

“My Existence is a bully to the word Existence itself." Quote from Patrick. Patrick, a regular arrogant kid with extremely attractive looks and a high IQ, lived in the alternate version of Earth. But in this alternate Earth, there were awakened humans who possessed abilities beyond the scope of human knowledge. Yet, despite living in an awakened world, Patrick didn't awaken any ability. But just when he was annoyed with his unawakened life, he acquired an unknown entity called a system. With that, it opened a gateway of infinite possibilities that caused the existence of the story "GOD OF ALL SYSTEMS."

Lordflash · 都市
203 Chs

A Test Subject (Edited)

The scene was silent as a cool night breeze swept over the surroundings, and the sky was completely dark, but with the illuminating lights piercing from the building's windows, one could faintly see the rooftop and make out whatever events occurred.

At this moment, two individuals, one wearing an all-black masked outfit and the other, a tall figure wearing long grey coat and black trousers, with two high black boots which stopped at his ankles, stood facing each other. The two stood fifty meters apart, but the overwhelming tension between them could be compared to them being in each other's faces. They were the black-masked assassin and Patrick.

Patrick stood, hands behind him, with a calm and unbothered expression as he stared at the assassin in the distance. He had left the attendance hall and had appeared on the rooftop; he had also watched and waited as the assassin spoke to the unknown person over the phone. But with Patrick's senses, he could instantly see and hear the person at the end of the line, knowing exactly who the blacked-clothed masked assassin was talking to. Not long after, the assassin dropped the call, and with a casual look around, he saw Patrick standing in the distance and looking directly at him.

At first, the assassin furrowed with squinted eyes as he stared at the unknown man; he then assumed a serious stance as he subtly released multiple waves of Mana energies like echoes. This was 'Detection Essence;' Detection Essence is a basic skill all Awakened possessed; all one need is to release Mana essence into the surroundings with a minuscule of their consciousness mixed within it, it was an instinctual skill that was similar to Sixth Sense, but once used, the said Awakened could see, feel, and detect anything that's within their scan range. It was like radar detection but a hundred times better. The level of the Awakened determines the scan range; the higher the rank, the more expansive and wider their Detection Essence scan range.

An E-rank Awakened usually has a scan range of 50 meters in circumference, doubling at the D rank; as Mark is a D-rank Awakened, his scan range is 100 meters. In ascending sequence, the C-rank Detection Essence scan range would be double that of D rank, meaning a C-rank Awakened would be able to scan everything within 200 meters of their standing; in a battlefield, 200 meters was a wide area, even being able to detect anything within a 10-meter radius could be considered extremely beneficial for any warrior.

The black-clothed masked assassin was a C-rank Awakened; therefore, his scan range was expansive enough that nothing within a 200-meter range should escape his detection. And even if he didn't use Detection Essence, as a C-rank Awakened, the black-clothed masked assassin was perspective and attentive enough to notice the slightest fluctuation of Mana energy. But at this moment, the assassin held a shocked and bewildered expression as he stared at the tall person in the distance.

The black-clothed masked assassin had just released his Detection Essence and had expected to see if the man standing in the distance was an Awakened, as this person hadn't caused the slightest fluctuation of Mana with his presence, let alone make a sound. But to his disbelief, the black-clothed masked assassin realized that his Detection Essence wasn't able to perceive anything from this tall figure, or more exactly, his Detection Essence didn't even detect that there was a person fifty meters from him; it was as if the tall person before him wasn't real and was just an illusion. This sudden realization baffled the assassin, causing him to assume a serious and cautious stance; he spoke.

"You... you are not Mark Willis, the Security Guard... yes, you are not... your face and physical features don't match; and from my Detection Essence, you don't seem to be Awakened either, as even if you were a higher rank Awakened, a B or possibly an A rank, which would be highly unlikely, I should still be able to detect the Mana fluctuations from the location you are standing. But somehow, not only I'm unable to detect any Mana fluctuations, I can't even seem to detect your presence at all; it's like you are a ghost that can only be seen...But somehow, I feel a great sense of danger coming from you. So... who are you?!"

