
God of Lust(GoL)

In the World of Zephyrus, as soon as a child is born, its parents can take it to the Church to have its Classes discovered, a privilege mostly used by noblemen. And in a Human Kingdom called Idiom, born as the son of the Marquis Phinias Leone, Dante Leone was born! At his birth, his mother, a barbarian from the northern lands died due to complications from childbirth and days later, Phinias took his son to the church to have his Class discovered. And Dante's Class is none other than Priest, which is quite unusual due to his father being a Swordsman while his mother was a Berserker. But regardless of this, Dante was much loved by his father, even though he was despised by his 1st wife and his 2 children (older brothers). And it is in this delicious family atmosphere, that the future God of Lust will emerge, born with a Unique Ability that no one knows exists!

Ero_Hacker · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 002

When Dante was born, the people around him thought it strange that the child was born with purple hair, but they didn't have time to think much about it due to the tragic death of Ynhilda, who didn't even get a chance to hold her own son.

And after the mourning, the 1st Wife, Thalita, secretly took some of Dante's blood and used it for a test, just to make sure it was really Phinias' child, where it came back positive and there was no need to worry.

Even though the Northern Barbarians are known for their fidelity(90% of the cases only women) and Ynhilda was not that kind of woman, you never know.


Dante's growing up was strange, he hardly cried, he didn't give the servants any trouble, only sometimes when he accidentally hurt himself he would scream and cry a lot, or when he was frightened.

In some ways he was a calm and curious baby, nothing too out of the ordinary.

But that was until he was 8 months old, when he took his first steps, and some time later he was speaking simple words.

By the time Dante turned 2 years old, he proved to be very intelligent for his age, solving many puzzles, and not being very interested in playing with children his own age.

In the beginning, his brothers, Sasha and Adryan, although a few years older, thought he was cute and always came over to play, but at one point they stopped because they found him strange.

This somewhat affected Dante, who by the age of 4 could read and write, so he began to spend most of his time studying.

Around the age of 5, Dante discovered his Status!


{Dante Leone}

[Class: Priest - Level 1] │ [Undistributed Points: 5] │ [Points Not Distributed: 5

Health: 300 │ Mana: 3200 │ Holy Power: 1000

Strength 2/10 │ Intelligence 32/50 │ Dexterity 3/10 │ Vitality 3/10

( Holiness 10) │ ( Gender 0)


[Unique Ability - Lust Bearer(Lv.1)]

- Fixed Effect: Special Attribute [Sex], each point equals +1 All Attributes & Birth Control!

- Lust: +20% Charm & Charisma & +50% Seduction & Deception!

[Active Skills]

- Heal(Lv.1): Heals a specific target according to [Intelligence x 5 = ?? +(10+Holiness)%! Healing becomes Damage on evil creatures! (0%)

[Passive Abilities]

- Holy Mastery(Lv.1): Increases the Physical/Magical Damage of melee weapons by +(Holiness*1.1)%!(0%)


Dante when he read this, he thought this [Unique Ability] thing was strange, he had never seen or heard of it before, but he knows he had a book about such things.

He initially thought of asking his father, but he is very busy and was preparing for a raid against some kind of flame-spitting lizard.

His stepmother...she was scary and he doesn't like his siblings.

Dante thought about asking the butler or his personal maid, Tita, but he got lazy to look her up and just went and read.

It took a while, but he found out what Unique Abilities were, finding it quite interesting, knowing that it is something that less than 0.01% of the world's population has, which sets him apart from others.

He was a little worried, as he was already quite different from everyone else, as they called him strange and shunned him for it, so if he exposes his Unique Ability, likely even his father might treat him even more distantly.

So he hid his secrets and continued his life.


At the age of 8, Dante stopped just studying and decided to practice some hand-to-hand combat, his father hired him some instructors, including some Combat Priests, who are given the title of Clerics.

Dante studied under their tutelage, when he repeated the use of [Heal], they noticed that even without the support of tools, his healing was very high!

Then Dante said that his Intelligence was 50 Points, different from the usual 10.

