
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


Pain and Konan were having a discussion within their secret hideout.

"As it is right now, the Jinchuriki are still young and have yet to develop fully. Shouldn't we make moves to acquire them?" Suggested Konan.

"No. As it is, we do not have enough power or resources to even think about doing such a thing, as the villages will without a doubt unleash their wrath upon us. We shall continue to formulate plans for the future, and the world shall know pain soon enough."


Konan simply stood silent, looking off into the distance.

"Konan..." Pain paused, looking over to Konan who glanced in his direction. "It seems we need to get our hands dirty. We're going to go hunting for some rogue nin and collecting their bounties. So far, this is the most efficient way to raise funding for our future plans."

Konan raised an eyebrow. "Where do you suppose we head off to. We don't have any ideas of the locations of the so called rogue nin, so we might as well be wandering aimlessly."

Pain massaged his temples, "How much money do we have saved up currently?"

Konan took out a scroll with seals on the surface before quickly doing hand signs. A puff of smoke soon appeared, with a decent sized money bag. "About six hundred thousand ryo."

"Also, I've heard of a man going by the name Tokimo Uchiha has the ability to create tailed beasts. What do you plan to do about this Pain-sama?"

"There is no need to fret. When our goals are fully set, not even him shall stand in our way. This cursed world will know pain one way or another. They will experience a God's wrath." Pain simply dismissed the issue, but he couldn't help but to be a little curious about this 'Tokimo Uchiha' person.





Zekoru and his team eventually decided to part ways, as unfortunately their goals didn't intertwine. The world of shinobi was rarely one where people could simply have friends. All it takes is one event and it is a battle to the death. Trust is earned and not given, and life is extremely difficult. Friendships, while not rare, often end up in tragedy. Since Zekoru and his team couldn't find a mutual benefit, they decided to part ways.

Zekoru was currently venturing throughout the forests of the land of water, no plain goal in sight. He had adopted a laid back, nonchalant posture but like usual, that was far from the case. His muscles were tensed because he noticed someone had been following him. The person that was following him sure knew how to mask their chakra well, as he could only faintly detect it, and that was him using his sensing abilities to the maximum.

Zekoru soon stopped walking and turned around.

"Whoever is following me, come out. Let's do this like men and get it done." Zekoru pulled out two kunai and got in a stance.

"I'd advice you to calm down, let's have a chat." Rang out a deep voice.

"There wont be any time to chat after I kill you. Get down here."

"Oh well, sure."

A tall man with long hair clad in a hooded shinobi robe suddenly appeared in front of Zekoru, who immediately went to sweep the mans legs. The attack was easily blocked when said person jumped over the leg and pulled out a sword.

"Who are you anyways." Grunted Zekoru, as the mans strength was overwhelming.

"That was the first question you should have asked, idiot. My name is Uchiha Tokimo." The man, now known as Tokimo easily slipped through Zekoru's guard and managed to land a kick to the chest which knocked the wind out of Zekoru.

"S-So you're the person who can create tailed beasts, huh. What business do you have with someone like me anyways. How come you're following me." Inquired Zekoru.

"No particular reason. I can tell by your aura that you're a strong person, and I'm gonna need you to submit to me. I have plans, and I'll need subordinates to make them go smoothly."

"As If I'd submit to someone like you! Take this Ki-" Zekoru was then smacked so hard, he couldn't even process it until a few seconds later he was embedded within a crater.

"Why don't you just do the easy thing and submit. It's way easier than just getting pummeled around by me I'm sure."

"F-Fine...what are your stupid plans anyway?" Groaned Zekoru with a scowl on his face.

"My goals are simple. To find a true halt of all violence in this world. A world where everyone is satisfied is the ultimate end goal. I'm aware that it might seem foolish, but thanks to the heavens, I've been granted overwhelming power to do so. I-" Tokimo was about to continue before Zekoru interrupted him.



"I guess you're right. Don't worry, stay still I can get you out of that crater." Tokimo then summoned his Susanoo arms and picked up Zekoru from depths of the crater. The latter was then tossed to the ground like rubbish.

"Get up, and lets go. We have a lot more people we're going to need to recruit, and a lot more allies we need to gain. The next destination we are headed towards is Kumo." Spoke Tokimo, while making walking off.

Zekoru hurriedly got up and began dusting himself while following Tokimo. "What business do we even have over there anyways. Their raikage is stubborn and powerful." Zekoru was curious as to why this man was so nonchalant about heading over there.

"That's the precise reason I'm going to go there. I'm going to beat it in to him to agree with me. Once I do that, potential allies will be drawn to me and I will be able to have even more people under me. " Tokimo claimed with a smirk.

"You make it sound so simple. It's really not. Have you even thought of the fact that that goal is impossible. The shinobi world has violence that stems from over hundreds of years ago, grief, and grudges. By this very logic it is impossible to completely rid the world of hatred and make everyone satisfied. I wasn't going to follow you at first, but something told me that this trip would be worth while."

"I'm sure as hell going to find a way. If It takes violence, I will do it. A world where everyone is satisfied is much better than the cliché happy ending because only the main characters are actually happy. That usually doesn't happen because there will always be people who are not satisfied and in the background. Seething, unable to cope. And in rare cases, it is because of these very people in the background, that humanity develops. I'll find a way to do this, with or without violence."

"So the world will see?" Asked Zekoru?

"The world will see." Confirmed Tokimo




End of chapter


Malxxoticcreators' thoughts