
God of Multiverse Returnes

**Synopsis:** Alex, a handsome but poor boy, is secretly the God of the Multiverse. He gave up his power to live a normal human life, but now his time is up and he must reclaim his throne. With the help of his system, Anya, Alex must receive the summons of creatures and bless his devotees in order to regain his power.

A_k_7312 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Ch-3 The summons

Alex had been training with Anya for a few weeks now, and he was starting to get the hang of his new powers. He could now summon creatures from other worlds and bless his devotees, but he still had a long way to go before he could reclaim his full power.

One day, Alex received a summons from a creature from another world. The creature was a dragon, and it was in trouble. The dragon's home world was being invaded by a demon army, and the dragon was asking for Alex's help.

Alex knew that he had to help the dragon. It was his duty as the God of the Multiverse to protect all creatures, even those from other worlds.

Alex and Anya traveled to the dragon's home world and found the demon army already laying siege to the dragon's castle. Alex used his powers to summon a group of angels to help him fight the demons.

The battle was long and fierce, but in the end, Alex and his allies were victorious. The demon army was defeated, and the dragon's home world was saved.

The dragon was grateful to Alex for his help. It told Alex that it would be a loyal devotee, and that it would always be there to answer his summons.

Alex was happy that he had been able to help the dragon. He knew that he was still on a long journey, but he was confident that he would eventually be able to reclaim his full power and become the God of the Multiverse once again.
