

July 28, 2019

Hello Everyone, I am proud to announce to all of you that I have recently accepted a new seasonal position at my workplace. This means that instead of working in my normal position, I will be working with my upper management in a seasonal role as we approach the holiday season (I got to start really early so that I can get training to get really good before we hit the actual peak season). So for the next five to six months, I will get to work in a new environment, learn a lot more about the business, and grasp at a potential job opportunity. This does mean that my life schedule needs to change and consequently, the schedule for writing and releasing chapters does too.

Previously, I was working Wed-Sat (4 days, 10 hour shifts) and was finding ways to get a lot of chapters done during my three day weekend and then editing in the couple of hours that I did have after my shifts and school. Now, I work a normal Mon-Fri. However, there are still overtime hours as well as my school time. As my work schedule has changed very drastically, I am struggling to re-balance my schedule so that I can do what I enjoy (family time, writing this novel, reading other people's novels, cooking, etc.) while still succeeding in my new role and performing well in my courses.

It is extremely important to me that I manage to keep my new role. I am in a unique situation where most of the team I am working with are new, regardless of whether they are seasonal like me or permanent hires. My manager has made it clear to me that I stand out as a fast learner and capable employee; someone she hopes to keep. Being able to land this role (likely next year) would mean that I am finally able to move out from my parent's house and actually become an adult (even if I am well past 18, I can't possibly be considered an adult if I can't be independent can I?)

For this reason, I have had to place more time into my work. I want very badly to move up in the world. Of course, this does not mean I want to drop this novel; just that, I plan to spend less time (but not effort) on this novel. Ideally, I should increase my writing speed (I get distracted sometimes when I write) which should compensate for the smaller time span spent on writing God of Space and Medicine.

Regardless, my chapter did not come out on time and I owe, you, my valuable readers, another chapter.

Chapters Owed: 3

July 13, 2019: No workplace OT = Quadruple chapter release. Workplace OT anticipated in August, September, October, and November. Chapter Debt = 2 (Chapter 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16)

July 07, 2019: No workplace OT = Quadruple chapter release. Chapter Debt = 5 (Ch. 7, 10, 11, 12)

June 23, 2019: Ch. 8 came out late. Chapter Debt increase. Chapter Debt = 8 (ch. 7)

June 19, 2019: Workplace OT + School = Less time on novel. Currently working on a chapter to release. Chapter Debt = 7 (ch. 7)

June 9, 2019: Workplace OT = Less time on novel = One chapter / week. Chapter Debt = 7 (ch. 7)

June 4, 2019: Return from 2 month hiatus. Established 8 chapter debt.