
Sytr's pet (part 2)

Ellen was the first to tiptoe through the first phase of bones trying to avoid making a single noise, being raised in a wizard family. She knew how these monsters worked. How they moved and how they reacted, dragons had a very strong sense of hearing and a bad nose if they stayed in a dumped place like this, so in all odds. The universe was on their side because it could sniff them out. But moving at this pace would only take even much longer, and she has the tool that could help right now; the only helpful tool was the Kronos Roaches but she had non right now, god she wished she had listened to Nathan.



The beast was still at rest in the corner that wasn't so far away from the two of them, they had to be cautious about where they stepped because old bones made quite the irritating noise if you stepped on one.


Ron on the other hand wasn't okay at all, he was scared, his heart hammering like a person who has just looked at death. Each bone he saw looked like someone he knew. One even resembled his math teacher Mrs. Dodds who had the sharpest jawlines he had ever seen, she terrified him with Cs and Fs on his test results each time she handed out papers, thank god she got fired he thought the day she left. But here she was haunting his mind in such a critical moment.


The dragon's victims were so many. Did that mean other people tried to get through and they just ended as Dragon food, without thinking Ron found himself stepping on the wrong bone, or might he say skull?


Crack...that was the painful sound that came from the skull, the sound echoed throughout the entire cave and before he knew it a gigantic scaled tale slammed itself between them and the exit.


Ron was forced to glance to the other side and behold, he was facing the largest, scariest creature he had ever seen. It was staring with eyes of bloodlust like had seen it has always longed to eat and there it was standing like a free packed meal.


RUN!  He heard Ellen yell from a distance, but when he whirled his head he saw nothing, the sound was coming from the other side of the tail meaning it hadn't noticed her yet since its focus was on him.



The dragon looked withered and old with grey-colored scales, it had a long spiked neck like that of a lizard and leather black wings with holes that show that it was way past its expiration date. It growled at him before it did anything else. It knew Ron was an enemy in form of a child, it fixed its horrific gaze on him then opened its mouth and flames started to collect themselves in the center. It was going to fire at him.



Ron started sprinting as fast as he could away from the dragon's target range. He was scared but he need to stay alive.


The beast shoot out the hottest wave of flames that melted the ground behind him into larva. He was just inches away from being melted too if the dragon didn't stop to recharge. It roared and the entire mountain shook in response.



It then lifted its tail and swung it at Ron, the tail slammed Ron and sent him flying into more bones and flesh, it kept track of him this time and released an even hotter wave of flames at him from its mouth. The flames went on for a minute before It paused when it noticed that the ground had turned to larva. Only to be shocked to see Ron still standing he was holding Achilles' golden shield--its surface was red hot. But from the other side, Ron felt nothing, it was fire-resistant. In his right hand, he was holding his sword with a determined glare in his eyes--enough to frighten the dragon itself.



He glanced at Ellen and she asked 'are you okay?' by moving her lips.


Ron nodded, then turned his attention back to the dragon. They stared at each other for about a second then Ron advanced toward the beast. His ring glowed and he leaped so high upwards you could think he was planning to fly, the dragon opened its wings then set off the ground--but a light arrow impaled through its left wing and it fell back on the ground with a loud thud that sent an earthquake type of shake throughout the entire cave. The walls started to crumble down and larva started sprouting out of the cracks that were being made.


He landed and Ellen grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction she was running towards the tunnel's end, they heard the dragon cry and it tried its head through the tunnel but even its head couldn't fit through--it opened its mouth one last time and unleashed violent bright yellow flames--they moved so fast that Ellen had to stop and put up a magical shield that ended up breaking and burning her hand in the process, Ron rushed to step forward, pulled her arm, and put the both of them behind the shield.


He hugged Ellen tight and she repositioned herself so she was hugging him too. They were nose to nose as the flames were blocked by the shield's power. Her heart beat so fast he could feel it through her clothes.


The flames stopped and around them, the flames had destroyed the entire tunnel and the walls had turned black.


They continued staring at each other, before Ellen's face turned red and she chuckled, she turned away so that he doesn't notice what had happened to her face.



"Are you okay?" he asked with concern after what just happened to her hand. "How bad is-"


"I will be fine," she said. "I am a god slayer after all."


Ron was still looking at her when a bright yellow light came from the end of the tunnel. They both walked following the light- they ended up finding a floating pod of water that rose to take on the form of a doorway. This was the eldest spring, they looked at each other's faces. Ron's was completely covered in soot and he smelled like someone had died on him,


They both agreed and then stepped through. And disappeared.





JANE CARTER HEARD A CLANG of the metal rod that held her the door to her cell. She looked miserable, her blue eyes had turned gray her beautiful face had grown lifeless and pale and her body was now even thin--a strand of her hair had grown white because her human body couldn't keep up with the atmosphere of Jotunheim. The once beautiful thirty-year-old woman had grown old in just a few days, she had chains on her wrists because the giants thought she could do magic.


A man walked in, "Your son is on his way to save you,"


Jane's eyes widened from dread. She was forced to face the man. He looked completely human, with green eyes, long black hair a perfect chin, and a faint mustache above his lip. He was in a green cloak that had golden stripes on the edges like a royal wizard. They seemed to know each other but from where.


"Loki you asshole," she hissed.


"You should have told him the truth a long time ago. About his kind, and now he's walking into an obvious trap for the human who has been lying to him his entire life," Loki spoke with pride and a devious smirk show up each time he said something.


Jane snarled, "When he unleashes his true abilities, I bet the entire Jotunheim will fall at his wrath."


Loki chuckled, "Don't worry. I WON'T let that happen." he stared at her with a glare of seriousness.


"The boy will fight the champions and I tend to surprise him. You should even be happy that you are the biggest surprise with a sprinkle of some emotion."



Jane could already tell that the god of mischief had something up his sleeve. Whatever it was, it was clear that it was not good at all.