The black-clothed masked assassin uttered in one breath as he held an anticipating thought; he wanted to know who this tall person was; he was a C-rank assassin; from his years of experience as an Awakened assassin, he was calculative enough that he knew that knowing the enemy was an important factor in a fight, although he held great confidence in his assassination skills, he wasn't an idiot to stupidly charge at an enemy, especially one whose presence can't be detected. So, the assassin hoped the tall person would say his name and background, so he could easily assess the situation and decide his next action.

But just when the assassin thought his question was about to be answered, the tall figure assumed an impassive face as he coldly spoke, the tall person's words causing the black-clothed masked assassin to feel a slight tremble in his heart.

"I am Death!"

These words settled in the assassin's eardrums as his face turned completely serious; if his previous expression was cautious, this time, he was serious, as if this one short sentence had provoked his prideful ego as an Awakened assassin. He was an Awakened, a C-rank at that; all his life, he had ventured into Gates and slaughtered countless monsters and otherworldly creatures, all while facing death itself; he was an assassin, killing was his profession, and he was a master at it if he were to boast, he would say he was the best C-rank assassin in the world. But now, he, the best C-rank assassin in the world, was being threatened by someone else?! And that person even dared call themself "Death,"?! If anyone were qualified to call themselves Death, that would be him, the best C-rank assassin in the world. It was total blasphemy that someone was calling themself something that he was.

The assassin's face slowly turned disdainful as he stared at the tall figure; he laughed mockingly.

"Hahaha! Death?! You are quite the delusional one, aren't you?! You stand before an assassin and dare call yourself Death; truly laughable?! If it wasn't for me wasting time trying to get some information from you, then your head might already be rolling on the ground. But it seems that would be unnecessary now, I don't care 'how' you can escape my Detection Essence, but there's only one way to find out if you can compensate your words with your strength." 

Swoosh! A loud wind echoed as the assassin vanished from his location, his figure turning into a huge gush of wind as it drifted at Patrick.

At this moment, Patrick stood, maintaining his unbothered and carefree expression as he stared at the huge gush of wind; the wind instantly covered the distance as it reached Patrick. But before the wind could completely touch him, a sudden smirk appeared on Patrick's face, as if the assassin's actions were within his expectations; simultaneously, his clothes vanished, or more to say, they were replaced by something. A completely black full-body suit with majestic golden intricate lines and patterns replaced Patrick's clothes as it instantly materialized on his body, a cube-like object injected on the left chest of the suit as it brimmed with luminescent gold essence. This was the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit.

The Symbiotic Adaptation Suit was a project Patrick had started three years ago; well, he had created the blueprints two years earlier but had merely lacked the resources to begin his craft. With his accumulated knowledge from studying every Awakened-related book and article in the Southern Metro Library and from the Internet, and with the Gate-originated resources he secretly bought and acquired through his genius and behind-the-scenes method, Patrick had successfully crafted his Symbiotic Adaptation Suit, which was capable of adapting to any situations, while also developing countermeasures. The suit was Neurogenetic, meaning it's connected to Patrick; once activated, Partick could control it using his nervous system, basically his mind.

Patrick stood, a confident and relaxed smirk on his face as the golden patterns on the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit synchronically pulsated like a beating heart; the golden lights brightened and lessened as if someone was increasing and reducing their phone's brightness. It took no time for Patrick to equip the suit since it was symbiotic, meaning it had a mind of its own, this mind which was also derived from Patrick. As Patrick had used his blood and DNA in creating the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit, it was the same as Patrick having two bodies but one mind. But the suit hadn't completely enveloped Patrick; it stopped at his neck as if missing a headpiece, a helmet.

The gush of wind reached Patrick as it caused a loud whistling sound to reverberate the scene. The rooftop was flat-surfaced, and since the building was five miles long and tens of meters wide, it had a wide enough area for at least two people to fight. At this moment, the rushing gush of wind enveloped the building's wideness, which was at least 90 meters wide, as it enshrouded Patrick. The wind surrounded Patrick and swirled ferociously like a tornado trying to suck everything within, but like a mountain facing a mere sea breeze, Patrick stood firm and unwavering, his body not even getting pushed back an inch by the wind. On the contrary, Patrick maintained his smirk, not bothered about the ferocious revolving wind-like tornado.

