
God Of Slaughter

Growing up parentless, Shi Yan, who was left with a large amount of inheritance money, bore a general disinterest in life. The only times he felt alive was when adrenaline coursed thorough his veins. He quickly found that extreme sports, bungyjumping, cave diving & skydiving, gave him the biggest kicks. The bigger the adrenaline kick, the closer he was to death, the more alive he felt. Waking up in a pile of dead bodies in an unknown land, after a diving adventure had ended disastrously, he quickly realizes the body he now possessed was not his own. Follow Shi Yan as he explores this new world where danger lurks around every corner, and death is only a breath away; a world in which Shi Yan could not feel any more alive.

Ni Cang Tian · 東方
1618 Chs

Outstanding Character

翻訳者: AMY 編集者: Vick

The sky was dimly lit.

In the main room of the third floor in Misty Rain House, Xia Xinyan slowly woke up.

A pair of eyes as clear as water were filled with confusion. She looked around the room and finally saw the bed draped in red duvet covers.

Xia Xinyan's heart shook. She abruptly sat up on the carpet, and looked at the bed in panic.

On the bed, the two girls from the Misty Rain House, Yan Yun and Rou, were completely naked. The whole room was filled with a strange scent.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Xia Xinyan's mind. She hurriedly checked her own body, and after realizing she was still untainted, she finally sighed in relief.

Her fight with Beiming Shang had injured her quite seriously. When falling into the Moon Lake, she only had the time to take a Nutrition Pill.

It was due to the improper distribution of the medicinal powers of the Nutrition Pill that she had suddenly fainted and fell unconscious while walking up onto the bank.