
God of all: Chapter 1

Xiao Lang suddenly woke up, startled, there was nothing anywhere He was wondering where he was and how he got there, he couldn't remember anything.

'Where am I? Its so dark, I need some light'

Then, suddenly a little small dot, the size of a basketball appeared in front of him Giving of an immense amount of light and energy, it suddenly started expanding, many times larger than our sun. He was inside the large energy ball, he wanted to get out of it, and somehow, he teleported out, he tried to touch the large energy ball, but noticed he didn't have arms or hands.

'What the.... what happened to my body...'

He then thought about how the large energy ball appeared, Xiao Lang decided to name it the 'Sun'

'Hmm, I thought about the sun appearing and it did, maybe if I do the same with my body then it'll appear too..' he thought to himself, and he was right, because just then a body appeared he was looking at it, 'Is this what I look like?'

'He' was 6'2 short black hair, blue eyes which looked deeper then the ocean. nice jawline, smooth white skin, and abs. He looked at the 'area' and noticed he didn't have anything there, so he made himself have a larger then average penis.

The body slowly started to gravitate towards him, and then they merged. He tried to remember what he was doing before he suddenly woke up, but he couldn't remember anything. He tried to search for more stuff other than the sun, but there was nothing, he even moved so fast he went to a different dimension, he just thought about going back and he was just that.

He started to wonder 'Am I alone? will I always be alone? Can I create people?'

He then tried that and succeeded! But then they got obliterated by the sun, 'Hmm' he thought, 'Maybe I should make something for the creatures I will Create to live on. He then proceeded to make a planet many times the size of earth... which then got obliterated by the sun. He made the same planet but much farther away this time.

'Good! it didn't get burned up!' he thought excitedly. He then created air, water, trees, land, ores, clouds, winds, and even two moons, then he created creatures, races which he decided to call humans, elves, dwarves, demons, kemonomimis, and beasts. 'I might add more races later' he then decided to build himself a house, he decided to call it Heaven, but he couldn't build it here, so he built it in another dimension, he was happy he created the soft bed with soft pillows then he decided not to go to sleep just yet, 'I should create more', he then proceeded to create an entire universe with many different planets, moons, suns, galaxy's, races, he even created more stuff on other dimensions, 'now I'm ready to sleep' he thought as he was getting into the bed he created.

He woke up one million years later, wondering how long he slept, since there is no way to keep time in this place, he went to go check one what he called 'mortals', some were at war, some were peaceful, some hiding and doing something called 'cultivating' I wanted to have fun so I made it to where if someone reach's a new cultivation realm I call 'Immortality Attainment' ill let them be gods, but no one is even close, the best cultivator in history has attainted what the mortals call 'Heavenly Emperor' realm. (Body Refinement, Qi Gathering, Earth Energy Gathering, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Core Strengthening, Diamond Core, Nascent Soul, Divine Sea, Tribulation, Saint, Emperor, Heaven Spiritual Energy Gathering, Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Lord, Immortality Attainment)

He then decided to go down to the planet he calls 'Earth', he didn't want to get noticed too quickly though as that would be pretty bad because he didn't want all the attention just yet, he teleported inside of a restroom in an inn, before he came out, he changed his appearance to something average for this world. He then came out of the rest room, some people looked at him weirdly not thinking he ever came in the inn, but they all just shrugged it off, then he walked outside of the inn and saw the town, it was a lively town, merchants on the side of the streets selling their wares, people begging others for money, he wanted to see the strongest existence in this town, so he sent out his divine sense, and found out the most powerful is someone at the core forming realm, he then searched the world for the most powerful individual, they are at the Emperor realm. He then stayed there for a few more years until he got bored. He decided to bless some people, he found someone by the name of Lin Fan on a planet, and in a different dimension, 'he just died so I might as well reincarnate him with all him memories' he thought to himself, he decided to place him in the body of someone that looked exactly like him and had the same name as him, he placed him in a sect called 'Saint Devil Sect', He then gave Lin Fan the blessing called 'The Strongest System'.

Xiao Lang then watched him and everything he did, until he became kind of like Xiao Feng, since he split his conscious, Xiao Feng started to repair it, making it even stronger than before, Lin Fan felt the changes in his body and was pretty weirded out, why is my conscious repairing, I already split it, it shouldn't be coming back...' he thought.

Xiao Feng then teleported Lin Fan in front of him, he also created 'Chicky', his pet who was a phoenix mixed with colossal dragon, he even gave Chicky his memories back, and made him Trillions of times stronger than he was in his previous life, but he was still weaker than Lin Fan.

Lin fan was startled, and so was Chicky "Big bro, what are we doing in this place, and who is this guy? And wait, didn't I die?" Chicky said. "Chicky? how are you so strong now, and how are you alive?" Lin fan stared blankly at Chicky while saying.

Xiao Feng then said, "It was me! I summoned you guys because I was bored, I also made everything that you have ever known too, including your system!"