two worlds two people two hearts one soul one is evil then other is good the fall in love but have a mission to destroy each other will they destroy you fall in love will their love be acceptable or will be vanished from the world read out to find out
______________in hell____________
(Key word dk =demon king, e =everyone, dc= demon chief )
E=long live demon king, long live demon king, long live demon king
Dk = (raises hands indicating to stop)
DC = long live demon king, a human had entered our territory and we have captured that creepy creature... Your majesty everyone is willing to you to do something
Dk =ok bring that creepy creature here. I will do justice
DC = yes your majesty..
After 5 minutes
Human = leave me, leave me,don't touch me you demon
Dk = shut your mouth and make her come more close i want to see her clearly

Dk = (oh my she is beautiful but she is a human what about let her serve me first and then erase her memories and make her a demon which will be justice in the eyes of my kingdom and I will also take some advantage )
E = justice, we want justice
Dk = ok i have made a decision as she wanted to know so much about our demon world why not make her also a demon like all of us, and also erase her all memories....
E = yaaaaas... Long live demon king, long live demon king
Dk : (walks out indicating the chief to bring her to his room)
Girl : leave me
Dk : you can't go anywhere
Dk : have you give her to drink it
DC : yes your majesty
Dk : ok! You can leave
He left....
Dk : you are gonna serve me tonight ha..... haaaaa.....
Girl : no!!!!
Dk :What did you say
Girl :I said leave me
Leave me...
The girl grabbed his hand by her teeth
Dk : aahhhhhhhhh!!! You, child of a bitch leave my hand!!!!
By listening his scream, all the servants came to help and grabbed the girl
Dk : I thought if you would serve me then I could have shown some mercy on you but not now. Take her immediately to the demon room.....
They do as he says.....
Girl : leave me....
Dk :do you know what is going to happen to you, ha... haaaaaaha... I am gonna change you and erase all your memories and then you are gonna be devil....... Devil.... 👿
Ha...... hahaaaaa...
Dk= (spelling spells ) demon, devil give me your powers to change her.........
(a drop of tear rolled down her cheeks )
**splash bolt thunder ⚡ on the body of that girl**

Dk : hahaha ha!!!!!!!! You are changed!!!!!!!!!!

Girl : who are you,who am I!!! *In a cold voice *

Dk : you are Cristina!!! That's your name from now on!!! And I am your creator and you are a devil like us and I am the devil king... YOU ARE ONLY REBORN FOR EVIL DOING THAT IS OUR MISSION TO ONLY DESTROY....
Girl : yes my creator...*still in cild voice*
Keep supporting me and it is short I know actually battery was dead so I had to finish it here thank you keep supporting love you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️