But suddenly, from within the revolving wind, the black-clothed masked assassin flashed with killing intent in his eyes as he appeared behind Patrick; without the slightest hesitation, the assassin thrust forth a red dagger as it aimed for Patrick's neck. The assassin's attack was fierce and ruthless, as if it would penetrate a hole in Patrick's neck the instant it landed. This was an instant-killing attack meant to instantly eliminate the enemy, not even granting the other party the ability to retaliate, but rather to experience death instantly.

The assassin's attack landed, his dagger penetrating Patrick's neck like a hot knife pierced into butter, instantly creating a wide hole under Patrick's head, completely clearing off his neck. Seeing that his attack had succeeded and instantly eliminated the enemy, the assassin's face became full of arrogance and disdain. He retracted his eighteen inches red dagger as he mocked.

"Ha! Pathetic! To think you couldn't even last ten seconds, and yet you boast of being "Death," you really should have answered my question, then maybe- huh?!" The black-clothed masked assassin paused his mocking speech as a shocking scene caught his attention.

With a front-row experience, the black-clothed assassin watched as the person he had stabbed to death slowly dissipated into the surroundings like the wind. This scene caused the assassin's face pale, his expression resembling someone who just saw a ghost for the first time, shock, disbelief, and internalized dread. The assassin couldn't help but let his thoughts run wild.

'What?! Speed Mirage?! How is that possible?! I thought they said the mission was a D-rank level mission, which should only have at most a D-rank Awakened as a threat! Then how is there a person who can cause Speed Mirage here?! Only S-ranks or Awakened speedsters are capable of causing Speed Mirages, as they are so fast that a physical aspect of their body remains after they make their move. But such beings as S-ranks or speedsters are people only found in the wealthiest areas of Dasia Kingdom; they wouldn't even think of coming a thousand miles close to a back-water city like Metro City, let alone an abandoned waste like this orphanage.

Wait! Could it be that the Government had already caught news of the emerging Gate and had sent this mysterious man to guard this location?! Or maybe other Powerhouses?! If that's the case, then things have got messed up. I can't afford to mess with an S-rank right now.'

The assassin thought paranoidly as he turned his head left and right, trying to determine where the man might be. He had previously taken this mission because the reward was quite decent, and since it was a mere D-rank mission, what could go wrong? After all, he was a C-rank; even if something went wrong, his interference would instantly solve the situation. But now, this confidence in solving things had instantly vanished, replacing it with a paled-face countenance. The man's voice sounded at this moment, causing a sudden tremble in the assassin's heart.

"What a pathetic display of skills; you are truly a disgrace to the profession as an assassin, and as a Wind elemental, even with your C-rank 'Wind Transformation' ability and coupled with your perception as a C-rank Awakened, you can't even tell you have been attacking a speed mirage all along. Sigh... truly disgraceful."

The man's words resounded in the assassin's ears as his face turned ugly. The assassin slowly but tightly clenched his fists, gripping the red dagger like his life depended on it, his eyes galvanizing with murderous intent as he slowly but maliciously raised his eyes, resembling someone with an evil stare.

He was a C-rank awakened, a prideful C-rank Awakened at that. He had undergone the 'Nightmarish Dream' of the unknown entity, which granted this Earth's natives the ability to Awaken superpowers. He had Awakened his superpower of Wind Transformation, which turns his body into the wind, erasing his presence from the surroundings or scattering his presence and blending with the environment, becoming untraceable by the enemy.

And with this ability, the assassin pursued the profession of an assassin. Over a decade, he had painstakingly climbed the success ladder, undergoing countless trials and near-death experiences, eventually earning him the respect and admiration he had today. 

