
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

The Journey For Peace

A/N: I have finally come back to this novel, after a long time of not updating. I have come back with hopefully higher level writing skills, and improved ideas for the plot of this story and exactly how it'll move along. I hope you guys don't hate me too much!

Zekoru and Tokimo walked alongside each other, wandering through the land of water. The heavy fog combined with the mist made for a mystical atmosphere. Still, they walked. They weren't in any rush to go to a specific place or location. It was eerily quiet and made no sounds of any sort in the area. If there were any animals even in the vicinity, they were utterly silent.

The reason? Tokimo and Zekoru. The monstrous aura the two gave off was far stronger than what any mere animal could ever hope to give off in a lifetime. Their inner instincts to survive awakening, they all remained silent, so the chance of being detected by Tokimo and Zekoru was little.

"Say, Zekoru. What you were saying back there held a little truth. It's going to be difficult to truly heal old wounds that span hundreds of years from the shinobi world." Tokimo looked into the sky, clouded by the mist surrounding them.

"Of course it's true. You think it'll be a piece of cake to rid this world of all of its violence? That's naïve, coming from a man like you." Zekoru scoffed.

"Now, I'm not saying it'll be easy. There is going to be a lot of death and fighting involved. I'm well aware of that aspect. Don't ever think I'm doubting my capabilities. I could never. My strength alone could crumble this world into pieces. The actual issue at matter is..." Tokimo paused.

"What? Spit it out already."

"How long will it truly last once I'm not here? How can I prevent people in the future from restarting the entire process? The average human is just an intelligent animal and, using this logic, there will always be one human who is overtly so; in the shadows, waiting to perform evil acts."

Zekoru chuckled. He then started to giggle before he was full-blown laughing. Tokimo looked at him strangely.

"What's so funny?"

"It's nothing, really. It's just the fact that I didn't expect someone so strong and so intelligent to be so stupid. I think you're simply thinking too far ahead. The truth is, the world needs evil for there to be good. It is truly how the world develops. You cannot simply eradicate evil. That is impossible. What you can do, however, is to subdue it. Keep it grounded just long enough, to the point where it is minuscule and could be dealt with if need be."

"I see. So let me ask you this question. It is an extremely important one."

"Ask away."

"Do you think I'm human? That I'm just like the rest of you? That if all goes to waste, I fall to my basic human instincts? Do you think that It is possible for me to ever be broken?" Tokimo's serious eyes looked at Zekoru, and Zekoru began to sweat.

"Are you not? Are you suggesting that you're not human? Just what are you trying to imply here? I'm confused..."

Tokimo only smiled.

"Just say it!"

"Fine. I'll say it. The truth is, I am human. But not In the way you think. I am blessed by the one above to rule this pitiful world. While the rest of you were born to survive, I was born to dominate. So no, I am not a mere 'human.' I am something much more than you could ever hope to imagine."

"W-What...What do you mean by that? How could you be blessed by Kami?" Zekoru inquired.

"That is not what I'm talking about. The entity I have been blessed by is like a universe, and comparing Kami to that entity is like comparing a pebble to that universe."

"I have another question! How could you dare to say you're not like the rest of us? Even if you're monstrously strong, there are still other strong superpowers in this world. It is not out of the ordinary for shinobi to be powerful!"

"You shall see."

"Really? Is that what it comes down to? How can I trust that?"

"You don't have to trust me, or whatever comes out of my mouth. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't. But I'm sure you know one thing. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and in other words, every action has a consequence. If you don't trust me, I won't trust you. And the consequence of not having my trust could very well be fatal. If you decide to leave right now, the consequence will come. Good or bad, you'll just have to figure that one out."

Zekoru glanced toward the ground before he thought to himself. He didn't trust Tokimo one bit. This entire journey, he has been thinking of ways to leave inconspicuously, and he had accidentally outed himself. He had no other choice but to show how he felt.

"The truth is, I never trusted you."

"Would you look at that! Absolutely fantastic. You'd be a fool to trust me, a fellow shinobi."

"Then, I'll take my leave." Zekoru made the hand signs for a shunshin. He was stunned, however, to find himself suddenly crushed into the ground, face up. He could feel some weight seals on him that kept him densely inserted into the floor. Looking up, his face contorted into one of pure horror.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of fire meteors came raining down from the sky, heading right towards his position. He could feel his heartbeat spike to levels he never thought possible. He struggled, he used every ounce of strength he had in his body to move, or maybe even break free of the seals.

Unfortunately, he didn't budge.

"Why would I let you leave? I just gave you classified information. You will not live to tell the tale to others. You are to burn to a crisp, the raining of one thousand suns!" Tokimo exclaimed, slamming his hand down to increase the velocity of the meteors.

"NAAAURGHHHHGH!" The meteors soon slammed on the ground, the shockwaves causing the entire world to feel a wave of heat, and a shockwave passed through, burning all the surrounding trees to a withering, crispy ash. The entire world shook, and the ground where Zekoru was lit up in a terrifying inferno of flames.