In other words, he had 8 Levels in above average attributes, even his father was amazed and pleased by this.

But unfortunately this comes from a Priest, Priests only after Level 50, who would have efficient methods to cause substantial damage to enemies.

But still, those additional 40 Intelligence Points will give his son a great advantage in the future, which made Phinias very proud.

As for the 5 Free Points, Dante after thinking threw them into Holiness, as it increases his Holy Power and the effectiveness of his Healing.

And so he trained, studied, and learned more and more.

Then he did his 12, the [Healing] Skill was at Level 3, with 15% progress, while his [Holy Mastery] is at Level 4, with 2% progress.

This showed his efforts, which made his father very proud.

But as he reached Level 3 and 4 of his Skills, Dante understood that it was his limits, even if he trained diligently for the next 3 years, Level 5 was the maximum that the 2 Skills would reach.

Not to mention that his destructive power is garbage!

The increase in melee damage, even if amplified by [Holy Mastery], is only Weapon Damage (if any) + Strength + (Holiness*1.4)%.

It may seem like a big deal, even if it only has 15 Holiness at the moment, getting 21%, which may seem like a lot, but it's not!

Say Dante has a weapon that does 40~60 Damage, it will become 50~70 Damage because of the 10 Strength.

After that will come the bonus from the Holiness Attribute.

But here is the problem, a Priest is a support class, even if it focuses on Combat, the options are still very limited and there is no way a Cleric can compare to a Paladin that is a mix of Knight and Priest.

A Cleric, even being considered a Close Combat Priest, doesn't mean he is able to single-handedly kill powerful enemies, except if they are Undead, Demons and other Evil creatures, in which case his Damage will double against such creatures.

But the point is not this, but the fact that even at Level 1, he is considered quite strong, when it is Level 50, 100 or 200?

The main Attributes of a Priest are Intelligence, Vitality and Holiness , but most prefer Vitality and Holiness .

The reason is simple, with Vitality, Priests can survive longer, while healing from the back line, just in case they are ambushed.

And it is noted that Priests when in a group, are one of the most important members, where many times after their death, causes the death of the rest of the group due to lack of Buffs and Heals.

Therefore Vitality and Holiness.

Even though Intelligence increases the amount of Healing, even more so because in the case of [Heal], the Intelligence attribute is multiplied by 5, plus the bonuses of the skill level and the Holiness Attribute, give a huge healing.

So Intelligence is neglected, or at least only raised up to 50~100 Points, before being ignored for a long time.

So one can say that around Levels 20~50, Priests stop caring about Intelligence and only focus on Vitality and Holiness, since except for [Heal] and some other similar Abilities, Buffs don't take into account any Attribute, only the Skill Level and the Holy Power Cost.

In other words, Intelligence is ignored and that's it!

Holiness by increasing the percentage of the effects of Class Skills, gets 2~3 of the Attribute Points per level if it is the standard form.

A Cleric, he gets +1 Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and +2 Holiness when leveling up.

But it's the same as Intelligence, at some point it becomes useless to keep increasing Strength or Dexterity, 1 Point per level won't do much, even more so since the Class is focused on support.

End result, 90% of Priests were in healing allies, undoing curses and buffing!

Dante was demotivated because of this, while his brother has the Magic Swordsman Class and his sister has the Electric Magician Class, two very powerful Classes, he has the Priest, which is purely support!

He was sad and discouraged, but his beautiful maid, Tita, was there to comfort him.

And because of this, she became his first target, and as Dante grew more curious about the opposite sex, as well as curious about the effects of his Unique Ability, he took Tita to bed!


When the message:

[+1 Sex!]

Appeared before his eyes, Dante saw how his Attributes that were almost 10, increased on both sides.

This made Dante very happy and expectant, so he had sex more often with Tati, but saw that it didn't increase any more.

Then he managed to bring other maids into his bed, seeing that really, always in the 1st relationship with a woman, his [Sex] increased.

Dante saw the hope to be strong, so he took it!

Months later his father found out about his little adventures, which made him angry when questioned and he threw it all out.