Although he was a C-rank Awakened, the assassin internally boasted his true strength and could be compared to some B-ranks. But here he was, being ridiculed and looked down upon like a teacher disappointed at his student, even getting called a 'disgraceful assassin.' If he allowed such humiliation today, would he still have the pride and arrogance of an assassin?! Would he still call himself the best C-rank assassin in the world?! Not even his boss dared look down on him; on the contrary, he treats him with more respect than some B and even A rank Awakened.

The assassin's mind went egoistic as his body suddenly erupted with raging Mana, his red dagger getting enveloped in the raging energy as it grew six inches longer, becoming a two feet long dagger that looked like it would cut anything it touched.

But in his egoistic rage, the assassin had ignored one important thing, 'How did the tall man know of his rank and Awakened ability?!' And if the man can easily discern his rank, then doesn't that mean he was stronger?! Or maybe the man was even an S-rank Awakened sent by the government!' Unfortunately for the assassin, his pride didn't allow him to consider that.

At this moment, Patrick stood fifty feet behind the assassin with a lazy and provoking smirk as he stared at the assassin. His Infinity eyes pulsated with infinite energy as Grace displayed the assassin's information on her interface.

[Name: Jack Smikle

Age: 29

Awakened Ability: Wind Transformation; The user can control the element of Wind, transforming themselves into the wind, erasing their presence, and gaining a massive boost in speed.

Affiliation: Shadow Knights Guild; An A-rank level guild within Metro City formed by Laniz Blake in 20XX. Has 1000 E-ranks, 245 D-ranks, 80 C-ranks, 12 B-ranks, 5 A-ranks, and one top-level A-rank. With Laniz Blake being the top-level A-rank Awakened.]

"What?! Are you furious about hearing the truth?! You are a disgraceful assassin and wind elemental; if I didn't know better, I would have considered you a rookie, but seeing your pathetic and lamentable skills, even as a C-rank, a rookie might pose more of a serious opponent than you!"

Patrick spoke, his provoking words directly smashing the black-clothed masked assassin's ego and self-worth to dust, causing the raging erupting Mana from the assassin to intensify even greatly. Seeing this, Patrick's smirk widened as he nodded amusingly; he muttered.

"Good, get angrier... little Jack, exercise all your Awakened power, that way, I can fully test the capabilities of the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit. The 'Hyper Speed' feature is not bad, although slow... but compared to the Awakened of this World, it would have been enough... Grace, time to fully test the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit."

"Yes, Master. It's time the world dread and marvels at your existence."

Grace sounded as a dark windshield helmet materialized in Patrick's right hand. Patrick assumed an arrogant and hubristic smirk as he held the helmet with both hands; he then spoke simultaneously but slowly, wearing the helmet, which perfectly fitted his head.

"Yes... I have been holding back for too long; its time I let them know that I, Patrick Alexander King, have joined the road of conquering and domination; let all those who think themselves geniuses, powerful, and mighty existences...within Existence and beyond, know their reign ends upon my arrival. It's time I let them know I have merely given them a head start, but now, they shall experience true Absoluteness... their strongest powers and cheats becoming nothing but mere jokes before me!"

Words full of arrogance and truthfulness sounded from Patrick's mouth as his impassive face disappeared into the darkness of the mask, fully equipping the Symbiotic Adaptation Suit. The sound of the symbiote artificial intelligence computer system followed after, the voice sounding like a soft feminine female.

<> Symbiotic Adaptation Suit online- all system features activated... scanning surroundings- detected Wind elemental- creating countermeasures- congratulations, Mr. King, you are now a Thunder, Lightning, and Wind elemental... Adapting and creating Immunity to Wind Element- ADAPTED! <>

It took no time for the suit to activate, as the information was directly sent to Patrick's mind.

A nod was all that came from Patrick as he understood everything; not only did the suit utilize its adapting feature, but it also created countering powers to attack, including the Thunder and Lightning. The Wind or Air element is one of the most powerful elements to exist; it is a terrifying force of nature that can affect almost everything; with the most powerful Wind elementals, the wind element could be displayed at a terrifying degree which could pose a greater threat than the Fire, Earth, and Water elements.

