathan."
They both faced the wooden door. "I don't feel connected to him, so I object to your guess." she shoved her hands unto her jean pockets. "We can't make mistakes, choosing with our hearts might lead to consequences that will end all lives including ours."
"Anyway, if the wolf is a traitor then the only way to leave Valor is through the dark forest. judging by your inability to fight, do magic, or even use your powers. We may not make it to see the break of dusk.''
"Don't worry there is an ally, Thera told me we have an ally in the Dark Forest."
"Umm...what ally?"