
God Of death

Jim had been busy partying and drinking with his friends since it was the day before graduation. Toasting ladies, and leading them onto the dance floor to seranate, Jim enjoyed himself to the fullest. Once the party was over, and everybody was on their way home. Looking for his car in the bar garage wobbling about, he couldn't see where he was going and ended up bumping into a large figure. *Thud* Falling on the cold hard floor. His head felt heavy as he struggled to balance himself before getting back up. Pushing off his hands, his body swayed from side to side, until he managed to gain considerable balance. "Hey who the hell are you?!" he asked, drunk. The large figure said nothing, and the next second, Jim could feel something sharp penetrate his abdomen. "My name... is irrelevant," thrusting the blade further, the pointed edge seemed to have punctured through Jim's back. He spat out blood as his eyes grew wide in shock. Whatever hangover he was having, didn't nullify the pain in any way. After a few minutes of struggle, the frail body of Jim stopped moving, and slumped onto the ground as the large figure pulled out the blade. "My job is done." _______________ [Congratulations: Host has awakened his attribute] [Child Of Death] Mass Release for; 50 Power Stones= 10 Chapters 100 Power Stones= 25 Chapters 150 Power Stones= 60 Chapters

Darkvirus_18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

First Night Out

Amongst other things, Jim knew killing was a necessity if he wished to remain in the land of the living a bit longer, however, there was one major problem. Who would he kill. Normally at this time, most people would be in their respective homes, it was rare to find people out by this time.

Then, he remembered that the clubs in the city ran twenty-four hours shift, surely, if he were to find himself in the right place at the right time, he could get the deed done before anyone could find out what happened. Concealing whatever evidence would be left was also something he would have to consider.

But for now, there was the issue with concealing his identity. What he was about to do was far too be done with his face revealed. There was always the possibly that he would be arrested as the culprit of a murder. So, searching through his closet, he pulled out a mask with red eyes and sharp fangs. Back when he was little, he would go out trick or treating, before his parents...

Although he hadn't worn the mask in a while, there was always the chance that someone might recognize it. Using a spray can, he had coloured the red mask black, although covering up the intricate designs in the process. Now, it looked like a plain black mask.

Wearing a dark set of clothes, and putting the mask on, there was only one important item left. Moving towards the kitchen, he opened the cabinet, string at one of the knives neatly kept. Of course, he needed a weapon to utilize if he wished to end a life.


Jim had decided to walk instead of taking the limousine. He placed the knife safely in a dark overcoat he wore covering his dark clothes. As he walked down the streets, he ensured he paid attention to his surroundings. Ever since he had crossed over, he had noticed his five senses had improved drastically. His eyesight was akin to night vision, allowing him to see around him as if it was day time. This allowed him to realize that there was no one out in the street he lived in.

Moving to a different street, Jim suddenly noticed someone a few metres away. A man wearing dark clothing similar to his stood near an alleyway. Curious, Jim walked closer trying to find out what was going on. Hopefully, if the man was alone, he could complete his mission without much effort if he was able to ambush the man successfully.

However, moving closer so as to avoid detection, he soon saw more people coming out of the alley, wearing a similar dark clothing to the man, although the man's clothes looked slightly different.

'Sh*t! I never thought I would meet a gang out here, so close to my house as well...' Jim was worried that whatever the gang was up to would affect he and Amanda some way or the other. It was usually common for gang operations to affect a single large area at a time, depending on the size at the gang. So far, Jim noticed that there were twenty-one men standing just a few metres away from him.

Jim wasn't a fool. He knew that despite his increased strength and resistance, that there was no way he could take on that many men without being killed in minutes. There was also the possibility that there were more men on the way or who stayed back as backup in case anything might happen, despite the fact that that might be unlikely considering when they had chosen to strike, but that wasn't the only reason.

Although the public had been made to believe that the government was doing all they could to keep the people safe, the reality was far from that narrative. Usually, smaller gangs would target low class areas of cities threatening to run them to the ground if they wouldn't pay for protection money. In other cases, the top tier cities would be under the control of the higher gangs. The cash goes into ensuring that the gang protects the people from attack against other gangs.

Most are not aware that the government knows about these things, but under the false belief that the government is far too busy dealing with other matters concerning the people's safety, they reluctantly agree to the conditions set out by a certain gang.

The government ran a symbiotic relationship with the gangs. In exchange for allowing them freedom to do as they please to a certain degree, the gangs ensured certain powerful individuals don't end up over throwing the government in a question for more power. The agreement was a necessary evil to ensure the government remained on top of things.

The gang head gang ruling Memph was known as the Red Stripes. Although they wouldn't go about openly terrorizing people, they had smaller gangs working for them which they would usually send to do their dirty work. That was how big of an organization they were.

Amongst these smaller gangs were the Shadow Gang, an upstart gang wishing to gain recognition as soon as possible. During his spare time at home, Jim would usually search up whatever information there was about the gangs in the city. Although most would usually maintain a low profile, those like the Red Stripes and the Shadows could be read about on the web.

Ensuring he wasn't spotted, Jim quickly made his way out of the area moving into a different street. As his search continued, he soon stumbled upon some luck. Standing not too far from him were three teenage boys, however, the scene playing before him didn't look too pleasing.

Two large boys could be seen lifting a smaller boy by the scruff of his shirt ordering him to handover whatever cash he had on him. The smaller boy looked frightened and there were bruises all over his face as tears streamed down his cheeks. The look on the boys' faces gave him the impression that they had no intention of showing him mercy.

Creeping his way closer, Jim slowly pulled out the dagger from his overcoat. Gripping the blade tightly, his attention narrowed on the boy to the right, it wasn't long until a slashing sound was heard, and the boy to the right fell to the floor, coughing out blood. Before the other boy could react to what was going on, a kick was delivered to his chin, sending him tumbling to the floor.

"What was that?!" he was scared that he must have stumbled across a stray gang member. Looking around with a flashlight he held, he couldn't see anyone, but that only intensified his fear as he stared down at the pool of blood surrounding his friend.

Although unaware of what was going on, Jim was still within the area. Staring at a system message floating midair, it was confirmed that he had indeed killed the boy. However, there was now the issue of how to get rid of the evidence. He had the knife with him, but he had also made contact with the dead body, as well as the other boy present.

There was the chance that they could extract his DNA and trace the murder back to him, something he never wanted to happen.

'Hey system, is there a way you could help sort out this mess?' he asked.

[I already have. In order to ensure no one finds out you are the murder, all your DNA are immediately wiped out from the murder scene]

Jim breathed out a sigh of relief upon reading the message.

[Energy: 105/100]

[Next LVL: 100/100]

[Level Up!]

[Next LVL: 5/150]

[Current LVL: 2]

A surge of energy surged through his body, making him feel stronger than he was not too long ago. Basking in the soothing feeling, his mind suddenly remembered something. Staring at the system tabs, he wondered whether or not the loss of Energy points would affect his time span in the human realm.

[The simple answer is yes]

'What the f*ck is wrong with you!!!'