
chapter 34: new song and music video (part 3)



Date: march/1/2225


Job: Musician

MONEY: 40,202,000 HGF

POPULARITY point (p.p): 380,300,500

Fame point (f.p): 138,000

SINGING: 1/100 « legendary »

GUITAR: 92/100 « GREAT »

CREATIVE: 79/100 « GREAT »


Writing: 80/100 «GREAT»

Relationship: none (just 😭 sad)



Clock strikes : 1,090,000,000 views, 900,000,000 likes, 875,000,000 downloads

Crystal express : 887,000,000 views, 544,000,000 likes, 685,000,000 downloads

Death bed: 700,000,000 views, 540,000,000 likes, 470,000,000 downloads

I will steal you back : 600,000,000 views, 540,000,000 likes, 542,000,000 downloads




★ first-person p.o.v★

(Author: lost the picture but don't worry when the mc age I will find a new one)

Waking up everyday to go to work is now one of the worst thing I hate now own because it so much work.

But thing need to be done if I want to achieve my goal.

So after 5 minutes of fighting the bed I was finally free to get prepared to go to work and with dante not around I don't have to wait 30 minutes to just take a show.so after I took my shower I got some breakfast with a mix of wine because this is going to be along day.

---chemical chemistry studio  ---

After reaching the office,I meet up with some of key employees because I want to know how are plan for the music videos (mv) are going and what are the cost and also if the update for the platform is going smoothly because there have been a rise in new band forming who are try to create there own rock and roll (rock)  song so that they can challenge are own so that they can gain fame and profit and I know that there are some music studio that are promoting this because they see the trend in rock and want to ride on it until it ends and a new trend appear because music to them is just a way to make money and they don't do it for the love but the profit and this will lead to the downfall of rock. But I won't let that happen to my genre #rock will live.

But don't get me wrong I love competition and it good because it make people make better music and promote the genre but if you do music for money you will only make the genre look bad and destroy the potential that it has and in this life I won't let this studios and company ruin it like they did in my past life. Causing people or more specifically adult to think that rock is for rebels and delinquent who like to cause problems and are depressed emos.

But I will deal with this studio later but now the most important thing is the song and video, so let get to work.

★third-person p.o.v★

---week 1 ----

Frank and the band was able to study the the song and even was able to improve the song slightly and also frank was able to set a meeting for webnet and other company for the right to distribute there song on there platform.

---week 2----

The band was able to get the hang of the sing even doe they made some mistake here and there and also hurt there throat aka frank. But everything was going smoothly and the programmer were able to finish 2/4 of the code and even stayed overtime to fix some bug that appeared on the platform.

As for the mv the video editors and actor were get used to there roles and the production will start next week and they are planning to finish 2 music videos a week until the last week. And the comic studio and movie studio have been established on the third floor and the general manager will be hiring some people to work there soon once the boss sees fit.

---week 3---

The music video for 'Crystal express' and 'clock strike' has been produced and is waiting to be uploaded on the official video feature that comes with the song when you click it.

As for the band that has been working hard on the song and also fixing any problem they have. And as for Frank, he has been going to the G.M (general manager) to see how the update has been going and it seems that there has been some set back so frank had to step in to help the programmers, which help the speed of the programming go faster.

---week 4---

The video editors were able to get the finale 2 song a music video and the actors were paid for their service and will be used on future videos and movie spots that the company will be doing next year. So 'I will steal you back' and 'death bed' were finally finished.

As for the band, they already mastered the song and will be planning to officially record the song next week, so they will be taking this week as a week of rest. And as for Frank, he is helping the programming team treat tie update on different devices and also translated in the update so that it works properly.