But among the many things Wind cannot affect, such as Time and Space, one of them is another element, the element of Thunder. Being one of, if not the most powerful element, the Thunder element is the most terrifying element any elemental can wield. It surpasses the Wind element in attacking speed and in destruction. The Thunder element can instantly smite and kill any mortal creature, but the Wind element needs time to build up like a tornado before it truly affects anything.

At this time, a boom resonated the scene as the figure of the black-clothed masked assassin launched at Patrick with full speed... the speed of a C-rank Awakened was displayed as it instantly covered the distance and flashed beside Patrick. With a raging bellow, "Die!" The assassin swung his dagger as he aimed to slice off Patrick's head cleanly, but simultaneously, sparks of electricity emerged on the suit-wearing Patrick as they touched the red dagger. Argg! A loud cry sounded as the assassin got thrown back, letting go of his dagger, which was now stuck in Patrick's sparkling cracklings of electricity. The assassin crashed into the building's generator, which instantly broke, causing the building's lights to shut down. But despite the generator shutting down, the scene was still clear as the numerous interconnected sparks of electricity on Patrick made that possible.

Laying in his body-shaped mark on the generator, the assassin held his right hand with his left as he utilized Mana essence to erase the sparks of electricity which still lingered in his fingers; he raised his head, full of dread and disbelief as he stared at the being whose body constantly and frighteningly sparkled with white electricity, he couldn't help but murmur with trembling lips. "Lightning?! A wielder of lightning?! How is that possible?! I sensed that he wasn't Awakened earlier, so how?!"

As the assassin murmured, he watched as the terrifying figure of the tall man suddenly turned to him, this one action of this being causing the assassin's heart to beat alarmingly. Then, he watched as the man raised his right hand and spoke. "I said earlier that your skills as a Wind elemental were pathetic and mediocre; now, open your eyes- as I show you how to truly utilize the element of Wind."

Swoosh!! A loud wind sound reverberated through the scene. The assassin watched as a terrifying scene occurred before his dreadful and disbelieving eyes; he witnessed as this tall man, who hadn't introduced himself yet, caused a great amount of Mana essence to swirl towards him. Then, a loud swirling sound resounded the scene as a tornado-like effect occurred; massive amounts of wind swirled around the tall man as if protecting him. Coupled with the electricity sparks, the tornado-like effect resembled a thunderstorm, where lightning constantly sparkled within a massive wind cloud.

The terrifying figure of the man stood within the thunderstorm with a calm demeanor as he steadily began walking towards the assassin; the lightning sparks terrifyingly crackling all over him, making him quite dreadful. The assassin's heart alarmed again; with a desperate and crazy-frightened face, the assassin's body suddenly transformed into a gush of wind as it drifted from his location, with one goal and objective in mind, 'escape from this terrifying monster.'

Patrick used the Wind element to create a tornado which even caused the Mana in the surroundings to revolve like the wind. He then began walking towards the assassin steadily when he saw the assassin suddenly turn into a gush of wind and vanish from his location. Seeing the futile efforts of the assassin, Patrick smirked mockingly as he uttered with a fake curious face. "So, you want to race with Wind elements?! Hmm... Ok then, I accept your challenge." Suddenly, the numerous sparks of electricity on Patrick ceased, but the rotating wind tornado spun even faster, becoming larger as it created loud whistling sounds. Despite Patrick having a terrifying tornado on the building's rooftop, none left a scratch on the ground.

"Alpha, the generator," Patrick spoke as his figure dissipated into the surroundings like wind, disappearing from the scene, the massive rotating tornado vanishing with him after.

<<On it, Sir.>> Alpha replied as the broken and crashed-into generator scattered into its many components, then the components instantly assembled as they finally formed an upgraded functioning generator, this new generator three times bigger and wider than the former. Light returned to the building, halting a teacher to check the generator.

If there are any mistakes, please share them with me.

I have been on deployment for the past couple months, if you know, you know. I have been piling up chapters though, I plan to mass release at least five chapters after this.

The new plot has more potential and relating characters than the old, as for why the plot is getting changed, even I don't know.

But maybe, we will know in the future...

Lordflashcreators' thoughts