

demon god or human god think to make a world they made human and demon and they decided to make a demon king for that world to maintain a piece of world and demon god give him a sword of him some power and make him immortal but he want to rule the human world also but then human god know his plan so they both capture him and seal him and then demon and human god decide to make human god and they both combined there power and give him a name GOD OF DEMON KiNG and then send him to a human world and both gods go to their relam and he was born in the stone age time and he now's started farming to make food he tell everybady how to famring and he make stone house and after some time he vanished and he go to demon world and make a demon lord to bring pieces back and 1 demon king only rule for 2000 years only and after they make new demon king and after that he become has subordinate and then every thing was going nice and the suddenly seal was broke bye sum humans and then demon king started destruction in human world