After that, his father grounded him, but it didn't stop him from playing with Tita and some other maids.

Then when he got out of his punishment, he started to set his eyes on the nearby villages, as well as the city, where he started to visit the brothels.

Being the son of a Marquis, he had a lot of money from his allowance, not to mention that his mother was not poor, so Dante had access to some of this money, as long as it was not spent in absurd ways.

And well, he spent it on prostitution.

In the process he started drinking, but he didn't like it much and stopped drinking, just having fun with women and seeking new ones whenever possible.

And he wasn't a degenerate bastard like many sons of nobles who treated women as objects, Dante gave them their due respect and payment.

He felt bad at first about relating to them just to increase his strength, but over time he got used to it and stopped having such thoughts.

But of course, he did not approach the sons of nobles who wanted to take advantage of connections and use the Leone Family name to their advantage.

Dante also didn't go near drugs, even though he had the curiosity, he understood that there were limits.


And after 3 long years, Dante suddenly woke up with a shortness of breath, he coughed fiercely, waking the two ladies in the same bed as him.

"Young Master, are you okay?" - Asked one of them touching his chest and patting his back, while the other picked up a glass of water.

[His levels were unlocked!]

Dante as soon as he calmed down, he saw that message, understanding that he is officially 15!

Letting out a laugh, he looked at the two beauties and then hugged them, before taking them to bed.

"Girls, I'm 15 today, and that means I'm going up a level soon, but first, let's fuck!" - Dante laughed happily.

The two were initially confused, but were soon smiling excitedly and began kissing Dante's sexy, strong body.

As he lifted his head and felt lips all over his body, Dante opened his Status with pride, 3 years of being an embarrassment to his family had paid off!


{Dante Leone}

[Class: Priest - Level 1] │ [Undistributed Points: 0]

Health: 42800 │ Mana: 46800 │ Holy Power: 1500

Strength 428 │ Intelligence 468 │ Dexterity 428 │ Vitality 428

(Holiness 15) │ (Sex 418)


[Unique Ability - Lust Bearer(Lv.1)]

- Fixed Effect: Special Attribute [Sex], each point equals +1 All Attributes & Birth Control!

- Lust: +20% Charm & Charisma & +50% Seduction & Deception!

[Active Skills]

Healing (Lv.5 - 1%)

[Passive Skills]

Holy Mastery (Lv.5 - 7%)


In 3 Years, Dante had sex with 418 different people, he at some point started having sex with men, since there were some cute and stylish ones in the brothels.

And the result was the equivalent of 334 Levels in attributes, even his father must not have that many attributes.

Of course, he is several times stronger than him, since when you reach certain levels, the difference in power only increases, not to mention the skills.

At one point, even if Attributes are important, gaining only 5 per level won't change much.

But things change in the case of Skills, since with each certain amount of levels, you acquire new Skills or even variables of the same Skills you already have.

This is why there is no way that a Support Class like Priest can be equal to Warriors or Swordsmen after level 50, since they will have skills that increase their attack power absurdly.

Not to mention many Passives to increase Vitality, Attack Power, etc.

Even though [Holy Mastery] is one of the strongest skills in the world due to the percentage bonus being added to the Attribute [Holiness], not even [Paladins] have such a skill.

Many envy the Priests just because of this Skill, since if something like this were in a Warrior, the Warrior's power would be immeasurable!

And in the legends, there is the [White Book], it is a Special Skill Book that allows one to choose a Skill from any other Class, many end up choosing [Holy Mastery], which subsequently unlocks the Attribute [Holiness].

In other words, a Skill that many desire, is unfortunately possessed by a Class primarily focused on support and healing.

(Author: One question, do you guys think it is well balanced? I particularly think so, since from Level 50 and on, Warriors and others receive an absurd increase in their attack power, as well as increases in Health, Stamina, Mana, etc., through Passive Skills and Equipment.

So that's why [Holy Mastery] exists, even if it's a waste in the Priest Class, at least it will give the ability for Priests to defend themselves against enemies who dare attack them.)